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Genos problems after 1.4 upgrade

Started by Al Ram, Jun 30, 2019, 08:07 PM

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Al Ram

Last night I did the upgrade to 1.4 . . .    I played the Genos for a little while with no problems . . . . 

Today i played a little bit more . . ..  and experienced the following problems . . . .

I have to state that before the upgrade, did not experience any of this problems . . . .  it was only after the upgrade.   I play Genos every day and did not experience any problems until now.  It may just be coincidental but . . .

1. The linking between Genos and SongBook+  iPad worked intermittently . . .  it did work for the most part but sometimes it did not . . . .

2.  The sound was 'lost' when playing . .  i was playing and suddenly the sound went down, it was not lost completely, there was some distortion and then volume went considerably down . . . my bose L1 is fine . . . i tested it . . . . the connection is also fine . . . 

I turned everything off. .  waited a couple of minutes and then played again.   Things seemed back to normal but experienced the same #1 issue again.

Anyone experienced any problems after upgrade . . . ?  I am afraid if this would be playing live . . .

I think there is no way to go back to 1.3 is there ?

I do no want to sound alarmistic or pesimistic, just reporting what i have found . . . there must be an explanation  . . .


San Diego/Tijuana


Actually Al Ram, This is the thread i was looking for and i hope many of those who updated will contribute and keep this thread alive

First off i would like to start by saying that I appreciate those who have complaints and those who are happy. I think both views are must have in order to maintain a good, healthy community with a different view. Only like that, great inventions are made and things can be improved.

to the point: By far the number on reason for me to wait and not to update is that I'm waiting for people like you to see if there's a problem after upgrading. Because it's not reversible I can not take the chance. My Genos works great, doesn't freeze and all the bugs and "new" features are way ahead of me. I'm still exploring the Genos and expected to do that for a long long time

Please, guys, share everything you can about your experience with the new update. It's very important to all Genos Owners


Fred Smith


I've tested my keyboard after upgrading to 1.4, and found no problems.

My registrations link properly with Songbook (although I still go the old-fashioned way -- the keyboard controls Songbook through midi files).

I also haven't had any volume issues.

Sorry to hear about your problems. Hopefully they're resolvable quickly.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: Fred Smith on Jun 30, 2019, 09:08 PM

My registrations link properly with Songbook (although I still go the old-fashioned way -- the keyboard controls Songbook through midi files).


Hi Fred, Thank you for you input here

When you guys mention the songbook, are you referring to the Midi connection to the keyboard? When you press a Registration a song pops up and vice versa? Is that what you are referring to?
Because i use the same feature with a different app: Mobile sheet pro with my galaxy tablet and it is by far the most important thing for me.

I'm still inspired by your Registration class Fred!

Fred Smith

Quote from: elad770 on Jun 30, 2019, 09:20 PM
Hi Fred, Thank you for you input here

When you guys mention the songbook, are you referring to the Midi connection to the keyboard? When you press a Registration a song pops up and vice versa? Is that what you are referring to?
Because i use the same feature with a different app: Mobile sheet pro with my galaxy tablet and it is by far the most important thing for me.

As I said, in my case, I have the keyboard control Songbook. The registration loads a midi file which calls up the correct PDF in Songbook. Communication between the two is through a bluetooth LE device. There is no "vice versa" for me -- communication is only one way.


Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Joe H

I think it is possible to go back to a previous update if you still have the file. I recollect that I did this with my PSR S970 just to test it.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi Al Ram :

I feel very sorry and sad to hear what happened after you have installed the 1.4 Genos update. 😟

Who will solve this serious problem ?
Will Yamaha help you out ?

Cross my fingers ...




Had problems with the sound too.
Could only have Right 1 on, when I plugged in Right 2 or Right 3 at the same time it sounded very strange.
// Pierre
YAMAHA Genos 2, YAMAHA MFC10, Bose L1 II-pa,Mixer T1 ToneMatch, ZUM STEEL.


Why these post take my toughs to a quickly 1.5 update?!  ;D

I don't know, they don't have beta testers? Beta testers must be at least 5 from each country where Genos have been sold, IMO! If they test on the factory, that NOT represents a real live test!

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Quote from: PierreSW on Jul 01, 2019, 03:43 AM
Had problems with the sound too.
Could only have Right 1 on, when I plugged in Right 2 or Right 3 at the same time it sounded very strange.
// Pierre

Hi Pierre,
Did you have normal voices in R2 or 3 or Expansion ones?


Hi :

I feel very sorry to read all these problems.😟

Yamaha needed so much time to create and prepare this update ...
Expectations were high ...😰

For an outsider like me it is hard to understand why some people are very pleased with this 1.4 update whilst others are suffering.

A disaster ?😢

Only Yamaha can answer that question and/or bring a solution very, very soon.

Hopefully it is not too late ... especially not for giggers.🙏🙏



Quote from: valimaties on Jul 01, 2019, 05:54 AM
Why these post take my toughs to a quickly 1.5 update?!  ;D

I don't know, they don't have beta testers? Beta testers must be at least 5 from each country where Genos have been sold, IMO! If they test on the factory, that NOT represents a real live test!


As long as it took Yamaha to release this update I'd have to believe they tested it in the field for months.


Well like many others I have to report I have had no problems at all. All my registrations work as they should and have no problem with voices in R123. I am just using Genos as it is with no extra speakers or plug in's. All Fine and update working well. Pleased with it so far.


Al,  Sorry to hear of your problems.  I too use Songbook plus and have all my registrations linked.  I played a gig Saturday and found no problems with the linking of songs/leadsheets  After I read your comment I tested to see if any links were broken they were not all is working fine whether I choose a tune from Songbook+ or choose it from a registration.


Hi Eileen,

Do you think the problem is not the update 1.4 but how it has been installed by the Genos owner ?

Is it possible to redo the entire 1.4 update installation ?

Would it be a good idea if you could explain these people how to install the update 1.4 correctly ?

IMO a " step by step instruction sheet " could be the right tool to make these Genos owners happy.

Thanks, Eileen !

The Hopeful


Quote from: jwyvern on Jul 01, 2019, 06:17 AM
Hi Pierre,
Did you have normal voices in R2 or 3 or Expansion ones?

Yes, a normal ordinary Countrystyle with Yamaha's OTS.
After restarting it was OK again.
YAMAHA Genos 2, YAMAHA MFC10, Bose L1 II-pa,Mixer T1 ToneMatch, ZUM STEEL.


Quote from: PierreSW on Jul 01, 2019, 08:36 AM
Yes, an normal ordinary Countrystyle with Yamaha's OTS

Ok Pierre, I may have been able to help if they had been expansion voices according to my experience after the update. I have no knowledge of problems that might be encountered with normal voices attributable to the update.
But you may want to check your R3 split point has not moved from its default position in case that has affected your ability to layer all 3 voices simultaneously.


Hi Babette,
  I downloaded as I always do using Windows10. Firstly download update from Yamaha site to my desktop. Put a USB drive in that has been formatted on Genos. Now click on the zip Icon of download. Two files are showing and you only want to select the update one. Right click on it and choose Copy.
Now go to your USB and select Paste. Job Done.


Quote from: EileenL on Jul 01, 2019, 08:53 AM
Now click on the zip Icon of download. Two files are showing and you only want to select the update one. Right click on it and choose Copy.
Now go to your USB and select Paste. Job Done.

In  case anyone thinks they may have lost a file note there was only one file in my Win 10 download after clicking the zip. - GENOSSETUP. PRG

Installation was OK John


In my download there was also a document file.


Hi Eileen,

1000× THANK YOU ! 🌟🌟🌟👍

Hopefully your feedback will help them out !

I am looking forward to reading some positive reactions here.🎩

Best wishes, Babette

Al Ram

Well . . .

Last night i tested more . . . played for about 60 minutes and could not replicate the problem(s).

So. hopefully, it was just a one-time problem.  Will continue to monitor.


Just for clarification,  I have the two-way automatic linking between iPad/SongBook+ and Genos. When selecting a PDF on iPad/Songbook+ the Genos registration is automatically loaded. It works the other way around too.   Great feature for live playing.   It allows to bring up the next song in seconds . . .


San Diego/Tijuana


Al Ram

I know this is taken straight from psychology realms but you should know that sometimes when we are trying to look for something or becoming more sensitive and alert to something (Like trying to find what is wrong with a new update :) LOL ) , We often find things that we didn't notice before. Could be you had it all along or simply didn't notice it.

Just a theory, I'm sure you know what you saw and i trust your observation


Hi all,

a couple of my YouTube viewers reported the following problem on 1.4, can you reproduce this?

"In V 1.40 is a bug. I can't assign the parts R1-R3, Left, Left hold to a footswitch !"

is there a way to enter bugs directly with Yamaha?



Hi Markus,

Anyone who has managed to successfully install Ver 1.40 will be able to reproduce this.

For reasons best known to Yamaha, they have removed the On/Off switching of the main voice parts from the list of functions assignable to a pedal.

You can still assign the function to an assignable button, but since these are only a few inches away from the actual dedicated Left/Right voice part buttons, it is hardly worth bothering.

It's a new 'feature', not a bug!  ;) ::)

Oh, and by the way, apparently once Ver 1.40 is installed, you can't revert back to a previous version of the firmware.

So anyone who has installed it is stuck with it, unless Yamaha see the error of their ways.  Of course if they did, it would mean admitting that they made a mistake, and Yamaha will never do that!  :'(




This has been reported to Yamaha and they agree for some reason it was removed. They say it will be restored in a future update so all is well.


You made me wonder tyrosaurus

Think about it: Every Bug that we find will only hasten the production of a new update


Quote from: EileenL on Jul 01, 2019, 04:45 PM
This has been reported to Yamaha and they agree for some reason it was removed. They say it will be restored in a future update so all is well.

I really want to know what are the reasons they remove options with an update!
I don't know, seems like there is only one programmer with a lot of things to do, and he forget what was in last update... Come on, this sounds like a bad joke. They play with our nerves!
I remember 1.10 has an option in DSP screen (i think) which was removed from 1.20 ...
I really want to know the reason of removing features from a software app. They really have to document the reasons in update history: "we removed that important feature for you, because you don't have to know what we know" or "we think you don't have enough white hair, so we are helping you :)) " ;) LOL

Simply jokes :D
I will take their lack of responsibility as a big joke ;) As a grand concern like Yamaha is, it cannot do this things to its users: take this today, tomorrow is not good for you anymore! And if there was mistakes, we have to wait another 2, 3, 6 moths till next update! This is not professionalism!

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos



You are right about that. I'm not a software engineer but i did see in first hand the process of firmware release. Different company and different product but the procedures should be the same

there should be a team of people that has a list with thousands of tests and combination for each function to thoroughly check for bugs. Almost like quality assurance but for software

I would be shocked if they don't follow similar protocols

Also, i think they need to snap out of the formality of firmware release!  They make such a big deal out of it with promotional videos and stuff that it's hard mentally to admit that they need yet another update. They need to stop copying Korg on that. Korg firmware update gave people a radical change in function and appearance almost as if they got a new product. Yamaha on the other hand fixes bugs and adding visuals to a screen - things that should have been there from day one. Therefore yamaha should release these updates on the fly , as they fixed and put it on their site on a Bimonthly basis - Exactley the way it's done in the app store. In fact, the should add a function that when the Genos is connect to the interent through wifi Genos should be prompt to update automatically, exactly like your app in your phone! - Common sense Yamaha, come on!


Its not just Yamaha, a few years back I paid about what a Genos costs on a pair of brand new CDJ2000 CD/Media players.

These were a new product top of the line "professional" DJ equipment, they two had thier fair share of issues all of which were addressed quite rapidly by the Pioneer DJ guys.

The F/W updates were coming thick & fast, one after the other for approx 2 years.  Why so many you may ask, "well" every time they released a F/W update to fix an issue, it broke something else.

The whole process become never-ending.  :( :( :(