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Yamaha SOL

Started by GeirH, Feb 01, 2021, 03:09 PM

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Yes, the files simply replace the original ones. As long as the file names are kept the same, and the files are copied to the correct folders, they can be opened via the Help button in each window/module.

Colin is the one who started this little project. He taught me how, and got me started. The .chm file format (Compiled HTML) can be edited rather easily, but the actual translation takes lots of time. The formatting is not excellent in the files you've downloaded, and most of the images still show the Japanese screenshots, but the text should at least be understandable. :)

Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

Quote from: C-clef on Apr 24, 2021, 04:57 AM
Well, after seeing a bit of resurgence of interest in SOL here and there recently, I've decided to resume a project I started several years ago, but never made a lot of progress in completing.

That is, translating the SOL help files from Japanese to English.
Along the way I've discovered that there are elements of some of the components of SOL, for instance 'articulation' where the program itself still has menus in Japanese.
So, as well as having to relearn how to use WinCHM Pro (for the help files), I'm relearning how to use Resource Handler to change the .dll files.

It's not something that can be done in five minutes, very far from it, but this time I'm kinda determined to see it through.
I'll make the files available to anyone who wants them just as soon as each one is finished.

But, and the reason I'm posting here rather than just getting on with it is, that I'm prepared to listen to requests for which ones to do first.
The files are as follows:
About, Arrange, Artic, Audiomix, Drum, Effects, List, MIDImix, MPjob, Piano, Rack, Staff, Timeslice, Timestretch, Trackview and VTSR.

Currently I'm just doing them alphabetically, but I now realise that's probably not the best idea.

Any takers?

Oh! I should add that several of these help files were translated into English for the program SQ01, and I have them available for anyone who needs them.

Hi Colin,

We owe you a big THANK YOU as well as Geir for the English help files.  Can you read Japanese?  How are you able to do accurate translations?

Geir thinks the MU2000ex does not support Auto load from the Smart Card for User Voice banks like some of the old Yamaha synths do.  Can you confirm that?

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi Joe and Geir,

Sorry I haven't been around for a few days to answer any of these questions.
I did start on a further round of translations of the .chm files that are needed for SOL but had to stop.
Around a year ago I started to have problems again with the sinus on the left side of my nose.
I've been on antibiotics on and off since February this year. I'm not infrequently in rather a lot of pain and find I just can't work much.
I've been waiting for an operation for some months but CoVid has set all hospital procedures back.

(I had a road accident when I was 17 (I'm now 75) and badly damaged my face and nose. My face was so swollen they didn't set the nose straight.
The only solution was to break the nose and reset it. I declined their kind offer. At the time it seemed horrific, but in retrospect ... !)

Do I speak Japanese?
No, I use Google translate, copy and paste the Kanji into the translator and then copy and paste the translation back again into the help file.
Then it's often a question of reading the translated text and attempting, not always successfully, to make it read like proper English.

In addition I have been visiting the screen shots included in the help files and either retaking them, where they're already in English in my version of SOL, or loading the original image, air-brushing over the Kanji, and inserting English text over the top. It must be said, a fairly long-winded procedure.

I use a combination of WinCHM Pro, Resource Hacker, Notepad++ and good ole' MS Paint.

But I've come to a complete standstill I'm afraid.

Some years ago when I was still living in the EU I bought myself an MU1000 which I still hang on to.
It has the three synth cards DX, AN and VL in it. Still a magical combination.

I'm fairly sure Joe, not certain, that Geir is right about the smart card not supporting autoload.
My understanding is that it's just for user samples.
I never did explore it thoroughly though, so I could be mistaken.


Joe H


Sorry to hear about your sinus problems. I appreciate the work you have done on the Help files. 

I have contacted Yamaha tech support in the USA to get an answer on the autoload question. Last time I contacted them they did not respond.  I suppose they are working remotely due to Covid.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


QuoteI have contacted Yamaha tech support in the USA
I wouldn't hold my breath. The MU2000 is two decades old, and wasn't sold outside of Japan...
I'll have a look at the manual, and see what I can find. ;)

Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

Yamaha tech support got back to me. They didn't have an answer. As you have stated, the instrument is too old.  I looked in the manual and didn't see any reference to the Smart Card at all.  I contacted 4 different Japanese sellers on eBay and got no response.

So... I've given up on the idea.  I just noticed that my copy of SOL2 does not have the MU1000, MU2000 or MU2000ex in the MU list of instruments.  Strange.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quotemy copy of SOL2 does not have the MU1000, MU2000 or MU2000ex in the MU list of instruments

Have you installed the V2.09 update?
Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

NO I have v2.03.  I guess I need to run the setup for 2.09.  Do I need to set compatibility Mode to XP SP3 and run as Administrator?

Also I got a message back from a seller in Japan who has listed a MU2000 Ex for sale.

Here is what he wrote: (he said it is a translation to English)

About Backing Up Data

・There is no data backup function for plug-in boards. However, the MU 2000 backs up the plug-in board parameters that can be set from the main panel, and sends backup data to the plug-in board when the power is turned on.

・If you change a parameter that can be set from the console panel from external MIDI, it takes time for the console to perform a backup. If you turn off the power before the backup is performed, the data will be lost. In this case, do not turn off the power immediately.

・If a parameter that cannot be set from the console panel is set from an external MIDI port, the backup function will not work and will be initialized when the power is turned off.

My interpretation of this is that the MU2000ex DOES support auto load only from changes made from the front panel.  You can do this from the front panel.  But it won't save User Voice banks sent to it from MIDI.

Do you think my interpretation is correct?

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


QuoteDo I need to set compatibility Mode to XP SP3 and run as Administrator?
I don't know if it is actually required (I haven't tried all possible iterations), but it has always worked that way for me.

QuoteDo you think my interpretation is correct?
Yes and no. System-level parameters (i.e. what's available in the MU2000 menu system) related to the PLG boards, such as their Part assignment, are retained in the battery-backed RAM. This is not related to the SmartMedia slot, however.

QuoteI just noticed that my copy of SOL2 does not have the MU1000, MU2000 or MU2000ex in the MU list of instruments.
Which list are you looking at: The XG Editor setup menu, or the Tone Generator setup?
Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

I've upgraded to v2.09E.  The MU1000 and MU2000 do NOT show up.  What now?  Since I won't be buying an MU2000 I guess it shouldn't matter.  What else was added or improved in the update?

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


QuoteWhat now?
Check the XGeditor setup menu, as well as the Tone Generator and MIDI setups in SOL2. All three need to be properly configured.

QuoteWhat else was added or improved in the update?
The details were probably published on the Yamaha support website, where you could download it at the time. I can't remember anymore, and the readme files contain no details.

Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

I updated to the XG Editor to 514 and database 204.  I still don't see any new synths or sound modules.

I looked at the MIDI setup in both SOL and XG Editor and set to the correct connection (Yamaha UX-16 cable/driver) for my MIDI studio.  What do I need to change in the XG Editor; I looked at the setup menu I don't see any way to add instruments.  I looked in the Tone Generator list and I don't see the MU1000 or MU2000 listed or any other new instruments.

I've installed a LOT of MIDI software over the years.  SOL2 gets first prize for being the most complicated and difficult software to install.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


If you press F5 you should get this menu. I have MU1000 and MU 2000 on the list.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Watch my video channel

Joe H

They are not on the list.  Is the Motif Rack XS in your list?  Not to be confused with earlier versions of the Motif.  There is a Motif Rack and I believe Motif Rack ES.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


No, Motif Rack XS is not on the list.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Watch my video channel

Joe H

Look under synths in the Generator list on the lower left of the screen.  My copy lists Motif Rack (original Motif) only.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


There is no Motif in the Tone generator area.
I only have a Plug-in for Voice editor.

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Watch my video channel


QuoteSOL2 gets first prize for being the most complicated and difficult software to install
Possibly, although that's mostly because of the language issue, and the fact that it was written for older operating systems. The latter means that adding extra modules/editors or updating anything takes a lot of time, due to the need to reboot between each installation.

There's also the fact that old installers do not always behave as expected, even when in Compatibility Mode, and particularly when un-installing. I've noticed on one or two occations (years ago) that some malfunction from an unsuccessful install can remain, even after uninstalling and reinstalling the software. There's the possibility that entries in the Windows registry are not correctly modified/removed during an uninstall (not at all uncommon for legacy software). I wouldn't know where in the registry to start looking, though. Maybe sweeping up with some type of registry cleaner app would help after uninstalling and before reinstalling? In any case, when installing on a clean/fresh Windows system, and rebooting when prompted, I generally have no problems.

I don't think you'll find any of the Motifs in the Generator list. This feature is very basic in nature and meant for older instruments, mainly letting you select your instrument's pre-defined voices by name. The Motif series - as well as the PLG boards and a few other instruments - rely on their own editor plugins instead, which allow detailed part and voice settings via SysEX (much in the same fashion as the XG Editor, except even deeper). These editors have to be installed separately. I don't have a Motif-Rack XS myself, but I believe at least the older editor versions for it was compatible with SOL2.

The Tone Generator setup menu is where specific instrument definitions can be attached to each of your MIDI output ports/channels. The selectable definitions should include a bunch of instruments, including lots of older PSR keyboards, the QY sequencers and the entire MU-series. If you can't find them, something may have gone wrong with your installation.


[attachment deleted by admin]
Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


Hi all,

For reference, here's a list of the instrument editors that are included on the SOL2 CD-ROM:

CS6x, CS6RCS6x/CS6R Voice Editor
Motif 6, 7, 8Voice Editor for Motif 6/7/8
Motif-RackVoice Editor for Motif-Rack
MU2000, MU2000EXMU Sampling Editor
PLG150-ANAN Easy Editor
AN Expert Editor
PLG150-DX, PLG100-DXDX Easy Editor
DX Simulator
PLG150-VL, PLG100-VLVL Visual Editor
PLG150-DRPlug-in Board Editor for PLG150-DR
PLG150-PCPlug-in Board Editor for PLG150-PC
PLG150-PFPF Easy Editor
PLG100-VHVH Effect Editor
PLG100-SGSG Easy Editor
SG Lyric Editor
S03S03 Voice Editor
S08Voice Editor for S08
S30, S80S80/S30 Voice Editor
S90Voice Editor for S90
XG-compatible instrumentsXG Editor

Yamaha continued to develop editors for MIDI equipment and instruments that were released later. Many of these are compatible with SOL2 and the separate Studio Manager librarian. The following are the ones I'm aware of:

01X01X Editor
01V9601V96 Editor
01V96 V201V96 V2 Editor
01V96i01V96i Editor
02R9602R96 Editor
Any MIDI DeviceGTRC (Generic Total Recall Component)
DM1000DM1000 Editor
DM2000 V2DM2000 Editor
Instruments with SmartMedia or FDD/HDD storageFile Utility
LS9-16, LS9-32LS9 Editor
M7CL-32, M7CL-48M7CL Editor
M7CL-32 V2, M7CL-48 V2M7CL V2 Editor
M7CL-32 V3, M7CL-48 V3M7CL V3 Editor
MO6, MO8MO6/MO8 Voice Editor
MO6/MO8 Multi Part Editor
Motif-RackMulti Part Editor for Motif-Rack
Motif-Rack ESVoice Editor for Motif-Rack ES
Multi Part Editor for Motif-Rack ES
Motif ES6, ES7, ES8Voice Editor for Motif ES
Multi Part Editor for Motif ES
Motif-Rack XSMotif-Rack XS Editor
Motif XS6, XS7, XS8Motif XS Editor
PM5DPM5D Editor
PM5D V2PM5D V2 Editor
S90ESVoice Editor for S90ES
Multi Part Editor for S90ES
SPX 2000SPX 2000 Editor

It's worth noting that Yamaha now seems to have culled a lot of old stuff from their download sites. What is puzzling, is that the editors available for older devices - such as the PLG boards - are not necessarily the most recent versions anymore.

- H -
Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H


Where do we find all those editors? As some of us have said, we don't have certain editors.  Can you provide these editors and how do we install them?

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi Joe H,

The editors in the upper list are already included with SOL2, although not installed with it. They're all located in the Editor_ folder of CD1. Browse the disc contents, and you'll find an installer for each editor in appropriately named subfolders. There is a batch installer in the Editor_ folder too, that is supposed to install all of the editors in one go, but it doesn't seem to work properly. You may therefore have to install the needed ones one at a time.

Remember to right-click each Setup.exe installer, select "Properties", and activate Compatibility Mode and Administrator privileges before running it (see attachment - it looks slightly different in Win7). To complete the install, some of the installers will ask you to reboot your computer, and it's a good idea to do so before running the software or attempting more installs.

The editors in the second list can be downloaded from Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, although I haven't checked the availability for each and every one. These generally don't require Compatibility Mode, although the older the software, the greater the chance.

- H -
Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1

Joe H

Thank you for the info... I will give it a go and report back.  I very busy at the moment so it may be awhile.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Also note that the installed editors won't show up as icons on the SOL2 toolbar immediately. You need to click the small black triangle at the right end of the toolbar, to open the menu that shows/hides editor icons. You can also change the order of the icons from this menu, and group them with sepatators.  :)
Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


Hi guys,

I was asked earlier for details on the fixes/improvements made during SOL2's update history, and I found the answer on Yamaha's Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login. While not too detailed, here's a quick Google Translate version of the list:

QuoteV2.0.8 - V2.0.9

  • Fixed an issue where the printed result may differ from the print screen when printing music.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

V2.0.7 - V2.0.8

  • Fixed an issue where excess notes were input after playing while waiting for recording.
  • Fixed an issue where treble noise could occur when reverb was applied in the audio mixer.
  • Fixed an issue where notes that were displayed in the drum palette differed from the input notes.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

V2.0.6 - V2.0.7

  • Fixed an issue that caused the program to hang when pasting a stereo WAVE file with the same name as a mono WAVE file existing in track view.
  • In the auto arranger chord event property dialog, changes would not be reflected even if you type location with the keyboard and click the OK button.
  • In the case of style data specifying different tones within the same section of the auto arranger, the wrong tone may be specified.
  • Resolved an issue where music symbols may be missing when loading and displaying XWS files created using Rakuraku Composition Master 2.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

V2.0.5 - V2.0.6

  • Fixed an issue where an error message was displayed by the tone generator when playing back data using styles on MU-series after MU128.
  • Fixed an issue where adding new tracks during audio recording could cause MIDI tracks to become unpairable, due to repetitive symbols, loops, etc.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

V2.0.4 - V2.0.5

  • Addressed an issue where Waves VST Plug-in (WaveShell) cannot be used. However, if you do not select a stereo/mono common voice in the WaveShell voice selection menu at the first startup, the voice name may not be displayed depending on the Stereo/Mono setting at the next startup.
  • Addressed issues that occur when using the SampleTank2 (IK Multimedia) and FL Studio (Imageline Software) VST instruments.
  • Other bugs have been fixed.

V2.0.3 - V2.0.4

  • Addressed problems encountered when using Absynth 2 (Native Instruments), Ethnosphere (Sound Burst) and LinPlug series VST instruments.
  • Addressed issues that occur when using ASIO drivers for UA-1000/UA-20 USB Audio Capture (Erirol) and PCI-324 sound card (MOTU).
  • Fixed an issue where the UW500 was used in WDM driver mode, and displaying CPU Load values of around 100% depending on the latency setting.
  • Fixed an issue where setting the VST folder to "C:\Program Files" could prevent the program from starting.
  • Other bugs have been fixed.

V2.0.2 - V2.0.3

  • Added the ability to input system exclusive data directly via the insert dialog in the list window.
  • Added the ability to split and load .xws files with multiple wave events in one block.
  • Added clock source switching function, in order to support ASIO drivers for US-122 USB audio/MIDI interface (TEAC/Tascam).
  • Fixed the problem that only the note information entered in the piano roll and drum windows can be moved when the end is to the right of the screen.
  • Fixed a bug where only the first block was displayed in the lyrics display of the print preview of the staff window.
  • Other bugs have been fixed.

Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


Hi again all,

Back, to some extent, in the land of the living!
I've had the operation I was waiting for, but to get it done this year and not have to wait another year(!) for it, I had to shell out a serious amount of money to have it done privately.
So "Ouch" not just for the money, but also for my poor old shnozzle ... it hurts a lot ... and it's been nearly three weeks since the op.
It seems that they've removed the source of the infection, the nasal polyps, and reset the septum (the bit in between the two nostrils).
I was on the operating table for more than two hours as it apparently proved more difficult tha first expected.
It got to the point where I just couldn't tolerate the problems I was having anymore and had to get something done urgently.
The doctors I visited told me that the only solution was an operation.

But ... I can breath again through BOTH nostrils. Hooray.

I'm sincerely hoping that I can get back again to working on some of SOL's dll files to add the missing bits of Englsih needed in a few of the menus as well as revisiting the help files.
And get back to doing some sequencing again. I haven't done anything for months and months. I just felt SO low.

Feeling a lot brighter now.

Glad to see that the thread on SOL is being kept alive by a few interested individuals ... and by the tremendous help and support of Geir.
As some say over here, "gud on yer!"

All the best,



Good to hear that your health is improving. Your experience matters in here.  :)

Quote from: C-clef on Feb 12, 2022, 06:47 AM
I'm sincerely hoping that I can get back again to working on some of SOL's dll files to add the missing bits of Englsih needed in a few of the menus as well as revisiting the help files.

Keep us posted on your progress, and let us know what we can do to help!

Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


Hi all,

Just a quick update on the Help files: I have noticed that the Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login seems to generate a bunch of extra files, in addition to the ones i uploaded (even when the contents are housed in .zip or .iso archives), that are not needed. The Help files you need for SOL2 are all found in the "Compiled HTML" and "PDF" sections of the Download Options.

Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


Hi all,

Another quick note for those who have downloaded the SOL2 CD images:

With Windows 10, you don't have to burn the images to physical CDs in order to install. Instead, by double-clicking one of the .iso files, it is mounted to your system as a virtual drive. You can then navigate to "This PC" in File Explorer, and browse through the image contents, run the installers, etc. as if it was a physical disc sitting in it's own CD-ROM drive.

Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


Hi again,

Thanks to some useful input from a review over at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, I tested installing SOL2 using Japanese language settings for Windows (Control Panel > Region > Administrative). This allows the installer to display the dialogs in Japanese, instead of a bunch of garbled symbols. I don't recommend anyone to change this setting, however, as it caused other applications and files on my system to display different fonts, and some sadly didn't revert after changing the setting back again!

On the positive side, the language setting allowed me to take screenshots throughout the installation process and translate the messages. I'm gathering this in a document, that provides a detailed walkthrough of the installation process. I haven't decided where to upload it yet (for now, send me a PM if you're interested), but hopefully it can be of some help.

In terms of the actual software, the setting doesn't seem to change anything.

Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


Hi guys,

It has been mentioned before, but SOL has a sibling in SQ01, which was distributed for free on CD-ROM with Yamaha synthesizers, workstations and mLAN gear in the years before the Steinberg aquisition. SQ01 is in fact a stripped-down version of SOL, where the most advanced functionality has been removed. The main benefit versus SOL is that SQ01 was distributed internationally, and this means that everything, including the Help documentation, is in English. It doesn't require a serial key to install, but was never made available for download (only the updates were). For those who have lost their original CD, or just want to give it a try, you can - at least for the time being - find it in this DropBox archive:

Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

While certain SOL features remained exclusive, most of the lost functionality can be added back by installing optional components, such as the XG Editor, Auto Arrange or Audio Mixer modules. These were actually included with some instruments, and you'll find them in a separate subfolder.

Along with SQ01, a selection of VST effects was also included in the 01X and i88X product bundles:

  • Final Master
  • Pitch Fix
  • Vocal Rack
  • 01X Channel Module
The first three were also included with SOL (as was the S-YXG50 VSTi), but the 01X Channel Module was not. This effects package requires a serial number for installation, and also possibly won't install without an actual 01X or i88X connected to the computer.

Yamaha MU2000EX, EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1