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Saxophone voices?

Started by juketsu, Apr 20, 2021, 09:13 AM

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Do you know where I could find good saxophone voices? My keyboard is SX900 and if I'm right I can not use SA2 voices, such as the Tyros 5 and Genos. I can pay for them some, maybe 20-30 euros, but no more...

I´m very grateful, if someone can help me!


Toril S

Have you tried using voice set to edit the sax voices, giving them more depth and reverb?
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Toril!

Thanks for your answer. I`m not good to edit voices, I`m not sure what I`m doing if I try that😏



Toril S

Juke, the voice is good when it sounds good to you. So just experiment. It is fun!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Juke,

When you edit a voice, you don't modify the original voice of the instrument; it's a preset built in the factory memory of your keyboard.

Your edited voice is saved in the user memory. You can try whatever you want: no danger, just fun, like Toril says. If we could modify the keyboards preset voices, some would ruin their instruments! Yamaha thought of that...

I edited several voices, especially pianos, adjusting EQ, increasing release time, damper resonance and velocity, widening the stereo image by splitting the keys in three zones and panning the side ones further out, etc. I always find something new to modify.

Sorry, I didn't tweak sax voices yet, can't give you advice there.



What is actually wrong with the SX sax voices? Have you played the SA voices and feel they are so much better or are you just assuming they are. Most of the time what makes a voice sound great is the way it is played, rather than the technology. I had a PSR3000 for years, ancient compared to the SX and thought the sax voices were ok. I now have a CVP705, and the sax voices might be better, but it's not a huge difference.



Quote from: juketsu on Apr 20, 2021, 09:13 AM

Do you know where I could find good saxophone voices? My keyboard is SX900 and if I'm right I can not use SA2 voices, such as the Tyros 5 and Genos. I can pay for them some, maybe 20-30 euros, but no more...

I´m very grateful, if someone can help me!


Maybe you need a good virtual instrument like this one:

For me this virtual instrument is even better than the SA2 voices.


I totally agree with Mike.

Sax is a peculiar sound that needs some time to "adjust" to. I experienced that on all the many keyboard I had.

Lately (last October) I got a new (beautiful) Genos, that has the best sax sounds I ever had.
BUT the Genos sax sounds have various and important dynamics controls: velocity (volume, plus opening filters), aftertouch (vibrato), SA usage (with the 3 dedicated buttons), other behaviors (like, for instance, if you keep pressed one note and play another note one octave upper or lower, you get a fantastic Wobbling effect), ecc.
I would say that I needed a few months to get those effects. And just yesterday, while I was playing with the basic Tenor Sax voice, casually the sound started with a very nice breath effect. But I was not able, so far, to reproduce it..... I'll learn how, hopefully soon.

And from one sax sound to another, the dynamics are not the same. So you must identify, by experience, the peculiar behavior of each sound.

Let's say that in the beginning the Sax was playing without control, and often unpleasant. Now I DRIVE the sax  :D

If one like to understand the saxophone effects (with audio examples), I suggest this site:
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(go to the specific pages for each effect, with a deep description; very interesting)

Similar concepts apply to many other SA voices (clarinet, trumpet and trombone, acoustic and electric guitars, violins, ecc.). But IMHO the sax sound is the most rich of complexity, in Genos. And first time ever, I am fully satisfied with it.



Yamaha Genos, Clavinova Cvp309PE, Hs-8, Hammond Xm2.
Past: Farfisa Minicompact, CompactDeLuxe; Elkarapsody; Hammond L122R&Leslie142; CasioCz1000; Roland D50, E20, ProE, Juno106, JX8P, Ra90; Technics Kn800, 1000, 2000; Korg M1, i3, i30, Pa1x, Pa3x; others.


Rodrigo, what a wonderful link! Thank you. It was a real joy to listen to.

But not only the sound makes that miracle.....  Stefano Lucato is a very talented musician  ;).


Yamaha Genos, Clavinova Cvp309PE, Hs-8, Hammond Xm2.
Past: Farfisa Minicompact, CompactDeLuxe; Elkarapsody; Hammond L122R&Leslie142; CasioCz1000; Roland D50, E20, ProE, Juno106, JX8P, Ra90; Technics Kn800, 1000, 2000; Korg M1, i3, i30, Pa1x, Pa3x; others.


Hello Yvon, Mike, Rodrigo and Angelo!

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Thank you also for your wise words. I try to make some changes myself, but it's not easy when you don't know enough about the technique and the English language needs a dictionary quite often :D  But I try!

Mike, I haven't played SA2 voices myself, but my friend has Tyros 5 and his sax voices are clearly better than me. He sent me one sax voice, but my SX900 didn't recognize it.

Rodrigo, you're right, great sax sound.

I thought if any SX900 owner has bought what they think is a good sax package somewhere and can recommend it.

Have a nice day everyone,



Dear Juke,

don't look for additional/external sounds, please. SX900 has excellent sax voices. It is just a question of experimenting on the onboard voices to find out the hidden potential they already have. I'm shure you will get what you want.

Yamaha Genos, Clavinova Cvp309PE, Hs-8, Hammond Xm2.
Past: Farfisa Minicompact, CompactDeLuxe; Elkarapsody; Hammond L122R&Leslie142; CasioCz1000; Roland D50, E20, ProE, Juno106, JX8P, Ra90; Technics Kn800, 1000, 2000; Korg M1, i3, i30, Pa1x, Pa3x; others.


Hey Juke
Ask yourself the question - If you sent Stefano Lucato your SX sax voice and he played it, how good would it sound? Answer - Pretty damn good!
If he sent you his sax voice and you played it, how good would you sound ? Be truthful ???  ;D
Members here are all the time tying themselves in knots about speaker quality, voice accuracy, headphone sound, etc etc .......but modern equipment is so good now that improving these things makes about 2% difference. Playing better makes 1000% difference.
I keep trying to buy a golf game as well, but it never works, - its me who is the weakness, not the golf clubs. But I suppose it all gives us something to spend our time and money on!!



Hi Mike!

Probably you`re right, thanks for your answer.  I know that I'm not good to making new voice settings, so if someone has done good new voice  settings I´m ready to pay a little bit. Not much, but little bit :)



Richard Kent

Hey, Juke !!!

I found a treasure trove of excellent voices (saxes and many others) given to Joe's PSR website by master keyboardist, Henni.  Good Luck !!!



Hi Richard!

So many thanks for your hint, I will check that!!!

Best wishes,



Here a comparison between Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login Saxophone and Swam Saxophone

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Hi Rodrigo!

Thanks for your comment and for your link. I have listened it, if I understood you have both sax voices in same waw file, the first one is supergood in my mind, is it S. Art Saxophone? What means Swam Sax, I don´t know?

Many thanks,



Quote from: juketsu on May 03, 2021, 02:42 PM
Hi Rodrigo!

Thanks for your comment and for your link. I have listened it, if I understood you have both sax voices in same waw file, the first one is supergood in my mind, is it S. Art Saxophone? What means Swam Sax, I don´t know?

Many thanks,


Hi, The first is the Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login voice of the S970/S975/SX900 and the second is the truly amazing SWAM VST instrument from Audio Modeling. Both are on the same wav file :)


Is there a gap between them?  Because in all honesty, if there are two different voices there, I can't tell where one ends and the other begins.


Quote from: mikf on May 03, 2021, 05:57 PM
Is there a gap between them?  Because in all honesty, if there are two different voices there, I can't tell where one ends and the other begins.

I think there is not a gap so I will reupload the file :)


here is the new file Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login


I agree there is a difference, but it's small and both are good. Without the direct side by side comparison, I am not sure I would pick one over the other. These voices are all getting to be so good, whether you think it sounds like a real sax or not is going to be much more about the way it is played than the voice.


I prefer the sound of the first sax, although the second is not bad. But then again, all saxes don't sound the same.


In my case I will choose the Swam Saxophone, you a have a lot of control over the sound and is definitely more realistic for my ears


Hello again,

It is great that we have had a wide-ranging debate on this subject. I thought I heard a small difference already in Rodrigo's first waw file. Funny thing, if it didn't exist :D  Anyway, nicely played, whatever the voice was.

I think the sound of a great instrument is like music in general, it's strongly a matter of taste. If I think I have multiple electric guitar sounds on my SX900 player, only a few I think are very good. Someone else, on the other hand, considers some others to sound good.

I am an amateur musician and I am not looking for a flawless performance, it is enough for me if there is something insightful in the performance, it has good voices and an interesting arrangement, the melody fascinates me and it brings a good feeling just for me. It may have some errors, but not a mere error throughout the presentation. My ear is not so precise that I can hear all the mistakes. I think at least 60% of the players on the SX900 keyboard are similar to me, yes I can be wrong.

Thanks to all the active members!


Ps. If and then there are some errors in my text, the guilty is Google Translate, sorry about that ;) ;) ;)


Hi Juke, have a look at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
I have download many of there voices some are really amazing and they are all free.
you have to use YEM to install them in your keyboard.

hope this is helpful
Technics KN2000, Technics KN650, Technics KN7000, Tyros 4 SE, Tyros 5, Genos 2, NP30 Piano,


Hello Andy!

Thanks for your hint, I will check that...

Have a nice weekend,
