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How many totally NEW styles in G2 vs G1/SX900?

Started by Dnj, Dec 10, 2023, 09:50 AM

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Just wondering How many totally NEW styles in G2 vs G1/SX900?


Hi Dnj,

Yamaha states that 200 Styles are "brand new".

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"More than 1900 Voices and 800 Styles

With over 1900 of the highest quality Voices and 800 Styles with One Touch Settings covering a vast array of musical genres, you will immediately be inspired to play your favourite songs or even create new musical ideas and compositions. Over 200 Styles are brand new, with all existing Styles being fully upgraded to use new Voices and effects, including FM tone generation and the ability to use Ambient Drums and Style Dynamics Control. The result is a high-end professional production."

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


OverOver....Thank you for your reply..I hope someone prints out a list of just the NEW styles for us it would be interesting to see what they are....?



You will know what they are when you get a Genos2 ;)


Hi Dnj,
There is another post about this topic in the forum.
Be aware that several Styles have bene renamed and presented in the list as new....very unfair choice.


There is a list posted on the forum of just the ones noted as NEW and they add up to 366 styles.

I have gone through 3 categories and and found 5 of the styles that were on my S950 (with a slightly different name) or I got from another older keyboard that were marked as new.

But 200 is a good estimate of the totally new styles included on the G2 to play older hits from the past.  ;D

Wim NL

G1 VS G2
NEW Styles = 308
G1 styles not in G2 = 58
Same style with other name = 48

See Attached worksheet

[attachment unavailable]
Best Regards,


Quote from: Dnj on Dec 10, 2023, 09:50 AM
Just wondering How many totally NEW styles in G2 vs G1/SX900?

That is a very difficult question and very sharp knife. I explain. It's not the style name who makes the difference, a style is merely a midi file, no? It is the hardware it is played on that makes the difference and that my friend is another story. Names says nothing, you simply have to hear it. In my opinion the genos 2 is overpriced and lacks many things . . . . . but . . . . there is nothing on the market now (aranger keyboard) that sounds like it. After 5 min. your playing your favorit songs. And this is the way we want it, not reading dosens of pages to know how it works. siting and playing with a limited number of parameters to fiddle with. That"s the reason i buyed one. Otherwise i would puchased the pa 5.
own: wersi abacus duo pro deluxe
        Genos 2

owned: Tyros 1, psr 9000, yamaha hs8 with cvs10 and mdr3, hamond aurora classic, yamaha c55n, omegan 1200



Thanks for the spreadsheet G1-G2.  What do ALT
and TAG mean ? Also  I assumed N meant new
but there are 797 styles marked at the end with an N.
There should only be a much smaller number
marked new, I think.  And where are the 3 styles to make
797 add up to advertised 800?




Wim NL

ALT : Maens alternative style from G2 for missing style from G1 in G2
TAG : Styles G1 and G2 are the same but have a different name/tag
N : means new Style in G2 that is not in G1

There are 800 styles from G2 not 797 you sad
Do  Set A↓Z on kollom L under SEQ G2 for alphabetical sequence G2 styles total 800 styles with seq nr.
Do  Set A↓Z on kollom E under SEQ G1 for alphabetical sequence G1 styles total 550 styles with seq nr.
Best Regards,



Joe H

Quote from: overover on Dec 10, 2023, 10:30 AM
... Yamaha states that 200 Styles are "brand new".

Best regards,

I hope someone will convert the EDM and Dance styles for use on the T5 and older keyboards.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi Wim --

That's a _very_ nice spreadsheet. Quite helpful. Thank you for all your effort to sort the styles.

-- pj