Looking for Sax and Guitar Voice Pack

Started by rogerc, Jan 02, 2021, 02:56 AM

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Done quite a search looking for good Sax and Guitar voices and want to find more.
Just got into how to load Expanion packs and want to add more.

Want to add more Sax and Guitar voices to my PSR S975.
Can someone direct me to a site or expansion pack that has Sax and Guitar voices?
Free and paid are both okay.
Also, what is your favorite expansion pack? Free or paid?



There are both:

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Judging by the description on their site, these packs aren't compatible with S950. Too bad. The bass packs looked attractive.


Quote from: rogerc on Jan 02, 2021, 02:56 AM
Done quite a search looking for good Sax and Guitar voices and want to find more.
Just got into how to load Expanion packs and want to add more.

Want to add more Sax and Guitar voices to my PSR S975.
Can someone direct me to a site or expansion pack that has Sax and Guitar voices?
Free and paid are both okay.
Also, what is your favorite expansion pack? Free or paid?


You can't create Super Articulation voices or Megavoices on YEM so I think you won't find any good quality pack. But you can try a wonderful VST instrument called SWAM. Here I shared you a demo video https://youtu.be/Tw95tBk84K4


Thank you. I'm afraid it's too advanced for me.