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Genos style and Tyros 4

Started by Hammond Yamaha, Oct 23, 2018, 04:47 PM

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Hammond Yamaha

Downloaded Genos styles and played on Tyros 4.  They are absolutely wonderful.  Thank you.
An issue I am having is that there isn't any reverb on R1 R2 R3 and left voice of the keyboard.
Am I doing something wrong or is the reverb system in the Tyros incompatible with that of the Genos?
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. 
Thank you


Hi Frank,

I also have a Tyros4, and as you say there is a problem with the effects on some styles that have originated from later keyboards such as T5, PSR-S970 and Genos.

I have found that many of the styles which exhibit this problem use the 'Hall 1' DSP for the system reverb.

I found that if you open the 'Mixing Console' (I usually open it at the 'Panel Voice' page but I think that you can open it on the 'Style' page too) and move to the 'Effect' tab, then select the 'Reverb' row (B or G button) and press 'Type' (button F).

This will open the DSP selection screen and the current DSP type used for the system Reverb will be highlighted.  As I said this is often 'Hall 1' on styles which have this problem.

If you now use the #7 or 8 button pairs to move off the current DSP Type selection, and then move back to the original ('Hall 1'), the reverb should be restored. 

If you return to the previous screen and while playing one of the parts, adjust the reverb level for it, you should now hear the effect alter as you adjust it., unlike before modification, where the sound remains the same whatever level Reverb is set for that part, or any other for that matter!

The good news is that simply adjusting one part as above seems to 'reset' the reverb for all parts, in all style sections, but once you have done it, you must save the style from within 'Style Creator' to keep the changes.

The bad news is that you need to do this for each style that has this 'problem'!

I noticed this years ago and mentioned it once in a post to this forum, but I can't remember anyone else asking about the problem.  I'm pretty 'cloth eared' but it was obvious to me from the first time that I heard it that the effects on such styles weren't sounding correctly on my T4!   

It makes me wonder how many people are using these 'dry' styles on their keyboards without realising that there is no system reverb applied!  ;) ::)



Hammond Yamaha

Thank you so much.  I will try what you suggested with the styles I like and hopefully it will solve the problem as the styles from
the Genos are fantastic and a BIG THANK YOU to you and the person that converted the styles.

Thank you


Hammond Yamaha

I gave it a try and lo and behold, it worked and it seems that once you set the reverb, all the styles will have the reverb on the R123 sections etc.  So, now I have to figure how to save the files in Style Creator and have the Reverb already set up.

Thank you,


Hammond Yamaha

I did a little reading on saving the style after you do the adjustments and it works perfectly.

Thank you so so much.


Hammond Yamaha

Having done and saving the style with the reverb, I notice that when I recall the style to play it, the accompaniment button to the far left is not engaged.
Any suggestions as to hoe to set it up with the accompaniment button lit and ready?
Thank you


Fred Smith

Quote from: Hammond Yamaha on May 17, 2019, 04:12 PM
Having done and saving the style with the reverb, I notice that when I recall the style to play it, the accompaniment button to the far left is not engaged.
Any suggestions as to hoe to set it up with the accompaniment button lit and ready?

Use a registration.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Hammond Yamaha

Thank you, I will try that.


Hammond Yamaha

The styles are in the styles section of this group.
Onascius'. Styles you will find them.



 Well at least you people posting got something for your money . I paid for a download and was sent to Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login /show ?= and there was no download to be had . after explaining what happened I was told it was because i did not do as directed . Be cautious with who you buy from on line .


Where can I download Genos files, converted to Tyros 4 files?
Thank you
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.