Add .mp4 file type to next version of song reader on SX900

Started by JMonast, Dec 29, 2020, 02:21 PM

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Hi all,

I don't know if someone in the R&D department at Yamaha is on this forum, but I would like to suggest to add more file type to the song reader on the PSR SX-900.  Right now it can read MIDI files and mp3+g files.

I do have tons of songs(w/karaoke videos) in the mp4 format.

If would be possible this in a coming version of the OS....


And a better 2021 year for all of you!

Hope we get rid of this ASAP....

Lucille Chung

Not sure if this is what you're after, but you can pull an mp3 from an mp4 with ffmpeg:
    ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -b:a 192K -vn music.mp3

You can then use/edit the mp3 and put it back into the mp4
    ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i music.mp3 -preset ultrafast -crf 1 final.mp4

I use ffmpeg on linux, but there's also a windows and mac port.