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Brasilian Packs for Genos2

Started by Gunnar Jonny, Jun 23, 2024, 04:49 AM

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Gunnar Jonny


Some time ago it was posted some links here to download the Brasilian Packs.  Now it seems that there is updates for G2 as well.
Anyone that has downloaded and care to share?
Many of those styles / packs are really nice, and I miss the Moda Viola Pack a lot.
It also looks like it's possible to request the complete collection in one download, just as we could for the G1 conversions.
Since I live in Europe, it looks like the form can't be fulfilled correctly to be accepted.  :(

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Sorry, this post should probably be posted in "Genos YEM & Expansion Packs" part of PSR Tut.
Admin please move it to the proper place, because I was not admitted to delete here.
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎢🎡
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Try this link.

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Gunner was requesting for the Genos2 BR packs the link you kindly supplied is for Genos1

regards Del


Hi Gunnar Jonny,

At the moment it looks as if the "Genos2" information on the site you linked to for the available Brazilian packs is a typo/oversight/mistake (also due to the fact that "Genos1" or "Genos" is currently no longer mentioned there).

The previous download links (separately for each of these Brazilian packs) can be found in this thread (for Genos1, SX900/700/600):
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In addition, there are these new downloads that contain ALL available Brazilian packs, but unfortunately there is no link for Genos2 yet:

>>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login   17 Packs (.cpf)

>>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login   17 Packs (.cpf)

>>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login   17 Packs (.cpf)

>>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login   16 Packs (.cpf)

As soon as I find out that Genos2 compatible versions of these Brazilian packs are available, I will post the links here.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Gunnar Jonny

Thank you very much everybody πŸ‘πŸŒž

Maybe I misunderstood the info at dropdownmenu, there is Genos2 listed.

Guess I have to be patient then.....

[attachment deleted by admin]
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎢🎡
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Quote from: overover on Jun 23, 2024, 02:47 PM

As soon as I find out that Genos2 compatible versions of these Brazilian packs are available, I will post the links here.

Best regards,

Thanks Chris! Related but slightly off-topic, the PSRA5000 came out with a Masri pack last year

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A customer did register his A5000 as shown on the link (he has a home address there, too) but the store was still ours, in Canada, and he never received the email to download his pack :/

I was hoping it would be posted here at some point; any chance of finding that as well?



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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: Amwilburn on Jun 23, 2024, 03:15 PM
Thanks Chris! Related but slightly off-topic, the PSRA5000 came out with a Masri pack last year

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A customer did register his A5000 as shown on the link (he has a home address there, too) but the store was still ours, in Canada, and he never received the email to download his pack :/

I was hoping it would be posted here at some point; any chance of finding that as well? ...

Hi Mark,

No problem at all, here is the download link for you:  :)
>>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login   (.ppf)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Great Scott! You're a miracle worker!

thanks Chris!!


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Mark Wilburn


My pleasure, Mark!  :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I wonder if these expansion packs dedicated to PSR A-5000 will sounds superior in Genos 2 ?


Quote from: Laurance on Jun 24, 2024, 08:03 AM
I wonder if these expansion packs dedicated to PSR A-5000 will sounds superior in Genos 2 ?

Hi Laurance,

Since many of the packs actually intended for the PSR-A5000 are in non-protected .ppf format, they can also be used with the Genos2.

Note that some pack voices may not be compatible with Genos2 (if they use A5000 preset samples that are not available on Genos2). However, compatible voices from these packs will certainly not sound worse on the Genos2 than on the A5000. Just try out these A5000 packs on Genos2. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: overover on Jun 24, 2024, 08:46 AM
Hi Laurance,

Since many of the packs actually intended for the PSR-A5000 are in non-protected .ppf format, they can also be used with the Genos2.

Note that some pack voices may not be compatible with Genos2 (if they use A5000 preset samples that are not available on Genos2). However, compatible voices from these packs will certainly not sound worse on the Genos2 than on the A5000. Just try out these A5000 packs on Genos2. :)

Best regards,

Thanks Chris For replying.

My question was about the sound quality when playing the same samples (expansions) in PSR A-5000 and Genoa 2    ...?


Laurence: the pack won't sound any better on G2 *unless* you reassign the reverb, drums, and/or voices, then it will.

*Unless* (again) a style uses one of the exclusive A5000 kits that isn't available anywhere else (it has roughly 10 exclusive Revo kits that aren't on any other keyboard, as well as quite a few solo voices that are also exclusive, not in any other Yamaha keyboard or expansion pack), in which case it'll sound much worse because it'll be missing that drum track.

But as long as a style from the Masri pack uses a kit that either exists already on G2, or can be remapped to one of the expansion pack kits, then you *could* make it sound better. But to do that properly would require access to both boards.

Back on topic: Anyone who's curious, Chris (overover) is correct, even if you select Genos 2 in as "my instrument", the file Yamaha emails you is a CPF for *Genos 1*. But it's *still* a worthwhile endeavor for owners of G1,sx600/sx700/sx900 to re-download these, because they now have all 16 packs in a single pack (freeing up 15 LSB slots)


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Mark Wilburn


Thanks Mark for replying,

So, the audio output quality of these keyboards is almost comparable when playing same samples ?


Nearly, if you're playing styles from the lower spec keyboard. Same complaint someone else had about the G2 translated packs only using G1 or even T5 sounds, not taking advantage of any of the new sounds or reverbs or even drum kits (which is true, but Yamaha always does this when simply porting a pack over).

I'll let PJD take it from here, but from what I recall a better 32bit DAC, and higher resultion FX on the Genos series. *much* more room for built in samples as well as user samples on the G series as well, not to mention 28 individual DSP's on Genos series vs 8 on PSRa5000.

As a general rule of thumb, if the more advanced keyboard is playing a style from the less advanced keyboard, it will sound almost the same on both without manual tweaking (there are still differences is DSPs, compressors, etc) but trying to play a higher spec keyboard's styles on a lower one might work with some tweaking, but is often an excersice to try and get it to work nearly identically.

The A5000 breaks that rule, though as there are so many sounds it's missing (it's not based on an sx900 or sx700, it's based on the sx600, so it's missing all the Seattlestrings/realStrings samples, as well as the Boys choirs but it also has a *ton* of exclusive sounds, including some exquisitely detailed solo Ouds!

In other words translating to *and* from the A5000 presents a world of headaches.

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Mark Wilburn


Hi and Thanks Again For replying

So, nothing eliminates the PSR A-5000 for what it was built on cause there is no replication possibility on much higher prices keyboards

When I had the MOFX it sounds really a toy in combination with the Pa4x that I sold

Today I really don't hear that difference when playing the PSR A-5000 with my Pa5x

Maybe adding the Genos 2 won't be enough to justify ?

Only if YAMAHA will decide to integrate the PSR A-5000 inside the Genos 2 as a complete world Expansion ? .... Who knows...



The PSA5000 (and the A1000/A2000/A3000/OR700 series in general) are designed to be unique, and *not* sound like any other keyboard they produce.

Having said that, they *did* eventually put almost the entire content of the A1000/A2000/A3000 (not the same chipset, the A3000 (2016) added megavoices and the sound library from the s770 (2015, itself based on the Tyros 2 from 2005. inc megavoice from all categories, +nylon guitar), A2000 (2011) was based off the PSR3000 (2004 itself based on T1 from 2002, mega voices in guitar and bass only, no nylon guitar megavoices), the A1000 (2002)was based off the PSR1000, which itself based on the PSR8000 from 1997 - no megavoices), but their built in "expansion" library was identical) and almost all of those sounds are in the Oriental expansion pack (only 2 mixed kits weren't included, oddly). So never say never!

In other words, yes, they might eventually make it a downloadable pack for G2, but i wouldn't expect it anytime soon. The A1000's  built in oriental pack launched in 2002, and then was used again in the A2000 (2011) and A3000 (2016), before Yamaha made it an available download (minus 2 drum kits) in 2017, partially killing the sales for A3000 in the process. The s770 could now mostly imitate it for less, with inferior speakers, or you could get the top of the line s970, and imitate the A3000, for little more $$$, with expansion room to spare, and equally fantastic speakers; but still not as bassy, which was the hallmark of the or700, A1000-A3000 series. Oddly the A5000's bass is nowhere near the previous A series. (but then again the sx900's bass is also rolled back compared to the s970/s975's)

The A5000, and with an all new built in "oriental pack", that sound library will likely be reused for the A6000 and probably even the A7000; based on the 15 year wait from when the A1000's exclusive sound library finally showed up as a downloadable pack (incidentally, the built in Oriental packs for the sx900/sx700 (2019( are not missing any of the sounds, both those drum kits are included, as well as the the preinstall expansion versions from the s775, s95, which launched in 2018.

So if you're waiting for the *complete* A5000 exclusive sound library, it could be as long as before (a 16 year wait i.e. 2037), by which time, we'll likely be on the Genos 5.

I've no doubt the Genos 5 will have the entire A5000 sound library as a downloadable pack; possibly even the Genos 4. ;D


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Mark Wilburn


Hi again Mark,

You made me flying many many years in the past.

actually, I owned all these model you mentioned and other brands in parallel.

the best sounding keyboard for me is the PSR A5000, ( easy to say since it's the latest version)

If I don't have the Pa5x I may considered the Genos 2 with the PSR A5000 as a complement for the other sounds. but KORG built quality and the harmoniser is a step up.

Again, thanks a lot for taking of you'r time and replying, it's really a pleasure to read your posts.




Quote from: Laurance on Jun 28, 2024, 12:36 PM
actually, I owned all these model you mentioned and other brands in parallel.

the best sounding keyboard for me is the PSR A5000, ( easy to say since it's the latest version)

If I don't have the Pa5x I may considered the Genos 2 with the PSR A5000 as a complement for the other sounds. but KORG built quality and the harmoniser is a step up.

Again, thanks a lot for taking of you'r time and replying, it's really a pleasure to read your posts.



Ah! Then you know exactly what i mean about the speakers; the A1000/A2000/A3000 all had amazingly beefy speakers, with incredible low end (rivalling the Korg PA1000, which is the best overall speaker system I've ever heard on any portable)! I was expecting even more bass from the PSRA5000, but like I said, the entire current series has less bass than their predecessors too, not just the A5000.

Yes, Korg's Vocal Harmony *is* better, right out of the box. Harmonies slide notes with you, and gradually slide to the nearest note realistically, without any fussing out of the box, it just *works*. (You can get nice VH on Yamahas, but it requires a *ton* of programming and faffling about). And the PA5x pianos are second to none; even the newest G2 pianos are on par, not really any better than the PA5x. And the build quality on the PA5x is exceptional. And the compressors they use really make their drums and electric basses punchy.

But I'm also not kidding when I say that for everything else (acoustic bass, strings, woodwinds, etc)? When playing all 3 side by side, the G2 makes the other 2 sound 'toyish' (like you're listening to older midi... which technically, you are). Check out my earlier upload where I use MegaEnhancer on the Genos 2 midi of "Fever"

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But it's absolutely crazy to me that the PA5x *without* registrations has SSS, where the G2 doesn't. Which Yamaha *definitely* can do. Modx/Montage has SSS by disabling half of the available layers and reserving those for "hold" notes. The StageA appears to have SSS (I've not heard any abrupt clicks or cutoffs in the many, many StageA videos online).. you *really* need SSS with registrations, which is what StageA Electone perfomrances all feature.

Apologies for meandering off topic: The OP was about Brasillian packs for G2, which overover correctly pointed out that it's actually still the G1 cpf, so useless for G2. But usefull for G1 owners who want to save LSB spaces.


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Mark Wilburn

Gunnar Jonny


Finally Yamaha Brazil have done a update to the site so the G2 files can be "ordered" as well. 🌞

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Instead of paste all links here, I suggest those who would like to have some or all of the contents to fill in the form and request what they want.
I did use my real name and info, but since I don't live in Brazil, I picked the very first region in the dropdown menu.
Mail and links was in my inbox a few mintes later. πŸ‘

Btw, inside the zipped file, the G2 Complete is a .cpi file, and when I "ordered" ModaDeViola, it came as .cpf. (I assume the "single packs" is all .cpf).

Best Regards 🌞
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎢🎡
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)
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Hi, I have registered with Yamaha Brazil, even though I am from Spain, hehe, and they have sent me an email with these links:

GENOS2: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
PSR-SX920: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
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Hi C.R.A.Thanks for posting the downloads, but when I download the Genos2 file it out a cpi file ???

Cheers Terry


Quote from: terryB on Jan 25, 2025, 09:05 AMHi C.R.A.Thanks for posting the downloads, but when I download the Genos2 file it out a cpi file ???

Cheers Terry

Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum, Terry and @C.R.A.!

Yes, some of these official downloads for the "Total Pack BR" are currently faulty, i.e. the zip file is missing the folder with the individual CPF (.cpf) files for importing into the YEM.

However, I have just created the following topic where you can download all Brasil Packs from the "Total Pack BR" individually (for Genos2, Genos1 and all PSR-SX models):

Have fun!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

