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Style Creator -

Started by sugarplumsss, Dec 20, 2021, 12:55 PM

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I am half way there , towards the goal of an edited preset drum style.

I do not use the Tyros in the way most use it.
I use it as the best "drum machine" I know of.
A song is called, and I choose a rhythm, from the presets.
Some styles are much softer than others.
My solution is to edit the drums within a style.
Style Creator makes these available for editing, which is great news.

I click on a drum style I wish to edit
open style creator
press tab to Edit section
I see every midi event in the rhy style.
I easily alter the volume of the bass drum- which is the most obvious drum to lower volume on.
I click save

and that is when I become lost, as it were.

The 4 variations and the registration mix me up.
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.


Do I have to edit 4 variations?
And save them how?
If any of you are interested in attenuating a snare of bass drum
And you haven't; it's really cool to use style creator to alter the mix of the rhy1-2

But it opens a can of worms for me, regarding the 4 variations and how to save them.
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.


As far as I can see, you are changing the style by altering the two rhythm voices and/or their volumes.

To save you must rename the style to whatever you a 1 to the preset style name
That gives you a new custom style of your own making.

If you change  the volumes it will carry through all the variations; you can then change the volumes in individual Variations if you so desire. Then use the memory button to save them as well. After that resave the custom style again.



PSR Performer Page                                  IT'S EASY TO BE THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN WHEN THE  SEAS ARE CALM

Proud Genos2 owner
Former boards  PSR2100, PSR 910, TYROS 4,  TYROS 5 and Genos


Thank you on steroids!! :)

Just to be clear about what I am doing.

I do not know if the order of operations is important, but I assume
before I open Style Creator
I must choose the drum style ( I think thats the name )
then Digital Recording
then Style Creator
then tab to upper far Right to
then edit all the midi events
then Save

I have to go to the tyros shortly
and "report" what causes the confusion after pressing Save.

Also I might add, I expected to see the "Execute" button. Maybe
because I went immediately to EDIT tab, I never encountered the Execute button.
Thank you for your input.
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.


I guess you're welcome
PSR Performer Page                                  IT'S EASY TO BE THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN WHEN THE  SEAS ARE CALM

Proud Genos2 owner
Former boards  PSR2100, PSR 910, TYROS 4,  TYROS 5 and Genos


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