Trying To Control My SX-900 with a Midi Foot Controller... What a nightmare!!

Started by Retro Rick, Jul 16, 2024, 01:20 PM

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Retro Rick

I've been struggling with trying to control my SX-900, using my Morningstar Midi Foot Controller. It's an advanced programmable midi controller, able to send CC, PC, Sysex, messages in any combination. Why can't I get the SX-900 to do anything at all? - the only thing I've been able to accomplish is to pick a specific Registration bank with a sysex command (but this is not useful to me). I've tried the MSB/LSB/PC commands listed in the Data List Manual, I can't get those or anything to work at all...

What I would like to be able to do is "Registration Bank +/-"  and  "Registration Sequence +/-" With my Midi footswitch.

Has anybody worked on this successfully?

If Yamaha locked us out of these features on purpose, I think it's shameful of them... :(


Quote from: Retro Rick on Jul 16, 2024, 01:20 PM
Why can't I get the SX-900 to do anything at all? - the only thing I've been able to accomplish is to pick a specific Registration bank with a sysex command (but this is not useful to me). I've tried the MSB/LSB/PC commands listed in the Data List Manual, I can't get those or anything to work at all...

Hi Rick --

We get your frustration. Unfortunately, your message isn't super-specific about what you want to accomplish.

First up -- and you probably know what I'm going to say -- is to read through the MIDI Settings chapter in the SX900 Reference Manual. The Receive Settings determine how incoming messages are routed: Song, Keyboard and Extra Part. The receive settings also determine if specific MIDI message types are enabled or not (CC, PC, etc.)

I have a Genos (instead), so I'm wary of making too many recommendations, not knowing compatibility with the SX900. I'd start simple (like program change) and get one specific thing working.

Hope this encouragement helps -- pj


Oh, yeah, one further suggestion...

Hook up the Morningstar to a Mac or PC and monitor the incoming MIDI messages. I use MIDI-OX on PC. That way you'll be sure that the controller is sending what you think it should be sending.

I don't know how many times I've been burned by my assumptions. :)

-- pj

Retro Rick

Thanks PJ, but I've already tried everything you suggested, over and over again, the only thing that works, is learning the Sysex code for each Registration Bank by monitoring the midi output of choosing that particular Bank. Nothing else is workable, unusable.

The problem with that, is you can never change the name or location of that  Registration Bank, once you do the link will no longer work.

You have advantages with Genos, 3 pedals, plus access to some midi pedal control. Yamaha was very stingy with the SX900.

The data manual gives all these address' for changing tones MSB#,LSB#,PC# - but I can't get those to work at all.


Hi Rick --

The reference manuals aren't the best. [Duh!]

Are you trying to change the RIGHT1 voice? If so, please go over to the MIDI Receive settings tab (as shown in page 123) and set Port1 Ch1 to "RIGHT1". I think by default, this is set to "SONG" which ain't the same thing! I'm assuming that you are sending the Bank Select MSB (CC0), Bank Select LSB (CC32) and Program Change messages on MIDI channel 1.

Also, tap the right arrow and go to the second page. Make sure that all the MIDI message types are enabled.

I believe this functionality is the same on both Genos and SX900.

Hope this helps -- pj



Hi Rick,

The PSR SX900 has no Midi External Control settings like the Genos does.
On PSR SX900, The only way to use the REG +/- is by connecting a pedal to one of the pedal connection, and program this to do a REG + or REG - action.
It has already been discussed on this forum that the PSR Sx serie can not use for example the MFC10 foot controller from Yamaha. I suppose your foot controller is comparable with the MFC10.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Quote from: vlbrgt on Jul 18, 2024, 02:43 AM
It has already been discussed on this forum that the PSR Sx series can not use for example the MFC10 foot controller from Yamaha.

I defer to Etienne since I don't have an SX900 for testing.

I just tested Genos 1 with an external MIDI controller. If I change Port 1 Channel 1 from "SONG" to "RIGHT1", I can send a MIDI Program Change sequence to Genos 1 and it will change the RIGHT1 voice.

If SX900 cannot do this, then you're out of luck, sad to say.

Oh, well, we tried -- pj

Retro Rick

Quote from: pjd on Jul 17, 2024, 07:01 PM
Hi Rick --

The reference manuals aren't the best. [Duh!]

Are you trying to change the RIGHT1 voice? If so, please go over to the MIDI Receive settings tab (as shown in page 123) and set Port1 Ch1 to "RIGHT1". I think by default, this is set to "SONG" which ain't the same thing! I'm assuming that you are sending the Bank Select MSB (CC0), Bank Select LSB (CC32) and Program Change messages on MIDI channel 1.

Also, tap the right arrow and go to the second page. Make sure that all the MIDI message types are enabled.

I believe this functionality is the same on both Genos and SX900.

Hope this helps -- pj

Thank you so much! big time PJ! It was all set to "song", as you said,  I am now able to change Tones by midi!
The only problem is, I can't understand how the numbers on my Foot pedal correspond to the piano tone, whenever
I pick a tone from the data list, I get something completely different :)  But it's a big leap forward, thanks again.

Retro Rick

Quote from: vlbrgt on Jul 18, 2024, 02:43 AM
Hi Rick,

The PSR SX900 has no Midi External Control settings like the Genos does.
On PSR SX900, The only way to use the REG +/- is by connecting a pedal to one of the pedal connection, and program this to do a REG + or REG - action.
It has already been discussed on this forum that the PSR Sx serie can not use for example the MFC10 foot controller from Yamaha. I suppose your foot controller is comparable with the MFC10.


Hi Etienne, Thanks for your comment, I don't think the MFC10 is as programmable as the Morningstar is,  I think the Morningstar foot Controllers are on the top of the heap, as far as Powerfulness. I know the MFC10 has a relationship with Tyros, if you have a Tyros it's
great controller. But the best controllers have digital displays and full programmability including Sysex messages, not just back ups.
Anyway, thanks to PJ, I can now change tones, and I know how to change to specific registraition Banks.



Retro Rick



Quote from: Retro Rick on Jul 18, 2024, 02:19 PM
Thank you so much! big time PJ! It was all set to "song", as you said,  I am now able to change Tones by midi!
The only problem is, I can't understand how the numbers on my Foot pedal correspond to the piano tone, whenever
I pick a tone from the data list, I get something completely different :)  But it's a big leap forward, thanks again.

No prob! I'm glad that you got something working.

One common issue: the Program Change values in the Data List start from 1 and go up to 128. The MIDI hardware wants 0 to 127. So, you need to subtract one from the documented value. Bank Select values are exactly as they appear in the Data List. All values need to be converted from decimal to hexadecimal, if necessary.

I send Bank Select MSB, Bank Select LSB, and Program Change in one go (sequentially) and, of course, on the same destination channel.

I could try encoding an example message for you, if you send me the details.

Good luck — pj


To select the registration in the currently selected bank send the following System Exclusive string:

F0 43 73 01 52 25 11 00 02 00 00 F7 = Registration 1

Change the next to the last byte to 01, 02, 03, etc. for Registration 2, 3, 4, etc.

It's not as easy to integrate external midi devices as Genos, but the SX900 can do it if you don't mind all the hex strings. A midi monitor to view the output when different panel buttons are triggered is a big help.

PSR-SX900, Disklavier, QY-70, P-150


If you are using an FCB1010 midi pedal with the UnO2 or WINO2 upgrade ROM it's actually pretty simple to program switches to increment and decrement the registrations in a bank:

if ($SXRegNo < 7) // IF statement for SX limit of 8 registrations. If programming for Genos, change to < 9   
   SendSysEx F0 43 73 01 52 25 11 00 02 00 $SXRegNo F7  // Send Registration
   $SXRegNo ++ // Registration Increment
if ($SXRegNo > 0)  // IF statement for SX limit of 0 registrations. 
   $SXRegNo -- // Registration Decrement
   SendSysEx F0 43 73 01 52 25 11 00 02 00 $SXRegNo F7 // Send Registration

Where SXRegInc and SXRegDec are variables for the FCB pedals you want to use for Registration +/- and $SXRegNo is the variable for the registration you want to select. The if statements prevent from going below Registration 1 (00) or above Registration 8 (07). As the comment indicates, if you have ten registrations (i.e. Genos) change the Inc limit to 09. Nothing happens if you send a reg change for an empty registration but, unfortunately, the $SXRegNo variable inc/decs anyway. I organize the registrations in the order I need when playing and the Registration switches light properly whether pressed on the keyboard or triggered from the pedals. Just be aware that the pedal doesn't know if you've pressed a registration button on the keyboard. If I could figure out a midi command to send to the SX to return the number of active registrations in a bank or the current registration, I could fix these problems. ::)

PSR-SX900, Disklavier, QY-70, P-150