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Change octave in styles

Started by shadowhankron, Nov 15, 2019, 12:51 PM

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Cannot figure out how to change the Octave on voices on the Style edit mode, I can change the upper and lower voices on the Voices for solo but not the to lower octave on Orchestra or Guitar or even higher each voices  with octave change. . I would appreciate any help please...Thank you

Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.



In Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login read heading: Note Low Limit / Note High Limit

Adjust at the keyboard.

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Hi Ronnie,
you have to go to Style Creator-Record-Step Edit to modify each note one by one for the channel you want to change.

So for example the G2 note you must make it G1 if you want one octave down or G3 if you want to make it one octave up.
Make this will all the notes of the channel(style part).
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There no need to make them one by one you can multi select them when you arrive at the last note if fore example it is c2 press c3 on the keyboard then press the cursor up and all the notes will adjust to an octave higher
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Joe H

Or get a copy of StyleMagic and do it in about 5 seconds.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:

Graham UK

Ronnie. Yamaha have never provided this Style Part Octave adjustment which is often needed with 3rd party styles.

KORG Pa have had this feature a long time.


Yes Graham

I have enjoyed the fact on the Korg PA4x being able to change octave on the voices within the styles......but cannot understand on an expensive keyboard such as Geno's they failed to insert a button or control to change in each voice within the styles..

Maybe the people within Yamaha that read these Forum messages may take note for future updates.

Certain replies here I fail to understand what I was suppose to do to change octave...unless the style I need I  try to change the octave  then I save it  to  the user  section then call it up into the style in the Mixer section...just a hunch.

Regards and Thanks

Ronnie :o
Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.


Dear Ronnie,

It is an unspoken rule to Yamaha, when you want to do something (except to play) you must go on the computer.
Mix Master is a free program which make, everything Korg make on board, regarding the styles.
I don't think something will be changed by updates.
To me it is like a very beautiful but exceedingly difficult wife. :)

Good luck!
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


It works indeed a lot easier on the korg pa series. However you can do this also on the genos with the help of user voices. These are the steps to do it without the need of a computer.

- select the style
- press the mixer button
- press on the icon of the sound you want to change (for instance the bass)
- remember the location of the sound it points to
- now press the voice button
- select the voice you just remembered from the style
- press voice edit in the menu
- modify the octave value (+1 or -1 depending on the sound and what you need in the style
- save the modified as a new user sound.
- now go back to the style
- select the mixer again and press the style element you want to change (in this example the bass) and select your modified user sound
- save the style in a registration with the voice and style checkboxes activated

Now you have changed the octave and sound for that style.
The best part of this method is that the original style will be the same and you stored your modification in the registration (new sound and octave).

It's not as nice as the Korg PA series implementation which is much better in that area. But as a workaround this can be done quite fast, so it gives you the opportunity to modify styles in a non destructive way.


Quote from: robinez on Nov 20, 2019, 06:38 AM
It works indeed a lot easier on the korg pa series. However you can do this also on the genos with the help of user voices. These are the steps to do it without the need of a computer.

- select the style
- press the mixer button
- press on the icon of the sound you want to change (for instance the bass)
- remember the location of the sound it points to
- now press the voice button
- select the voice you just remembered from the style
- press voice edit in the menu
- modify the octave value (+1 or -1 depending on the sound and what you need in the style
- save the modified as a new user sound.
- now go back to the style
- select the mixer again and press the style element you want to change (in this example the bass) and select your modified user sound
- save the style in a registration with the voice and style checkboxes activated

Now you have changed the octave and sound for that style.
The best part of this method is that the original style will be the same and you stored your modification in the registration (new sound and octave). ...

Hi robinez,

have you already tried this method yourself?

To my knowledge this is not possible with a USER Voice, because changed Voice Set data is IGNORED when the Voice is used in a Style, Multi Pad or MIDI file.

But one could make a new CUSTOM Voice (based on a Preset Voice) in YEM, change the Octave setting in this Custom Voice, transfer the Pack containing the new Voice to the instrument and then revoice the Style with that new Custom Voice.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: overover on Nov 20, 2019, 07:29 AM
Hi robinez,

have you already tried this method yourself?

To my knowledge this is not possible with a USER Voice, because changed Voice Set data is IGNORED when the Voice is used in a Style, Multi Pad or MIDI file.

But one could make a new CUSTOM Voice (based on a Preset Voice) in YEM, change the Octave setting in this Custom Voice, transfer the Pack containing the new Voice to the instrument and then revoice the Style with that new Custom Voice.

Best regards,
yes, i used this method in Genos 1.4 for my modified styles., i didn't test it yet in 2.0 but i could use the new custom voices i created in the style in 1.4

I didn't need to use YEM for that.

I will test it again in 2.0 and let you know the results here.



Quote from: overover on Nov 20, 2019, 07:29 AM
Hi robinez,

But one could make a new CUSTOM Voice (based on a Preset Voice) in YEM, change the Octave setting in this Custom Voice, transfer the Pack containing the new Voice to the instrument and then revoice the Style with that new Custom Voice.

Best regards,

I recently confirmed a style on Genos 2 ignored a simple user voice octave change. It works as a panel voice but not in the style accomp.
With the computer voice editor on Tyros some time ago (precursor to Yem) simple edits were handled as if they were "voice set" and hence would continue to be ignored by styles. I don't know if Yem has progressed beyond this ( but think it unlikely ::)).
What used to work for changing octave (eg. for organ pedal voices) was to edit the note shift on the wave element(s) by increments of 12 then save the custom voice.
If you know that a more basic edit in YEM "will" work, then my apologies.  :)



Quote from: jwyvern on Nov 20, 2019, 07:53 AM
I recently confirmed a style on Genos 2 ignored a simple user voice octave change. It works as a panel voice but not in the style accomp.
With the computer voice editor on Tyros some time ago (precursor to Yem) simple edits were handled as if they were "voice set" and hence would continue to be ignored by styles. I don't know if Yem has progressed beyond this ( but think it unlikely ::)).
What used to work for changing octave (eg. for organ pedal voices) was to edit the note shift on the wave element(s) by increments of 12 then save the custom voice.
If you know that a more basic edit in YEM "will" work, then my apologies.  :)

Hi John,

yes, you're right here: The "Common ---> General" settings "Right Octave" and "Left Octave" (in the Voice Editor of the YEM) only work if the Voice is used in Keyboard Parts (Right 1/2/3, Left), later.

What I originally meant in my posting (#9) is changing the "Note Shift" value of each "Element" (plus or minus 12 semitones).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Ronnie if you don't want to use a program on the pc,this is how we do it on the keyboard:

Style creator,Step Edit,Make the changes,Save as a NEW Style,Use that new style now and forget about the preset style.

Rene in a previous post is also telling the way to change all the notes(one octave up or down) of the part with just one move (if it is not a drum part) by multi selecting all the notes.

On pc programs lots of things may get much easier I guess.

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Quote from: overover on Nov 20, 2019, 07:29 AM
Hi robinez,

have you already tried this method yourself?

To my knowledge this is not possible with a USER Voice, because changed Voice Set data is IGNORED when the Voice is used in a Style, Multi Pad or MIDI file.

But one could make a new CUSTOM Voice (based on a Preset Voice) in YEM, change the Octave setting in this Custom Voice, transfer the Pack containing the new Voice to the instrument and then revoice the Style with that new Custom Voice.

Best regards,
just tested it again, it worked in the genos 2.0

however, i did some more tests. When i select it in the Bass part then it didn't work, the bass part ignores those settings (probably something like a bass range (comparable to the bass channel settings on a korg)), it works on all the other parts but not on the bass parts.

this method DOESN'T work on the bass part
It does work on the other parts


Hi Robinez,
The tests I did earlier were on a Pad part of a Genos preset style and a Chord1 part of a user style originally from Ty5 (subsequently saved on Genos). Sorry to say those edits did not show up in the styles either.



Thank you all for the replies..but I don't understand the step edit?

All I wanted was to either increase or decrease the octave in either a Strings or Brass or even Guitar voice within the style I wanted to edit....sorry for all the confusion I really thought it was a simple way  to edit just like it is so easy on the Main  voice  section?

Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.


Quote from: jwyvern on Nov 20, 2019, 01:03 PM
Hi Robinez,
The tests I did earlier were on a Pad part of a Genos preset style and a Chord1 part of a user style originally from Ty5 (subsequently saved on Genos). Sorry to say those edits did not show up in the styles either.

in my test i also tested the chord1 part of a style and that worked, but that got me thinking, could it be dependable on the voice we are trying to edit? I've noticed that the kino strings for instance behave differently then for instance one of the preset bass sounds during editting.


The voices I tested were non mega-  nylon guitar and sax section. I have since tested a mega jazz guitar in chord1 and the octave edits continue go be ignored.
Am now in danger of going on a quest to evaluate all voice types so think I will give it a rest for now  :o ;) :D


Joe H

When StyleMagic processes an octave shift for a Mega Voice, it ignores those "high-note" codes for the Mega Guitars.  It works flawlessly.  Too bad it can't be done as simple on the keyboard as with computer software.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quote from: jwyvern on Nov 20, 2019, 01:35 PM
The voices I tested were non mega-  nylon guitar and sax section. I have since tested a mega jazz guitar in chord1 and the octave edits continue go be ignored.
Am now in danger of going on a quest to evaluate all voice types so think I will give it a rest for now  :o ;) :D

megavoices could be a problem indeed, don't evaluate all types, that will cost way to much time. I will give you some examples from octave modified presets that i used so that you can test that yourself. Will be tomorrow when i'm back in the studio.


I made a video of changing the octave in some bars in a style part using style creator's edit menu on  my psr.
I could select all the notes of the part and shift them one octave up or down.
The style part is an arpeggio so I thought better to change some bars and some bars down.
In Genos as far as I can see those things are a lot easier to do with the colour touch screen.

Sorry for the volume being too low. :)
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If something doesn't work like Robinez encounters,I guess you have to go to Parameter Channel of the style creator and change the note limits so the style part can have access to the disarable octave in all chord changes.
No need to create a new voice on the keyboard or in Yem this way.

Ronnie,all the notes you hear on a style part are in the "step edit".(Usually on the key of Cmaj7)
As there are all their effects too(filter).

Unfortunately there is not just a push of a button about everything we might want to change in a style. :(
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Quote from: panos on Nov 20, 2019, 02:42 PM
If something doesn't work like Robinez encounters,I guess you have to go to Parameter Channel of the style creator and change the note limits so the style part can have access to the disarable octave in all chord changes.


indeed i was expecting that it was something like this, it's works the same way on the korg pa4x and korg kronos.



Quote from: panos on Nov 20, 2019, 02:42 PM
I made a video of changing the octave in some bars in a style part using style creator's edit menu on  my psr.
I could select all the notes of the part and shift them one octave up or down.
The style part is an arpeggio so I thought better to change some bars and some bars down.
In Genos as far as I can see those things are a lot easier to do with the colour touch screen.

Sorry for the volume being too low. :)
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If something doesn't work like Robinez encounters,I guess you have to go to Parameter Channel of the style creator and change the note limits so the style part can have access to the disarable octave in all chord changes.
No need to create a new voice on the keyboard or in Yem this way.

Ronnie,all the notes you hear on a style part are in the "step edit".(Usually on the key of Cmaj7)
As there are all their effects too(filter).

Unfortunately there is not just a push of a button about everything we might want to change in a style. :(
Hi Panos,
I remember the time when my Yamaha works like that unfortunately with S970 and now with SX900, even the style is made by me, without 1-8 tracks wnen I push Bass for example, apear mesage to delete the recorded info and I can't use step edit.
It is something that I forgot? or you use style unlock-er.
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


It is a style from the "old" Euro dance pack(now preset styles on newer keyboards)
Most of the style parts are unlocked if I remember well.
For those styles that are locked, yes I use mr Jorgen's  style unlocker.
It doesn't always work but most of the times it does.
If it doesn't work I search for another similar style part to use.
I usually avoid to use style parts that have melody lines so the Assembly function+Mixing Console+a little style part edit+registration works just fine for me to play a song or a composition.
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Style Unlocker is at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

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- since 1999


Too bad the Yamaha Style creator doesn't have the option to move an octave like the Korg does. In my experience, the most common reason for the "wrong octave" is the wrong settings when sampling Custom Voices.
You can easily change octaves in Styles with free software. Check out my videos.
Watch my video channel


Quote from: Jørgen on Nov 15, 2019, 02:22 PM

In Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login read heading: Note Low Limit / Note High Limit

Adjust at the keyboard.

Not sure you correctly read Jorgen's answer ...

"Note Low Limit / Note High Limit

NOTE LIMIT LOW and HIGH specify the low and high note limits for all notes in the specified part.

Notes outside this range are transposed to the nearest octave within the range.

When LOW = C3 and HIGH = D4
Root Motion: C C# D#
Notes Produced: E3-G3-C4 / F3-G#3-C#4 / D#3-G3-A#3

I imagine that when you transpose the Low and High values, the full part content is automatically transposed.



With so many people  discussing here it was all too advanced for me to understand, so still not any wiser as to style octave change.
Thanks anyways

Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.


Quote from: shadowhankron on Nov 27, 2019, 12:57 PM
With so many people  discussing here it was all too advanced for me to understand, so still not any wiser as to style octave change.
Thanks anyways


Man, the simplest way is to buy a licence of StyleMagicYA, which is something like 53 Euros, and you get all these problems solved in 10 seconds of PC work ;)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
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