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Keysound Songbook

Started by porterma, Dec 20, 2020, 05:05 PM

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I just watched a You Tube video from a fellow named Paul from Keystone Sound, in the UK, who was demonstrating the use of an iPad to not only display the  sheet music, but also acts like a playlist with registrations available for the keyboard. He was using the Genos but says it works for other keyboards as well.
You click the title on the ipad - the sheet music comes up, and the keyboard is ready with an appropriate registration bank for the song. He has 250 songs in the songbook, but says others can be added.

I wonder if anyone in the Forum has used this app and could tell me how it connects to the keyboard and what they think of it.




Hi Mark

If you search this forum for "Songbook" you will see many threads for the software and how to get it working.

NB:  The software is Songbook +. Not Keysound's Songbook.




Quote from: muddy on Dec 21, 2020, 05:30 AM
as an alternative have a look at this thread

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it seems this is for Android!

Fred Smith

Quote from: chikitin on Dec 22, 2020, 08:35 AM
it seems this is for Android!

Yes. That's why it's called "an alternative".

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: chikitin on Dec 22, 2020, 08:35 AM
it seems this is for Android!
Yes, and also for windows10 pro too
Mobilsheets is for Windows10 pro and for Android..fantastic
What device do you want to use for Mobilsheets androids ?
I am using it on Windows 10 computer and windows 10 on tablet format device is rather expensive, so a android tablet could be a choice.


I apologize folks. The psrtutorial page says iPad. I have Mac stuff mostly but I have an old windows 10 laptop as well that is on a tripod next to me.

I came to the wrong place. I needed software like Producer that was first released by Michael. Basically, entering notes and chords and style variations and the software spits out the song file in .mid format!