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Arabic scale not saved in register file??

Started by baghdad4ever, Nov 22, 2021, 11:02 PM

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I had new Yamaha PSR A5000 with  1.01 version firmware

I can't save Arabic scale in register even if I put tick in the scale square

I choose certain scale and save it in register number 1 ( put tick in scale square ) and choose another scale and save it in register number 2 ... etc

When I choose the register there are no scale saved

In the past with Yamaha PSR A3000 this function worked without any problem

Is there any solution ???



Hi baghdad4ever,

I do not have a PSR-A5000. Still, here are a few tips that might help:

- Check whether there is a "Scale" or "Scale Tune" checkbox in the "Parameter Lock" display (Menu> Utility> Parameter Lock "). If so, make sure that there is no tick.

- Make sure that the "Freeze" function is not activated. Also check via "Direct Access > Freeze button" which parameter groups are activated in the Freeze setting (which would take effect when "Freeze" is switched on).

- If you have selected a certain Scale Type in the "Scale Tune" display (Menu > Scale Tune), I recommend that you first close this display using the "Exit" button. (Many parameters are initially saved in this way in the so-called "System Setup". It can therefore do no harm.) Then you should be able to save the current "Scale Tune (Main Scale)" setting in Registrations as usual (as mentioned in the A5000 Owner's Manual, page 79).

- Creating and memorizing of Sub Scale settings as well as saving the "Scale Tune Memory" as Bank files have obviously changed a bit on the A5000 (compared to the A3000). If you have not already done so, please read pages 80 - 82 in the Owner's Manual first.

I hope my tips will help you!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you Sir
For your great help

-  there is no a "Scale" or "Scale Tune" checkbox in the "Parameter Lock" display

-  "Freeze" function is not activated.

- Yamaha psr A5000 had external scale box from which we can chose any Arabic scale ( main scale) and save it in the Registration Memory

My problem now I can't save the main scale were chosen from external scale box in Registration Memory file

Best regards,


Quote from: baghdad4ever on Nov 23, 2021, 09:24 AM
Thank you Sir
For your great help

-  there is no a "Scale" or "Scale Tune" checkbox in the "Parameter Lock" display

-  "Freeze" function is not activated.

- Yamaha psr A5000 had external scale box from which we can chose any Arabic scale ( main scale) and save it in the Registration Memory

My problem now I can't save the main scale were chosen from external scale box in Registration Memory file

Best regards,

Press: Menu, Menu2, Scale Tune, Main, Edit Scale, Press Memory And Select Voice & Scale Tune, Select Registration Bank 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & Save...

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: Zaurafon on Nov 24, 2021, 07:29 AM
Press: Menu, Menu2, Scale Tune, Main, Edit Scale, Press Memory And Select Voice & Scale Tune, Select Registration Bank 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & Save...
Thank you Sir
When I do that the light of scale tune settings box ( on the left) doesn't work so it made more confusing


I contact Yamaha staff
Below their reply about this issue

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for the confirmation.
As per concerned team, explained symptom is the correct behavior, unit is not defective in such cases.

As mentioned earlier, please note that Yamaha has introduced two types of scales to change the temperament in PSR-A5000: Main Scale and Sub Scale.
Main scale is used primarily which is stored in registration memory. Sub Scale is used temporarily which is stored in scale tune memory. This specification is intentionally designed to accommodate complex use cases such as overlapping main scale and sub scale. You can enable/disable the sub scale by touching "Main/Sub" on the display as shown on page-78 of the owner's manual.
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Please note that settings that can be stored in the registration memory is the main scale as mentioned above.
However, the settings made with the SCALE TUNE SETTING buttons on the panel are sub scale and can be stored in the scale tune memory ONLY.
Therefore, we kindly advise you to use the scale tune memory only instead of registration memory.

In order to know more about the basic structure of scale tuning/memorizing/recalling the sub scale settings, please refer to page-81/82/78 of the owner's manual.
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Hope this clarifies and meets your kind understanding.

Best Regards,
Yamaha Customer Support