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Expansion Explorer - coming soon?

Started by yogi62, Oct 05, 2024, 02:49 AM

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Hi guys,
Came across this promo for new app from Yamaha 'Coming soon' whilst not available as yet. it look promising. You can get a head start by downloading the manual and see what it has to offer. No release date as yet but worth checking in now and then to see when it becomes available.

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Cubase 14 Pro / SpectraLayers 11 / Dorico 5 Pro / Genos 2 / Nektar P6 and P1 / Steinberg audio interfaces. Intel i7 with 64gb ram


Yes Yogi,  this is very interesting indeed.I look forward to downloading and using this software as soon as it becomes available.

Thanks for bringing this to the forum and I'm sure others will appreciate it too

best regards

Ron J
PSR Performer Page                                  IT'S EASY TO BE THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN WHEN THE  SEAS ARE CALM

Proud Genos2 owner
Former boards  PSR2100, PSR 910, TYROS 4,  TYROS 5 and Genos


Not for Genos 1 or any except the latest keyboards I see. Would have been better as a windows or apple app and have more keyboard options maybe.