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Yamaha SOL

Started by GeirH, Feb 01, 2021, 03:09 PM

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I should also mention that SysEx parameter values can be easily edited in the Event List, by simply clicking the item and dragging up/down with your mouse.

For temporal adjustments, controller lanes can be added to the bottom of the Piano Roll window, and these can also show SysEx data. I think there's a maximum number of lanes that can be displayed at once, but these allow for viewing, drawing or editing all kinds of controllers in a visual GUI. :)

- H -
Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

Can SOL2 be installed on a Windows 7 machine or is it like XGWorks that has to be installed in XP first, then copy the whole directory to Win 7 and it will run?

Other question: how is a .dll Voice file different from the XGWorks .ini Voice file?

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi Joe,

Quote from: Joe H on Mar 15, 2021, 02:28 PM
Can SOL2 be installed on a Windows 7 machine or is it like XGWorks that has to be installed in XP first, then copy the whole directory to Win 7 and it will run?

SOL can be installed directly onto a Win7 or Win10 machine. You just have to run each of the installers (one for the main program and one for each separate update/add-on module) as administrator and in Windows XP compatibility mode. Here's how you go about it:

  • Right-click the setup.exe file in question and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu.
  • Go to the "Compatibility" tab.
  • Check the "Run this program in compatibility mode for" box, and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)" from the drop-down list.
  • Check the "Run this program as an administrator" box.
  • Click "Apply" and "OK".
Running the installer without these preceding steps, will result in SOL not being able to locate your MIDI drivers. Now, that's kind of important!!! :D

I should probably mention again, that the installer dialog for SOL is displayed in Japanese. Fear not, though: You'll know when it's time to input the serial number and user name. Also, each step of the dialog has one button highlighted by default, namely the "Next" button. ;)

Quote from: Joe H on Mar 15, 2021, 02:28 PM
Other question: how is a .dll Voice file different from the XGWorks .ini Voice file?

An older .ini instrument definition file can be created or edited with relative ease using a simple text editor, such as e.g. Notepad, and is in essence just a simple list of data. Conversely, a .dll file is a sort of software sub-routine, that is executed by the main program. Creating or editing a .dll therefore requires a bit of programming skills.

There are ways for an amateur like me to modify some aspects of a .dll using tools like Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login. I've successfully used it to change dialogue or menu languages in the past. I have not yet attempted to tinker with the instrument definition files in SOL, though. The actual data is probably buried in tables within the .dll, and will likely require sharper skills than mine to get at... :-\

(To avoid confusion, please note that the proper term is instrument definition files, and not voice files. An instrument definition file specifies the names of each patch of the instrument, how the patches are organized into banks, how banks are selected, how drum notes are named and laid out, and which controllers the instrument will respond to.)

- H -
Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

Quote from: GeirH on Mar 15, 2021, 04:36 PM

(To avoid confusion, please note that the proper term is instrument definition files, and not voice files. An instrument definition file specifies the names of each patch of the instrument, how the patches are organized into banks, how banks are selected, how drum notes are named and laid out, and which controllers the instrument will respond to.)

- H -

Understood. (I was just being lazy about my typing) And thanks for the install info.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


No problem. The above instructions are not exhaustive, so feel free to ask if the installation raises more questions! - Or anything else for that matter! :)

- H -
Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


Well, after seeing a bit of resurgence of interest in SOL here and there recently, I've decided to resume a project I started several years ago, but never made a lot of progress in completing.

That is, translating the SOL help files from Japanese to English.
Along the way I've discovered that there are elements of some of the components of SOL, for instance 'articulation' where the program itself still has menus in Japanese.
So, as well as having to relearn how to use WinCHM Pro (for the help files), I'm relearning how to use Resource Handler to change the .dll files.

It's not something that can be done in five minutes, very far from it, but this time I'm kinda determined to see it through.
I'll make the files available to anyone who wants them just as soon as each one is finished.

But, and the reason I'm posting here rather than just getting on with it is, that I'm prepared to listen to requests for which ones to do first.
The files are as follows:
About, Arrange, Artic, Audiomix, Drum, Effects, List, MIDImix, MPjob, Piano, Rack, Staff, Timeslice, Timestretch, Trackview and VTSR.

Currently I'm just doing them alphabetically, but I now realise that's probably not the best idea.

Any takers?

Oh! I should add that several of these help files were translated into English for the program SQ01, and I have them available for anyone who needs them.


Hi Colin, and sorry for the late reply!

I started translating some of the SOL help files myself some time ago. Online translators are very useful tools, but they require proper input to give meaningful results. I quickly learned how tedious it can be, e.g. to remove all the line breaks from an original text, in order for Google Translate to identify the sentences correctly. Even then, some sections needed to be rewritten slightly for clarity, balancing the technical and user-oriented language. And then, there's making sure things look nice and uniform too. It quickly becomes incredibly time-consuming, but as a side-effect, I now know how to spot a lazy copy/paste job, and there are tons of those around. My sympathies are with those who make the extra time and effort! :)

I wanted to update the files with new images, particularly the diagrams with Japanese text, but also screenshots that better reflected the English GUI. I barely got started on this, though, since I needed to change the language of the .dll files you mentioned first, and that's where I got stranded for lack of time.

Most of the help files you've mentioned can already be found in SQ01, and therefore don't require translation. They are the following:

  • About.chm - Technical overview, practically identical to the file that came with SOL
  • Effect.chm - Lists and describes the included effect plugins
  • List.chm - The MIDI Event list and Master track
  • Midimix.chm - The MIDI Mixer
  • MPjob.chm - The included MIDI plugins
  • Piano.chm - The Piano Roll view
  • QA.chm - A general troubleshooting section
  • Rack.chm - The VST synth rack
  • Trackview.chm - The main window Track view
In addition, there's the SQ01.chm, which seems to stem from a formerly-online manual, and contains all of the above in a single file. There are also a couple of files that may or may not be included with SQ01, depending on which instrument the sequencer was bundled with:

  • AudioMix.chm - The Audio Mixer module (when SQ01 is bundled with Motif ES or 01X)
  • Arrange.chm - The Auto Arrange module (when SQ01 is bundled with S90)

These are the SOL files I've translated myself so far:

  • Artic.chm (the Auto Articulation module)
  • Drum.chm (the Drum view)
  • Staff.chm (the Staff view)

The missing SOL files are these:

  • SOL.chm - Seems to reflect the entire 188-page paper manual, and is probably covered by the other files
  • TimeSlice.chm - Explains the TimeSlice function for tempo-adjusting audio tracks
  • TimeStretch.chm - Explains with the TimeStretch function for tempo-adjusting audio tracks
  • Vtsr.chm - Covers the Voice-to-Score Recording function
  • Yougo.chm - Technical glossary

I do have a near-complete WinCHM project for the Vtsr.chm file, which I will be happy to send you. Next, perhaps the TimeSlice.chm and TimeStretch.chm files should be dealt with, since they are the remaining ones that center on key functionality. :)

Lastly: I can't remember at the moment whether the optional Chord and Pitch Bend windows came with their own help files or not. I'll have to check on that one, but let me know if I've missed anything!

- H -
Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


Thanks for your response - H -,

No need to apologise, I thought you would probably come across my post and respond in a few days.

May I enquire whether you are the same Geir as on John's MIDI-tutor site? That is Henry, a moderator there?
If so, then I think I may have some of your translated files passed to me, very kindly, by John.

Yes, I've worked on some of these files in the past and decided to resume and try to finish that work.
The trouble is I didn't write down where I'd got to. So I'm working through them all again.
And I have the original translated SQ01 files too. I'm using those as a model to try to get newly translated text to sound similar.
Although some of these do differ slightly from the SOL versions, e.g. Trackview has a few additions (e.g. mixdown to mp3).

However, I do think that Google translate has improved with Kanji to English since I last used it. A definite bonus if I'm correct.
Still not perfect, and the Englsih still needs tweaking a bit.

As you say, the trouble is that some images still need altering, and I've been doing that in Paint, erasing the Japanese after I've worked out what it says, and then overwriting with the correct colour background and the English Text. All very time consuming.

And, as you say too, some of the dll files aren't completely translated, so I''m working my way through some of those with Resource Hacker, making alterations.

Currently I'm reworking the SOL Trackview.chm, adding the newly translated bits and copying across the English text from the SQ01 Trackview.chm where the sections are the same.
The Mixdown to .mp3 section is giving me a few headaches at the moment.
In addition I'm trying to sort out those bits where the buttons in SOL are filled with ?????. Not always easy.
The trouble is that trying to take new screenshots where SOL is running under Win7 results in pictures substantially different from the originals.
I believe in trying to keep the look of the project consistent, if I possibly can.
Some of the Table widths need widening where the English text is oversized for the space allocated for it. I'm still trying to learn how to do that.
WinCHM isn't brilliant in showing how to do that although I know it allows it.

But, laborious, sometimes tedious, not infrequently complicated, I'm determined to do my best to get it completed. And ultimately published for all somewhere on the Internet.
Probably at the Archive.



Hi Colin,

Quote from: C-clef on Apr 28, 2021, 07:09 AM
May I enquire whether you are the same Geir as on John's MIDI-tutor site? That is Henry, a moderator there?
If so, then I think I may have some of your translated files passed to me, very kindly, by John.
That is indeed true, and John was the one who got me involved with the translations in the first place. I gather that the two of you had already cooperated on it for some time by then. :)

With regards to replacing images, I also used Paint to add highlights, references, etc. to my own screenshots (taken in Win7 at the time). If the new images were differently sized (and they always were), I seem to remember that I had to manually update the underlying HTML used by WinCHM with image dimensions (width in pixels) and storage locations, in order for the images to be displayed correctly. Something similar is probably the case for tables. I agree with your notion on how convoluted WinCHM is in some areas, and some level of familiarity with HTML can be helpful.

Apart from the size of the images, the JPG compression is quite heavy in the original ones, and a modern high-res monitor isn't doing the resulting image quality any favors. Replacing them with my own images, I predictably ended up with .chm files several times larger than the originals. The increased footprint is not too much of a worry, though, unless one intends to run the software on a very memory-restricted computer.


Geir / -H -
Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1



Just a quick update on the optional Chord/Pitch Bend windows: These modules had an online help function, which no longer works. Instead, the documentation is included with the installer (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login) in the form of two .html files in Japanese. I have now translated both and converted them into .chm files. :)

Quote from: C-clef on Apr 28, 2021, 07:09 AMThe Mixdown to .mp3 section is giving me a few headaches at the moment.

- There's already a section dedicated to the WAV/MP3 mixdown function within the Audio Mixer help file (since the mixdown function is actually housed within the Audio Mixer). Hopefully, you can find what you need there.

Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1



Although the translated files are works-in-progress and may need some further tweaking, here's an updated list of the documentation available at the moment:

English (original)
Technical overview.
English (original)
Lists and describes the included effect plugins.
English (original)
The MIDI Event list and Master track.
English (original)
The MIDI Mixer.
English (original)
The included MIDI plugins.
English (original)
The Piano Roll view.
English (original)
A general troubleshooting section.
English (original)
The VST synth rack.
English (original)
The main window Track view.
English (original)
Contains all of the above in a single file.
English (original)
The Auto Arrange module (with SQ01 on CD-ROM for the S90).
English (original)
The Audio Mixer module (with SQ01 on CD-ROM for the Motif ES and the 01X).
English (original)
A .pdf manual for the XG Editor (with SQ01 on CD-ROM for the S08).
Optional Download
The Chord window, based on the original Japanese .html manual.
Pitch Bend.chm
Optional Download
The Pitch Bend window, based on the original Japanese .html manual.
The Auto Articulation module.
The Drum view.
The Staff view.
The Voice-to-Score Recording function.
Not translated
Seems to be equivalent to the 188-page paper manual. Probably covered by the other files.
Not translated
Explains the Time Slice function for tempo-adjusting audio tracks.
Not translated
Explains the Time Stretch function for tempo-adjusting audio tracks.
Not translated
Technical glossary.

Please note:
The Help files included with SQ01 are for the most part identical to the corresponding SOL2 files. Some smaller sections have been omitted, though.

I will be happy to share the files I have with those who want them. Send me a PM if you're interested. :)

Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


Just a link to some more info about Yamaha Sol2
Giving details of updates with a link to download. Download page is in Japanese so I've not tried it because I'm using my iPad.

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Hi Oldden,

Very appreciated, even if the Vogons forum is more about playing old DOS games than making music. The guys over there have been tinkering with the S-YXG50 VST plugin (included with SOL2/XGworks ST) for a while to use it as a sound source. Many old-school gamers will remember the S-YXG50 (and a couple of earlier/later variations) as a system-level application that ran in the background on Win95/98, providing the system with a virtual XG compatible MIDI tone generator. WinXP later included its own GS compatible MIDI playback engine, which was based on a Roland-sourced wavetable, but didn't sound as good. For more info, visit Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login.

The Japanese Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login still has the final Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, as well as lots of other software for their instruments, that can't be found elsewhere. Clicking the latter link, an update for SOL's instrument database, as well as the Chord/Pitch Bend windows and the final V5.14 update for the XG Editor are also found. Most web browsers can now translate web pages on the fly, so it is a lot easier to find these things than it used to be. :)

Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

I found this demo of SOL on Youtube.

The guy says if you have your computer language set to English the program Menus will display in English.  He also recommends using the utility called Card Filer to transfer files between a Smart Card (plugged into an instrument) and the PC.

I'm just now getting ready to try to install SOL2 on my Win7 machine.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


QuoteI'm just now getting ready to try to install SOL2 on my Win7 machine.

I've used SOL2 on Windows 7 x64 (and Windows 10, too) for a few years now. Let us know if you face any problems! :D
Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

I burned the 2 iso images to CDs.  Is that how its done?  Do I have to set compatibility Mode to XP SP3 and run as Admin for all .exe files before I install or just the setup.exe file?

I assume all the dialog boxes that will appear are in Japanese.  Do I have to enter a name, and will I be able to tell when it is time to enter the serial number?

I downloaded the files from the Japanese website.  How do I update the XG Editor?

Thanks in advance.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:

Jeff Hollande

Hi Joe H :

Is SOL reading the SFF2 voices ( compared to XGW ) ?

I do not think so. Maybe I am wrong. Cross my fingers.

Thanks for your reply.

Best wishes, JH


QuoteI burned the 2 iso images to CDs. Is that how its done?

QuoteDo I have to set compatibility Mode to XP SP3 and run as Admin for all .exe files before I install or just the setup.exe file?
You'll want to install the SOL2 core software first, and for this, the procedure is only needed with the setup.exe file. After the core installation is done, you have to repeat the procedure for any additional components you want to install, as they use their own setup.exe installers.

QuoteI assume all the dialog boxes that will appear are in Japanese.
For the installation wizard, this is true.

QuoteDo I have to enter a name, and will I be able to tell when it is time to enter the serial number?
Yes, you'll have to enter a name, a company name (optional) and the serial number. All three boxes are on the same dialog page, in this order, if I remember things correctly. I'm quite sure that you'll know when you get there.

QuoteI downloaded the files from the Japanese website. How do I update the XG Editor?
The XG Editor version included with SOL2 is V5.13. If it hasn't been installed with SOL2, you'll have to install it separately from the CD first. There is a V5.14 update, that can be downloaded and installed after this.

QuoteIs SOL reading the SFF2 voices?
I'm afraid not. SOL and SOL2 predate the SFF2 format by several years.
Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H


Thank so much for your answers.  I will give it a try this weekend.  My interest in SOL2 is that I'm considering upgrading my MU128 to a MU2000. The MU2000 accepts a Smart Card which will allow me to "Auto load" User Voices for my FM and Analog cards on power up. The MU2000 also has a built-in sequencer and sampler, but I don't know how useful those would be for me.

I also like the features of SOL over the XGWorks. It looks more like a DAW.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:

Jeff Hollande

Hi GeirH :

Thank you so much for letting me know SOL2 cannot read sff2 voices. I feel very sorry to hear that.  :P

For many years I am an XGW user. I like(d) the program very much.
IMHO XGW was one of the best midi DAWs ever ( for older Yamaha keyboards ) but not longer usable for modern Yami arrangers since sff2 voices are not recognized at all.

Converting sff2 to sff1 is mostly a disaster. :-X
The sound quality of most conversions is terrible. Unusable, I guess. 8)

I feel very sorry there are no XGW upgrades available and never will be. :-[

Am I wrong to think SOL2 is absolutely no longer interesting for modern keyboard applications either ?

Your opinion would highly be appreciated. Thanks !

Best regards, JH


Quote from: Jeff Hollande on Sep 30, 2021, 01:29 AM
Is SOL reading the SFF2 voices ( compared to XGW ) ?

Just for clarification:
SFF2 is a style file format, not a voice format...  ;)
The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999


QuoteAm I wrong to think SOL2 is absolutely no longer interesting for modern keyboard applications either?
That depends entirely on what you mean by "modern keyboard applications". SOL2 records and manipulates MIDI and audio, just like you would expect from any DAW/sequencer. If you narrow things down to SFF2 style handling for Yamaha arranger keyboards, then no, SOL2 isn't the answer to your prayers.

QuoteThe MU2000 accepts a Smart Card which will allow me to "Auto load" User Voices for my FM and Analog cards on power up.
The MU2000 has a SmartMedia slot, but it seems to be designed to handle Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login only. I don't think the MU2000's firmware includes an Autoload function, and it is not likely to support the PluginAllBulk or Voice Editor file formats that e.g. the CS6x, S90 or Motif ES use for this purpose anyway.

The MU2000 does support SMF format 1 (or was it format 0?) files, so it should perhaps be possible to manually load voice data onto the actual PLG board from a MIDI file that contains the necessary SysEx. This is not something I have tested on my own MU2000 yet, but using the AN Expert Editor or DX Simulator, voice data can be inserted (1 voice at a time, or all 128 user voices at once) onto a SOL2 track. With data inserted, I suggest you save the resulting SOL2 sequence as an SMF file (.mid), transfer the file to the SmartMedia card in the MU2000 slot using the Card Filer utility, and then try to load it from the MU2000 file menu.

Incidentally, inserting voice data into sequences was how the original "XG Plug-in System" worked. The "Modular Synthesis Plug-in System" took the PLG boards a couple of steps further, but although the MU2000 was marketed as such, it actually still relied on the generic XG Editor, and implemented PLG boards just like the preceding "XG Plug-in System" instruments would.

- G -
Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

Quote...The MU2000 has a SmartMedia slot, but it seems to be designed to handle Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login only. I don't think the MU2000's firmware includes an Autoload function, and it is not likely to support the PluginAllBulk or Voice Editor file formats that e.g. the CS6x, S90 or Motif ES use for this purpose anyway...
- G -

I made an assumption... If that's the case I won't bother buying the MU2000.  I have been loading the User Voice banks manually for awhile, it's such a pain.  I will try to confirm this with a couple of Japanese sellers on eBay.  Since the MU2000 manual is only Japanese there is no way for me determine that on my own.  I appreciate the info. 


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:

Joe H

Quote from: C-clef on Apr 28, 2021, 07:09 AM
Thanks for your response - H -,

No need to apologise, I thought you would probably come across my post and respond in a few days.

May I enquire whether you are the same Geir as on John's MIDI-tutor site? That is Henry, a moderator there?
If so, then I think I may have some of your translated files passed to me, very kindly, by John.

Yes, I've worked on some of these files in the past and decided to resume and try to finish that work.
The trouble is I didn't write down where I'd got to. So I'm working through them all again.
And I have the original translated SQ01 files too. I'm using those as a model to try to get newly translated text to sound similar.
Although some of these do differ slightly from the SOL versions, e.g. Trackview has a few additions (e.g. mixdown to mp3).

However, I do think that Google translate has improved with Kanji to English since I last used it. A definite bonus if I'm correct.
Still not perfect, and the Englsih still needs tweaking a bit.

As you say, the trouble is that some images still need altering, and I've been doing that in Paint, erasing the Japanese after I've worked out what it says, and then overwriting with the correct colour background and the English Text. All very time consuming.

And, as you say too, some of the dll files aren't completely translated, so I''m working my way through some of those with Resource Hacker, making alterations.

Currently I'm reworking the SOL Trackview.chm, adding the newly translated bits and copying across the English text from the SQ01 Trackview.chm where the sections are the same.
The Mixdown to .mp3 section is giving me a few headaches at the moment.
In addition I'm trying to sort out those bits where the buttons in SOL are filled with ?????. Not always easy.
The trouble is that trying to take new screenshots where SOL is running under Win7 results in pictures substantially different from the originals.
I believe in trying to keep the look of the project consistent, if I possibly can.
Some of the Table widths need widening where the English text is oversized for the space allocated for it. I'm still trying to learn how to do that.
WinCHM isn't brilliant in showing how to do that although I know it allows it.

But, laborious, sometimes tedious, not infrequently complicated, I'm determined to do my best to get it completed. And ultimately published for all somewhere on the Internet.
Probably at the Archive.



Have you made the help files you have translating to English available for download yet?

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:

Joe H

Quote from: GeirH on Apr 27, 2021, 12:02 PM
Hi Colin, and sorry for the late reply!

I started translating some of the SOL help files myself some time ago. Online translators are very useful tools, but they require proper input to give meaningful results. I quickly learned how tedious it can be, e.g. to remove all the line breaks from an original text, in order for Google Translate to identify the sentences correctly. Even then, some sections needed to be rewritten slightly for clarity, balancing the technical and user-oriented language. And then, there's making sure things look nice and uniform too. It quickly becomes incredibly time-consuming, but as a side-effect, I now know how to spot a lazy copy/paste job, and there are tons of those around. My sympathies are with those who make the extra time and effort! :)

I wanted to update the files with new images, particularly the diagrams with Japanese text, but also screenshots that better reflected the English GUI. I barely got started on this, though, since I needed to change the language of the .dll files you mentioned first, and that's where I got stranded for lack of time.

Most of the help files you've mentioned can already be found in SQ01, and therefore don't require translation. They are the following:

  • About.chm - Technical overview, practically identical to the file that came with SOL
  • Effect.chm - Lists and describes the included effect plugins
  • List.chm - The MIDI Event list and Master track
  • Midimix.chm - The MIDI Mixer
  • MPjob.chm - The included MIDI plugins
  • Piano.chm - The Piano Roll view
  • QA.chm - A general troubleshooting section
  • Rack.chm - The VST synth rack
  • Trackview.chm - The main window Track view)
In addition, there's the SQ01.chm, which seems to stem from a formerly-online manual, and contains all of the above in a single file. There are also a couple of files that may or may not be included with SQ01, depending on which instrument the sequencer was bundled with:

  • AudioMix.chm - The Audio Mixer module (when SQ01 is bundled with Motif ES or 01X)
  • Arrange.chm - The Auto Arrange module (when SQ01 is bundled with S90)

These are the SOL files I've translated myself so far:

  • Artic.chm (the Auto Articulation module)
  • Drum.chm (the Drum view)
  • Staff.chm (the Staff view)

The missing SOL files are these:

  • SOL.chm - Seems to reflect the entire 188-page paper manual, and is probably covered by the other files
  • TimeSlice.chm - Explains the TimeSlice function for tempo-adjusting audio tracks
  • TimeStretch.chm - Explains with the TimeStretch function for tempo-adjusting audio tracks
  • Vtsr.chm - Covers the Voice-to-Score Recording function
  • Yougo.chm - Technical glossary

I do have a near-complete WinCHM project for the Vtsr.chm file, which I will be happy to send you. Next, perhaps the TimeSlice.chm and TimeStretch.chm files should be dealt with, since they are the remaining ones that center on key functionality. :)

Lastly: I can't remember at the moment whether the optional Chord and Pitch Bend windows came with their own help files or not. I'll have to check on that one, but let me know if I've missed anything!

- H -


Same question... have you made the help files you have been working on available for download yet. 

PS: I successfully installed SOL2 but made the mistake of installing ALL the plug-in editors and had to uninstall most of them since I don't have a need for them.  For some reason, the CS6x Editor, the PF plug-in board editor and the Drum plug-in board Editor can't be uninstalled.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi Joe,

I've added the files I have to the Web Archive. You'll find them Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login:)

I'm not sure why those editors won't uninstall, but the versions that came with SOL2 are not necessarily the latest ones!

Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

It was a bit confusing going through the install process, but I finally figured it out. (B = back, N = next, the question marks = cancel). I would not have been able to do it without your help. Thank you for posting your translated help files.  It is much appreciated. 

Those 3 editors do not show up in the installed programs list like the other editors did so there is no way to uninstall them. There doesn't seem to be a way to get rid of them.  Maybe I should uninstall SOL and all associated files try again.  Then when I go to install the editors next time, be sure to just check the boxes of the editors I'm interested in.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


QuoteB = back, N = next, the question marks = cancel
This is helpful, thanks! I initially guessed my way through it, too, until I noticed the Next button being highlighted on each page. :)

QuoteMaybe I should uninstall SOL and all associated files try again.
First, check the folders where the editors were installed. There may be .exe files in there to uninstall them, as was often practice all those years ago.

Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

I started over and reinstalled SOL and then just the editors I wanted.  It didn't work right for some reason so I went back and installed ALL the editors and then uninstall all the ones I didn't need.  The editors I wanted needed "Repair", after that everything works just fine.  Those others editors now are gone.  I will install your English translated Help files later.

Thanks again

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:

Joe H


I installed your English help files.  It looks like how I access them is to open a view such as Piano Roll and then click on the Help (Index) TAB.  Is that the work you did?  If it is... you are quite amazing! That looks like it took a LOT of effort.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:
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