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MixMaster v21r1.10

Started by vlbrgt, May 03, 2021, 07:27 AM

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A new version of MixMaster is available on the website.

Go to my pages :

For Mixmaster v21r1.10 please download the 'Release Notes' and read them before starting this new version of MixMaster.
In these release notes a lot of new items are explained (the manual for MixMaster is not yet ready).

There are also new versions for :
PadMaker-Midi v21r2 (now supporting the new Yamaha keyboards Genos, PSR-SX...)
PadMaker-Style v21r2 (now supporting the new Yamaha keyboards Genos, PSR-SX...)

OpenText v21r2 (autorun at startup is added to the program)

I changed the layout of my webpages too, so let me know if there are any problem for downloading one of the programs.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Thank you very much for these updatesa and all the effort you put into improving these VERY handty tools. I use them often and find them indispensable for modifgying and creating midi , styles etc.

I've just finished downloading all the updates without any problem and I like the new look on those pages :)

kind regards,


Hallo Etienne !

You did a great and outstanding work and I know (based on my experiences in testing software I support or help friends if apps are made) it is a very time-consuming effort. So, my big thanks to you and I am happy using each of those updated utilities very often.
It is a great help for my activities with and for the Genos keyboard.

I just installed OpenText from your page and I compared the current installation with the one of "21r1".
You changed the foldername for the program.
The 4-digit-files was stored in the following path:
C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Michael P. Bedesem\OpenText\PDF Files and Books\####
I was looking for a changed new path but I didn't find any with "VoEtSoft" in the "Roaming" folder  --  forgotten ?
Or is this file still valid ?

And if there would be a similar path to "VoEtSoft" in the "Roaming" folder, is it necessary to repeat the "Add Song Files" step to create new 4-digit-files ?
Or is it a simple copy and paste job from old storage folder to the new one.

Thank you very much for an answer.
And stay healthy !
Best wishes, Klaus

Best Regards
... with his Genos2


@Klaus, Peter,
Thank you very much for the nice words.

I will check the folder use/problem in OpenText and let you now something.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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after I re-started the Windows Explorer, the path of the updated 21r1 OpenText version is now:

C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\VoEtSoft\OpenText\PDF Files and Books\####

That's ok and I have tested the new OpenText version.
It's running.
Users should know to
- copy all 4-digit-files from the old directory folder to the new one
- set the right reader (if not Sumatra), I use normally Foxit Reader,
- click on RUN (Autorun) and
all is as it was before.

Again thank you Etienne, well done !!
Best Regards
... with his Genos2


Ok Klaus thanks for the feedback.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Fred Smith

Hi Etienne,

Thanks for your work on this program.

I use it mostly to modify Chord Looper files (quantize, fix chords, etc.).

The one annoyance involved is changing the extension from .cld to .mid so the program will open it, and having to change it back again.

Can you support the opening of *.cld files to remove this annoyance?

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


@Fred Smith
Thanks for downloading the new version.
I will see what I can do for the '.cld' files.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Jeff Hollande

I am very grateful these great progs are suitable for my
SX900 now.🤩

Very much appreciated.🙏

Best wishes,
Jeff Hollande


@Jeff Hollande
Thanks for the appreciation.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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@All members
About MixMaster v21r1.10 :
The 'Instrument Manager' makes it possible that users can create/edit their own instrument files.
Not all data is available in the Manuals of the keyboards - think about Style numbers or Pad numbers or some hidden voices.
Neither do i buy every new keyboard that Yamaha releases ($$$ ?).
Please check if the data in my default files is correct for your keyboards and eventually report any missing data to me, so I can keep the default list up to date.

For example PSR-SX600 : I do not have the Style numbers for completing my files.
It would be great if any PSR-SX600 owner could gave me that data.
I would be very grateful.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Hi Etienne, thank you for the new update for the SX900; all the best Patrick



I have corrected some typing errors in the MixMaster v21r1.10 Release Notes text.

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Etienne, this is really an interesting update!

I have compared the included SX700 instrument list with my own files and I remarked that 21 voices are missing. After a more thorough check, it seems that the first 21 piano voices (as specified in the SX700 data list of Yamaha) are missing in your file. I can mail a list with the missing voices if you want. I also have a list with all the XG and GM2 voices. I can convert them in the correct format and mail them as well. It seems useful to add them to the instrument list of SX600/700/900 since these keyboard also support these extra voices.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700



Thanks for downloading the new version.
I suppose you are refering to MixMaster ?
If yes there is perhaps another solution :
If only some voices are missing add them in MixMaster's Instrument Manager.
When added you save the changes. Then send me the changed file (the file will be in the datafolder UserInsrumentFiles.
If there are a lot of voices to be added you can add them in the file for that specific instrument in the dataFolder UserinstrumentFiles, and send me the changed file.
Adding lines can be quickly done via notepad or notepad++ or any other program capable of saving as ascii format.

Thanks for the effort of comparing your keyboard data with my list and willing to help to update the file.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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@All members,

Perhaps something important to mention is that the install and data folders for the programs have been changed from :
'Michael P. Bedesem and Etienne Volbragt' into 'VoEtSoft'.

This is very important for users of the 'OpenText' program, because they need to move their files to the new folder.
This folder change has not yet been documented in the manual of 'OpenText'.

For MixMaster it is explained in the Release Notes that you can download on the downloadpages on this site.

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Yes, I was refering to the instrument file for the SX700. I have sent you an email with an update for this file.

SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


Hi excuse me, it's posible to convert a Megavoice track to general midi track with this software? How can I do it? Thank you in advance!



You can change voices in a Midi, Style or Pad file in MixMaster.
It will not be a simple click to change all the voices at once, but you can change them separatly.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Quote from: vlbrgt on May 05, 2021, 08:52 AM

You can change voices in a Midi, Style or Pad file in MixMaster.
It will not be a simple click to change all the voices at once, but you can change them separatly.


I can't do it  :( help me please



Changes already done for release v21r2 :
1. Possible bug when saving in Midi Format 1 has been solved.
2. Bug that the MSB and/or LSB values are not shown in List View when they are selected in Controllers list.
3. It will be possible to load/save '.cld' Chord Looper files (NOT '.clb' files)
4. Possible bug in 'Channel View' -> 'Voice Edit'.
    Added a menu item in List View - Optimize XG -> Add MSB/LSB Controllers for all Program Changes.
    This function inserts missing MSB/LSB controllers for each Program Change.
    Is important to prepare 'GM' or non XG midi files when changing voices in Channel View / Voice Edit
5. Some little programming code changes , but transparent for user.
6. A few changes in some default Instrument Files.
7. Manual would be finished in this new future release.

@All MixMaster users :
Please let me know if you found any bugs or issues in version v21r1.10
Goal is to remove as many bugs as possible from version v21r1.10 before launching version v21r2.


If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Jeff Hollande

Good morning Etienne,

I cannot open following SX900 style in the newest, updated PadMaker - Style.
I am afraid your prog cannot read the extension *.fps, I guess.

Hopefully you can help me out.
Thank you so much for your feedback.


I feel sorry to inform you I cannot upload this style file here either due to the *.fps extension.

Best regards from The Netherlands, Jeff


Hello Jeff,

I tried a .fps style and it loads correctly on my PC.

A test to see if the problem is the .fps extension :
Change the exetension into .sty and try to load.
If it does not load also the problem is your style and not the extension.

What exactly happens when you try to load your .fps style ?
Do you get an error ?
Please send me the style you could not load .

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Hi Etienne,

I can load SX900 "EtherealVoice" .fps style into PadMaker-Style v21r2. But when I click through the individual Sections, no usable Parts show up.

When the "EtherealMovie" .fps style is loaded, some Parts show up for some Sections. But for the Main A, B, C, no Parts show up, and for Main C only the "Rhythm" Part. I suspect the problem is the (typically) extremely long notes in Free Play styles.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Jeff Hollande

Sorry Etienne, I can upload this style in your prog but experience the same results as described by Chris.

Since this style is an original SX900 preset style, I think there might be nothing wrong with the style.

Where do you want me to send this style to if you want
to test it ?
Plse advise. Thanks,  Jeff



I do not need the style anymore. I see what the problem is.
It are the long notes that prevent the listing of some parts.
I vaguely recall that this problem has been mentioned somewhere before.
I will search.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Jeff Hollande

Thank you, Etienne.

Hopefully you can solve this issue.🙏

Wish you good luck 🤓, Jeff



About the style parts not visible in PadMaker-Style.
PadMaker-Style can only work with style parts that are in the C-Key.
If a part is not in the C-key then it will not be shown in PadMaker-Style, and therefore not selectable for making a Pad.
The parts key can be found in the CASM of the style. You can read the CASM settings with Mixmaster.

The reason is that the pad need to be in C-key because of the 'Chord following' possibility.
As it is not known what algorithm Yamaha uses for chord following it is not possible to create a C-key pad from a Not C-Key style part.

You will find more styles that have some parts in a different key then C-Key.
Compare for example 'EtherealVoices' with 'EtherealMovie'.
You will see that in the 'EthrealMovie' style some parts are in C and other are not. Only those in C can be used for creating a pad.

PS it was also explained in the manual on page 1.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Joe H


I notice this issues some time ago and asked Michael about it. He didn't give the details you have. Thanks for the explanation

I think some styles are programmed in Am scale which uses the same notes as CM7 scale.  For example: the DJ styles are programmed in Am.  Maybe PadMaker-Style cannot interpret the difference because the root is A and not C.

Joe H

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