Sharing Material

Started by Roger Brenizer, Nov 23, 2019, 06:27 PM

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Roger Brenizer

If you haven't read the recent Posting Guidelines, which was updated yesterday, November 22, 2019, by Joe Waters, please be aware of the language, which Joe added, as follows:

Sharing Material

Beginning January 1, 2020, members who wish to share material such as midi files, music sheets, style files, etc. with other members should upload that material to their personal online storage account and then share the link to this material in a forum topic or reply.  Members have been sharing MP3s with this method for several years.  Members should not upload files, in topics or replies, as attachments, which would be stored on the forum server.  Exception to this rule would be photos or text files, which are beneficial for visual instruction.

There are many online storage services available, some of which are free.  A few examples of online storage services are as follows: Microsoft OneDrive, Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, Google Drive, etc.

While the date for this new procedure doesn't begin until January 1, 2020, it would be wise to start uploading files in this manner now, which should help everyone with the transition when this requirement begins.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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