Automated revoicing of Tyros5 styles (including Yamaha Premium Packs) to Genos2

Started by bpsafran, Mar 27, 2024, 07:34 AM

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I noticed that many (maybe most) of the styles in the Yamaha Premium Packs as well as third-party styles tend to use the Tyros5 (Seattle) Strings and Brass/Woodwinds/Pianos for the Orchestral voices in addition to some specialized voices from the Premium Packs. Is there an automated or semi-automated way to convert these styles to use the newest Genos2 orchestral strings (and Kino strings) and new Brass/Woodwinds/Pianos. This also applies to the reverb and effects used in these styles as well as to the voices, reverbs, effects used in the OTS of the premium pack styles.

It was disappointing to find that the "Genos2" versions of the Yamaha Premium Packs were not updated by Yamaha to use the Genos2 voices, reverbs, and effects for both the styles and OTS.  This is also true of the Genos2 "Complete Pack" which uses Genos1 voices,reverbs and effects, but not the new (and terrific) Genos2 voices, reverbs, and effects.  I think that in light of the cost of the Genos2 (and enthusiasm of Genos2 owners) that Yamaha should revoice all their previous packs to use the best Genos2 voices, reverbs and effects and if you agree, please chime in - in case Yamaha follows this forum. 



Quote from: bpsafran on Mar 27, 2024, 07:34 AM
Is there an automated or semi-automated way to convert these styles to use the newest Genos2 orchestral strings (and Kino strings) and new Brass/Woodwinds/Pianos. This also applies to the reverb and effects used in these styles as well as to the voices, reverbs, effects used in the OTS of the premium pack styles.

One could build a program to substitute voices or effects. However, you might not like the result!  :)

Substituting the new REVelation Reverb wouldn't be too difficult if it's only a matter of changing the effect selection SysEx values. The only other new Genos2 effect type is a multi-band compressor.

Problem is, some of the styles also change the effect parameters. The REV-X and REVelation parameters are different, so a direct mapping isn't always possible. Same could be said for styles that change voice parameters...

As to Seattle vs. Kino strings, Seattle and Kino each have their own character. Kino is not necessarily an "improvement" on Seattle. Thus, substituting Kino for Seattle would change (damage?) the tonality of the style mix.

Just a thought or two from someone who has converted styles -- pj


Thanks pjd. I agree that this optimization would
need "hand tuning". But I think Yamaha, who
optimized many previous styles and OTS for Genos2,
should have done the same for the expansion
packs available for Genos2.


I have just gone through a few styles in the complete pack and they are using new drum kits and lots of mega voices which you would expect because these were designed mainly to use in styles anyway. They all sound great to me. Of course the converted packs use a lot of the voices in those packs which you would expect but they also use new drum kits in a lot of them. Still sound
a whole lot more alive on Genos2.


Maybe I was not clear in my comment about the Genos2
Complete Pack. I also checked those styles, and they
do use the Revo Drums  but not the new ambient
drums. More importantly, they use the Real
Reverb + of the Genos1 and not the REVelation
reverb of Genos2. I still think Yamaha should
have upgraded those styles with Genos2 reverbs
drums, and other new voices.  They can perhaps
more easily do so if they issue a set of registrations
for the Complete pack which changes the
drums, reverbs, and voices to those of the Genos2.
The Complete pack came without a Playlist
and linked, Genos2-specific registrations.




Yes. that would've been appreciated. Alas they do not follow this forum (they told me point blank; any customer issues should go through the dealer first, then the dealer contacts them).

Hence why translating styles for G2 has proven to be a massive undertaking (that's not even including the very different mapping of the old Symphony kit to the 3 new orchestral kits)

In other words, for expansion packs, they don't usually bother; if you look at all the Genos packs that were originally T5 /T4 packs, they don't make use of the Genos features either, like Revo drums or Kino Strings. It's always been like this; we'll have to wait for *new* G2 packs, not just translated from G1 or T5, for them to really take advantage of the new sounds.


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