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What could be improved on the SX900 / 700

Started by Enildo, March 01, 2020, 08:36:01 AM

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Hi Joe H, this time I am using a default style and For the right hand I only used a trumpet. I say that I cannot have exceeded the polyphony, since the most used was the style, the trumpet was used only for Intros (Initial, Intermediate) and some answers, since it is a MIDI song, as an accompaniment for a singer, reason why it does not take many instruments, nor melodic guide.
I don't know if this has to do with Mega Voices.
but the problem or error lies in the chord changes, already recorded in Song Creator.
This is not heard when the song is being recorded. is heard when the previously recorded song is played.  hope there is a solution for this.  Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Quote from: Enildo on March 06, 2020, 04:09:54 PM
I'm not liking the new system of seeing letters on the SX900. In the s970 / 75 they had the standard size of 15 lines X 59 characters (one of the options),
which was very good, and the SX900 doesn't have it. In SX, when it's not too small, it's too big. Please yamaha, update this.
Other sizes could be created as long as the old ones were preserved.
It is very annoying for users, who make the letters to use in a certain size, having to change everything with each new keyboard model launched.


Hello everybody

I am very happy with the improvements in the SX900 Firmware update (v1.04).
One of the problems claimed here, the font size, has been solved. My thanks to yamaha.
I am happy that other problems have also been fixed, such as the indicator lamps (MIDI indicator) on the Mixer display.
I don't want to be ungrateful, but there are still other details to be solved.

A hug to everyone!
When word fail, Music speaks!


Quote from: Enildo on March 08, 2020, 12:14:13 PM
Hello for all,

What is happening to me, in some situations, is that the indicator lights of the active trails are off, even though there is something playing there.
I have to go out and come back to see them lit again.

Yamaha needs to fix these small bugs.


Fixed a problem in which, under a certain situation, the indication lamps (MIDI indicator) on the Mixer display would not work.
When word fail, Music speaks!


Quote from: Enildo on March 20, 2020, 07:39:25 AM
Hello everybody!

I have the following problem: I have several drum kits and some kits cannot be seen in Drum Setup. In the s975 all kits were shown normally.
Does anyone have the same problem?
I hope Yamaha solves this!


Guys, about this problem, I did a study and realized that the SX900 shows a maximum of 72 drum kits.
If you have more than that, starting at 73, in a row, it will disappear when you use the Drum Setup function.
On my old s975, it was possible to see all the kits.
I hope that yamaha can see if this is a problem to be solved in the next firmware, or if it is a limitation of the SX that we have to load.

When word fail, Music speaks!


It wouldve been nice if the turkish pack was compatible, As can be seen in the link it is specificly for the genos and T5.
Unless im missing something and there is a version that is compatible (or if its possible to make it compatible), then even better :)


And thats a terrific point you bring up enildo about not being to only use headphones and not out of the L and R outputs. Ive run into that issue at least one time too many. But does anybody know if its possibe to get the turkish pack for the sx900?


Quote from: shuey on May 11, 2020, 04:52:26 PM
It wouldve been nice if the turkish pack was compatible, As can be seen in the link it is specificly for the genos and T5.
Unless im missing something and there is a version that is compatible (or if its possible to make it compatible), then even better :)

Quote from: shuey on May 11, 2020, 06:25:40 PM
... does anybody know if its possibe to get the turkish pack for the sx900?

Hi shuey,

you can buy the Turkish Pack for PSR-SX900 directly from the original manufacturer "Emomuzik". At the moment this product is even available at a very reasonable price: :)


There are also some free Turkish Packs, for example on the site >>>

Please click on "Yamaha Set" on this website and check the content for A3000, Tyros5, PSR-S970, PSR-S975, PSR-SX900 and Genos. You can use all of these Packs (.ppf format) in your SX900! The only thing is that the SX900 has "only" 1 GB of Expansion Wave Memory, but of course you can combine the Packs in YEM as desired (and deselect some content if needed).

You can also use Tyros3 and Tyros4 Expansion Voices (.uvn / .uvd format), and even Tyros2 Expansion Voices (when converted to .uvn / .uvd format before).

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Do not buy the pack from Emomuzik, they give it to you in .cpf and won't give you a new cpf
When you get a new keyboard, not even a discount. They have good styles etc.. but not worth
It (besided I personally had bad costumer experience)


How can you find 3/4 beats in a group from the instrument bank?
In my previous instruments, this was possible with the help of MusicDatabase.


Hi Pitio, if you mean styles with measures of 3/4. there are several in the Ballroom folder, and others in the World folder. I hope this helps. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Hi hans 1966!
On my old instrument, the Music Database made it easy to search for 3/4, 6/8, etc. beats.
this is not possible on the SX900. I want to see these at once, not search in separate groups.

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


I always go through the styles when I get a new keyboard and select my favorite styles that I know I will use into a folder which I call My styles. On the new keyboards you can save them as favorites if you prefer. 

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


I thought of an idea for the next firmware update if its capable of doing this
My idea was to take care of 2 issues
Is to be able to mirror and control the touch screen from an iPad through bluetooth or evan wired

A. That would take away the need for an external screen output
B. That would make switching pages and using the screen a lot faster and accurate

Does this idea make sense?


Yes... i might be wrong, but I do seem to remember with 'Music Finder' you could search and list by time signature to sort 3/4 from maybe 4/4  correct me if I am wrong - or was it just tempo?


Toril S

Give me five good reasons for upgrading from a PSR 975 to a sPSR XS 900! Is it worth the extra money?? All I see here are people wishing for more, not being satisfied with the SX900!! Come on, boys and gals: Is it that bad? Make me decide
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


The SX 900 is a great little keyboard and is very nice just to sit down and play it. I much prefer it over my old PSR970 and it has much more punch volume wise.
  Has a 4Gb user section so room for lots of Registrations, Styles, and Midi files if you use them. I would advise you save all recorded Audio file to USB as these can be quite large. Having two USB ports is certainly useful and 1Gb of flash memory for sample packs is great.

Toril S

Thanks Eileen! You sound very satisfied😀
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Fred Smith

Quote from: Toril S on June 12, 2020, 03:44:50 PM
Give me five good reasons for upgrading from a PSR 975 to a sPSR XS 900! Is it worth the extra money?? All I see here are people wishing for more, not being satisfied with the SX900!! Come on, boys and gals: Is it that bad? Make me decide

It was the same with the Genos, Toril. Some people are never satisfied.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hello Toryl,
  I am always satisfied with my Yamaha keyboards. I find out what is on them so I know what I am getting. It is stupid after you have bought it saying it should have this and it should have that. It is a musical keyboard and dose exactly what it is supposed to do. Really like mine just as it is.

Leading Edge

I don't believe it a question of owners' not being satisfied at all.  One size will never fit everybody and if it was perfect Yamaha would never need to ever produce another new model or provide any software updates.

Just how someone can say they knew it was going to be 100% perfect before they bought it beggers belief.  They are fine keyboards but that does not make them perfect in every respect.  As an example, owners having to add 'Tippex' to see control knobs' placement is a clear oversight by the designers.


I do not think anyone would say they know it will be a 100% perfect. I just did research into it before I bought it so knew what I was getting. Having had Yamaha organs and keyboards over the last 30 years I know what to expect and it is always first class including the after care. I know you will never satisfy everyone but at the end of the day this is a keyboard and for many of us dose what we want.
  A really nice instrument tp play.


I believe They should focus more on their boot malfunction since many owners now getting this error. even now people starting to post it on youtube too. If the Favorite style adding occurs boot failure means, totally fail the basics logic of the boot sequence. 

There are many cases worldwide, only Yamaha does is replace the entire keyboard. No solution. some people have re-sale the keyboard with a big loss. They should include this on their next Frameware update 1.05 I suggest.

The coming November many of 1-year warranty will be finished. After that, if this happens, they will take nearly half of the keyboard price for the motherboard replacement.

>:( >:( >:(


I think there is some noise between the various comments about what can be improved on the SX900 / SX700.
I think this post is mainly about what in a possible Firmware update still needs to be adjusted by Yamaha to ensure that the operating system is a technically 100% running machine. That's for what consumers are paying for and may expect due to Yamaha's marketing brochures.
In this case it is good to mention and share this in this forum, but do also mail your concerns to the Yamaha Company in your region or your dealer. That's the only effective way and after the warranty period, you can always try to hold Yamaha to account that you have already indicated it in time.

In my humble opinion, other comments have more to do about what could be improved on the successor to the SX series. Therefore, it might be more effective for someone to create a post in a f.e. 'SX900 Successors Whish List'  under the heading 'The Next Yamaha Keyboard'
Just my 2 cents ...
My best regards,


I know you hear me say this a lot but it is true that I have never had a problem with my SX900 and I had one of the first ones out. I do however make sure I switch it off correctly by setting it back to home page and holding down the off switch until I hear the little click. This we also do on Genos. It stops any problems which can occur with things locking up.

Toril S

Eileen, I never thought it was important to go to the home screen before powering off. Thanks for the tip!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Yes Toryl it is never good to shut down with a programme you may have been using open.


Yes I always power off correctly, but it i often think how 'auto power off' works ?? as it simply cuts out and switches off with a click. i do wonder if this could cause issues....maybe not.

Other than my issue which was sorted with a replacement of my SX ....I have NEVER had issues with any Yamaha arranger and have owned lots of different models over the years as well as playing on and owning many other makes.

I do think Yamaha are very good...Yes, it would be nice to have a hybrid of Yamaha ,Korg, Roland, technics and maybe Keytron.  In my opinion....just taking the best features of each, but that just aint gonna happen ..... carry on dreaming

I really think they got it right this time with the SX range ....will be interesting to see what, if anything they come up with in this line next...
