What could be improved on the SX900 / 700

Started by Enildo, Mar 01, 2020, 08:36 AM

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As the usb port is so difficult to access (my sx900 is up against a wall) I permanently keep a small usb extension plug, draped over the keyboard. Works fine but is a bit ugly.


Hello everybody!

Add one more to the list:
In the "Audio Link Multi Pad" function, when we select the "Audio Level", the volume changes immediately.
It would be good to first select and then, on the second touch, make the changes.
As it is a very small space, first it has to be selected and then the dial wheel is used.
This is already the case with the other volumes, I think it is a forgetting of the yamaha.

When word fail, Music speaks!


I also wanted, even though I know it is no longer possible, to decrease the size of the icons for the voices on the home screen,
and to increase the size of the icons for Registration Memory, Vocal Harmony, MIDI and Audio.
They were very small, making it difficult for people who do not see very well to read.
Or at least to increase the font size.

When word fail, Music speaks!


Hello everybody!

I have the following problem: I have several drum kits and some kits cannot be seen in Drum Setup. In the s975 all kits were shown normally.
Does anyone have the same problem?
I hope Yamaha solves this!

When word fail, Music speaks!


Hi Enildo,
I caught the same bug as well.
If you use the plus/minus buttons and scroll the kits one by one you will miss some.
One way to overcome it is to turn fast the wheel instead of the buttons.
At least it worked on my kbd.


Another flaw:
When a Registration Memory is saved, it is not possible to use the buttons + or - to switch from one registration to another, it is locked until you touch the screen,
and change by selecting another Registration manually.
Make a test, change some details in your Registration M., save and try to change to another registration using the "Regist Bank Select" "+ or -" buttons, and you will see the defect.

When word fail, Music speaks!


Quote from: Simone1972 on Mar 20, 2020, 09:06 AM
Hi Enildo,
I caught the same bug as well.
If you use the plus/minus buttons and scroll the kits one by one you will miss some.
One way to overcome it is to turn fast the wheel instead of the buttons.
At least it worked on my kbd.

I tried to do what you said, but in my case it didn't work.
The interesting thing is that if I change to a kit that is installed in the "Expansion" folder, using the Mixer / Eq, it shows in the Drum / Setup, and when I change to the next one, when I try to go back, it disappears.
When word fail, Music speaks!


My only real gripe with Genos and SX OS is just -

When you exit/move a step back from say an individual style or reg file. The folder is no longer highlighted  as it is on Tyros and PSR
You just get the folder list  ...i forget sometimes which style genre / reg folder i was in and you have to re-select it again to look at maybe another file in the same folder/Style genre
Ok ...you get some indication of which folder your in ( bottom left of screen )

Nobody else seems to have noticed this or thinks its a problem but i really do miss this simple function



If you have drum kits saved as expansion packs then you have to access them via the expansion button and use from there. You can save them to styles and then to registrations.


I would like to ask a question:
Aren't we going to have more updates on the SX900 / 700?
Genos has had several firmware updates.
Some software failures have already been shown in the new models, SX900 / 700, here in the forum and we know that this forum is a great tool for Yamaha to improve its equipment and software.
We have already had several requests from important members of this forum resolved. I'm asking because it's been a while since we have any updates for these models.
I also know that the company must wait for a while to fix all the defects at once, as it cannot release a fix every week.

My greetings and may God bless you all!
When word fail, Music speaks!


Quote from: EileenL on Mar 20, 2020, 09:56 AM
If you have drum kits saved as expansion packs then you have to access them via the expansion button and use from there. You can save them to styles and then to registrations.

Hello Eileen,

Yes, you can use an internal kit by selecting in the Mixer / Eq or selecting from within the "Style Creator" itself, the problem is that when using the "Drum Setup",
to change only one of the drum parts, the kit disappears.
When word fail, Music speaks!


I wonder if Yamaha will apply the same Genos update policy.
IMHO they will, why not.  :)
Time will tell.
Wait and see.



What I would like improved is to be able to increase the volume of the fixed bass sound in the acmp on SX900 i.e when finishing a piece of music I don't generally use endings & when I hit a full or two fingered chord eg bottom C & G you can hardly hear the bass note under the string sound compared to the Tyros range which is a nice round bass sound.I don't want to increase the bass in the mixer as then everything is increased.Why is there a fixed bass/root note that you cannot increase or decrease???


Hi Guys, going back to the audio playback part, I have noticed that when I am in a specific part of a song such as the chorus and I want to return to the beginning, I press the two buttons (forward + backward) but this sends me to the previous song.  In my previous S975, I could go back to the beginning of the song by pressing these two buttons. I hope Yamaha that you fix this bug, and add this feature to the data wheel (Dial) in the search, playback and recording mode for songs and styles. regards. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Hello everybody!

Guys, I see that yamaha has released an update for Genos ( Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login ), where some of our claims, such as font size, in the text viewer, drum voices that disappear in the Drum Setup, the indicator lamps of the style tracks, and other problems , have been resolved. I hope this update will also come to the SX line.
The text viewer is very important to me, because I built my repertoire on top of a pattern and this cannot be changing from one keyboard release to another, because it messes up everything. They may offer more options, but the old size settings remain.
Drum setup is also a great fix, as some personal drum kits are being hidden.
Let's wait for our SX!

When word fail, Music speaks!


My Top 3

1. Styles
    Alphabetical order option
    Move ALL Country styles under one category, lots of room in "World"
2. Utility/Parameter Lock
     Add more options (including locking in user Live Control settings)

3. Bluetooth
    Two way connection. (Imagine being able to play your keyboard to a Sonos, Bose, etc. Bluetooth speaker system)

All that being said, many of the improvements mentioned, including my own, will probably not happen in an upgrade. Many are hardware related, and not possible for Yamaha to implement.  Think of the SX-900 as a computer, you can only do so much in improvements , without physically altering the mechanics.

However, like a computer, many software related improvements are possible. We'll see what upgrades Yamaha chooses, hopefully your request is included.

In the meantime, we are all stuck at home, so for me, I'm enjoying my SX-900, as is...a fun keyboard

Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings


Hi Larry - I agree

Not sure if you read but somebody a while back did post about maybe re-saving factory styles to user or a pendrive in alphabetical order ... not sure if that would work ...plus I suppose you could add your own entries and avoid the factory listings and create your own genre folders. A numbering system might also help as was done with MFD records as a prefix.

I dont see that adding more functions to parameter lock would be such a big issue, given the feature already exists for some things... but then I am no expert.
It is so easy on other brands to assign to Global  .... no names mentioned here .. i dont want to get in trouble....lol

As far as Bluetooth is concerned i had earphone buds for Xmas and found  ...no you cant export audio.. I gather the reason is the time delay ( latency) hence audio out is not an option. I imagine there is little that can be done about this where you actually strike a note ....Ie a keyboard and want it to sound right away. I imagine it's not only Yamaha who have an issue with this. 
I dont have a problem playing my MP3 and phone etc... 'importing' using Bluetooth though of course.

Rikki kindly posted up SX conversions on the PSR tutorial page   ....which actually contain a Country dedicated cat ..
maybe you and others have not seen it ....some of these are really good. you will find the zipped files lower down on this page in the link below.


Regards - Keith

ps...another good option would be to have sub folders available in favourites or maybe more than just one dump. ie. we have yellow flags at the moment but maybe using a couple of other colours would be handy for cats.or groups within favs.


Thank you keith.  I hadn't noticed Rikki had posted these.

Thank you Rikki for all of your hard work.



Good afternoon.
What I miss the most in my psr sx900 regarding the Tyros is that it allows you to make drum kit with the internal samples and combine them with the external ones.
I was satisfied only gentlemen of YAMAHA that kit drum could be made with the internal samples. Cheers
PSR SX900,  TYROS 4,  PSR 910, TYROS 2, PSR 3000


My wish list is: 1. Assign the rewind or fast-forward function to the data wheel, in song recording, editing and playback mode.
2. troubleshoot problems, when changing sound from one variation to another, or from one register to another
3. possibility to add some SA2 voices such as: Romance clarinet, Jazz Violin, Celtic Violin, Ballad Soprano Sax, Pop Soprano Sax, Ballad Clarinet, Pop Bassoon, IrishPipesAir, IrishPipesDance, and some string sounds like: KinoStrings, Kino StringsNatural, and KinoStringsTensión.
Hopefully Yamaha can give us this gift in the next fimware update.  ;) Cheers. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Good points Hans ... Perhaps we should make a list of the top 10 and do a poll on here . as i do think they will be doing a firmware update, as they do for 'recent' new models ...and might listen to our views......not that they mean much....



Hi Keith, you are right. As for the SA2 voices, I think (if they wanted to) that they could implement them in the new fimware. so we could have a small piece of the benefits of the flagship. I do NOT want to mention brands, but in some, the mid-range gets some of the benefits of the TOTL keyboard. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


I imagine they think we have 'enough' of Genos in its little brother, as far as I am aware it must have taken quite a blow in sales since the SX was launched .... I for one don't regret moving back down to an SX from Genos for a lot of reasons.
So i don't recon they will give us much, if ANYTHING other than fix a few bugs. They will be too concerned about damaging possible Genos sales any further IMHO.
I suppose some of the ideas from the forum could easily be added and it would be great if they were.


ps..and to say WHY i downgraded in order of importance to me

Weight/portability/space at home
Same OS as Genos with -
Touch screen still available
61 note version
On-board speakers
Far better compact control layout

J. Larry

Just wondering:  might anyone know how well the SX series is doing relative to all the previous PSR series?  Has the SX 900 made a dent in the Genos market?  Have SX sales caught the attention of Yamaha?  No regrets, here, moving from the Tyros to the SX 900.  I'd love it if the SX series, i.e., a 61-note arranger with speakers, was improved dramatically and elevated to "flagship" status for the company.  Dream on. 


I really dont know why they did not do a 61 Genos Larry I would have bought one in a heartbeat.
The layout would have to have been compacted which would have been much better for me.
In my view Genos is all over the darn place, why, with all that space!! I tend to use real controls on the fly and use the screen for set up and 'between' actually playing, so all the reaching for me on Genos was a deal breaker.
I just love the layout on SX especially the assignables - super position... not so on Genos ...why??

Talking to my dealer friends they are VERY pleased with sales - especially moves from other regular brand users who wanted to see a touch screen being made available in a mid range arranger by Yamaha . This can be seen more in the 700 being at a lower price point.


Toril S

Hello friends. I considered buying the XS900 as a portable keyboard when it came to our store in January. I already have a Genos, but it is rather big to play out of the house with! I like the XS, and it has the same OS as Genos, making it easy. But I waited too long, so it was sold. Then I went to the shop to get some other stuff, and I was told that the man that purchased the XS900 had asked if he could take it back to the store and buy the Genos instead. That was all right with the store, but he has not been there yet. the virus makes us cereful with our money. The XS900 is a wonderful keyboard, but I would not trade it for a Tyros or Genos!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page


The Keybed.

The new FSB ? Keybed is a total stepdown from previous generation of psr-s series.

Psr-s had perfect Keybed.
But this new Keybed in psr-sx feels very cheap, and is not as "playable".


Hello Kampot, I do NOT agree with what you say. I personally have had S950, S970, and S975, and I must say that the key bed feel was very regular and loud. I feel that Yamaha has taken a very important step in this regard in the SX series. in a way it forces you to have a better fingering. Obviously there are errors to correct, but this is not the case. Greethings. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Quote from: kampot on Apr 01, 2020, 09:27 PM
The Keybed.

The new FSB ? Keybed is a total stepdown from previous generation of psr-s series.

Psr-s had perfect Keybed.
But this new Keybed in psr-sx feels very cheap, and is not as "playable".
On  this particular subject I disagree, but 'feelings'  are soo personal  ...  ;) What I meant, if something 'feels' good oe bad, it does not mean that it IS good or bad ..
My best regards,


Hello to all friends of the forum.
I hope everyone is well, despite these dark days.

I have an important thing that is not so serious, but that is kind of boring, and I want to hear your opinion.
For those who have old Registration Memory, regarding the voices (in the past models -> R1 R2) and want to add the R3 voice,
always have to activate Touch Reponse (as it is unchecked) and decrease the Volume of Voice R3, which is in 127.
I would like this to come standardized with the Touch Response checked and the volume at 100.
I hope this can be fixed in an upcoming update.


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When word fail, Music speaks!