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How about having a 'START UP SETTING'?

Started by ton37, Jan 05, 2024, 09:15 AM

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Hi, I think it would be informative to read from various keyboarders whether they have a certain way of working to set the 'START UP SETTING'. With the aim of learning something from each other's way of working.
I want to show you MY way of working.
Why do I find it practical?
I want to protect the settings of the various functions/buttons so that I can easily remember and find them over time. They can easily be overwritten and/or allocated/classified differently by another (external) Registration Bank.

- the 9 <ASSIGNABLE> buttons
- the assignment of the 3 <FOOTPEDALS>
- the layout of the <LIFE CONTROL> buttons.
- the desired status of the <REGISTRATION MEMORY> (also useful to quickly have an empty bank when making a new registration)

I use the <FREEZE ON> to protect those settings.

I have also added 3 options to the beginning of (each) <PLAYLIST>, so that with 1 push of a button I have the desired 'START UP SETTING'.

Since I usually never use all 10 <REGISTRATION MEMORY>, I have assigned number 10 as 'DEFAULT' button for each bank. So after pressing the <PLAYLIST_xxxx>, press the <REGISTRATION MEMORY> button 10 again.

Time will tell whether I like this way of working or not. I like to read the way others work.

[attachment unavailable]
My best regards,



I have similar setup with <FREEZE ON> as well and all 3 as you checked, just to make sure they don't change, even though for all my other regs. I don't memorize those 3 settings anyway.
Ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent! 🤷🍻

Yamaha Genos 2, Yamaha DX100, Korg Pa4x, Roland XP30, Soundcraft Ui16, Presonus Studiolive 1602, Shure WBH54, Beta 58 (2x), JBL PRX 718XLF (2x) & PRX 712 (2x)

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Fred Smith

I don't use Freeze habitually. Having it in all the time detracts from when I want to use it sparingly. I use Parameter Lock instead.

When I create a registration, I check only those boxes I want the registration to memorize.

I also have a Setup registration that I load after a power on — it sets up the keyboard the way I want.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Ton , quite right.
As many people have noted, one of the problems with Yamaha arrangers is that they have some default start up settings, that you cant override, and some settings made during playing can linger and provide surprises. So a start up registration is very sensible and it becomes routine to hit right after switch on. And in emergency, you can always hit that registration to get back to it.
Everyone might have different priorities in this start up registration, as pointed out by Fred, but the main thing is that it suits the individual.
For gig players this may need to be fairly elaborate because you can't afford surprises like a sudden unexpected change of style, tempo or voice or seize ups in the middle of playing in public, and need a fast fix if that happens. For home players, less of a critical issue, so maybe doesn't have to be very elaborate. But it's still a good idea to have a known, stable starting point.


Thnx. appreciate your reactions. Whatever choice someone makes is fine, but that choice 'should be' based on knowing why and knowing alternatives. That is also a reason tmho. to put this topic on the agenda.
Good to point the <Parameter Lock>. But both have different assignements. As I wrote both (Parameter Lock and Freeze) can't be saved in a Registration Memory, but that's apparently accordingly to their function, as far as I know.
My best regards,