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Question re Voice Collections

Started by kali291, Aug 16, 2020, 11:23 AM

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Hello. Can somebody please enlighten me. On the main site are collections of voice files, mostly .vce format. How can I use these files? I have tried loading them into the user area of my SX700, then attempting to save a registration using the voice, but it doen't work. From what I have read (and possibly misunderstood) voices have to be added through the expansion manager, which does not accept .vce files. I am struggling to understand how to use them, because, if there are collections on the site, then they must be of use, and therefore there must be a way of installing them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
was PRS-E453
then PRS SX700
now PRS SX900

Toril S

Hello :) Vce is the format you get when you use voice set to "tweak" a voice. It is not really a new voice, just a file that tells the keyboard to play the voice as you have set it. If you for instance want more reverb to a trumpet voice to make it sound better, you can use voice set to change that. You then save the voice. You now get a vce. file. This works best on the keyboard you made it. I don't know why you couldn't save them in a registration, but others will chime in and tall you why. Maybe the voice was not on your keyboard?
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Graham UK

Ron. Toril above has given a good VCE explanation.
Try it yourself...Select any voice on your keyboard. Select VOICE SET and play around with adjustments provided, then SAVE AS .VCE
It can be a lot of fun and gives one an understanding.

Joe H

I would just add that sometimes the User Voice is given a new name and sometimes not.  When you load a User Voice into R1, R2, or R3, the original Voice is loaded then the .vce file is loaded to modify the Voice.  This confuses some folks especially if the User Voice is given a new name.

eg;  Suitcase EP is modified and saved as Funky Suitcase EP.  When you select Funky Suitcase EP, what you will see displayed is: Suitcase EP

Another important point is that User Voices are only intended for Left and Right Voices.  When we select a Voice for a style Part, the Voice Set file (.vce) is NOT loaded.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs: