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Using genos with YAMAHA SOFT midi files

Started by Kaarlo von Freymann, May 05, 2018, 03:17 AM

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Kaarlo von Freymann

About a month ago I posted  a new topic,

"Can you change the octave of a midi file voice on the fly during playback ?"  It was read 150 times but got no replies so I understood you cannot. Evidently no one was ready to put the word "no" in writing, though a whole lot of people must have known the answer.

I have now progressed to do what Lee Batchelor advised me to do (Lee, I wish to thank you for your great help with my problems)  e.g. tweaking the midi files imported from Tyros because they do not sound right on Genos.
That is understandable as the drums and effects are not identical and many even claim the sounds are very different (better) I could not find step by step instructions on how to do the tweaking in the reference manual - it was easy on Tyros - so I contacted and old friend of mine who administers a YAMAHA site in Germany. 
I enclose what he wrote me.  If he is correct, the length of the list may be why this topic has been avoided here


1  press  MENU
2  in the display  touch  menue 2
3  touch song recording
4  touch  multi recording
5  in upper  left touch new song                                     
6  choose the song you want to edit
7  push EXIT
8  touch menue at the upper right in the menue
9  push Mixer
11   push EXIT
12   touch set up  (symbol with tow notes anf a gear wheel
13   touch excecute to have the changes in the mixer written into the file
14   touch close
15  touch  save
16  input name
17  touch OK

In addition to the steps - maybe just one ! - necessary for the actual editing this German instruction lists 17 steps you need to do.

Knowing there are people who get offended  by anything not pro-Genos, I  refrain from putting in writing what the German site administrator said to me on the phone and what I answered.


Any comments highly appreciated as I still have my Genos on a "return OK basis."




You can of course edit each track as you could on Tyros 5. The only thing different on Genos is you press Step Edit to edit the effects and changes in tracks.

Gunnar Jonny

Karlo, as a start you can skip 1, 2 and 3, and just press the white 'RECORDING' button (left side of the sliders), it leads you stright to the 'Song recording Menu' and your pt 4.  ;)
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Hi Kaarlo,
as I understand all Yamaha's models work pretty much the same way as long they have the same functions.
There are little differences between them depending on how the menu and tabs are displaying on the screen and which button to hit in each step but the "philosophy" of how things can be done is the same.
So if a user "move" between these models PSR-S,Tyros,A 3000,Pro 9000 and Genos the majority of doing things are familiar to him and how things can be done.
I have learned doing things on my s750 by reading plenty of posts in the forum concerning other models and got helped this way.

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Quote from: panos on Feb 01, 2018, 11:24 PM
I have just found a way to do it on keyboard.

1.Press song and select the midi file you wish to change
2.Function -->  F -->  song creator
3.Press mixing concole
4.Change the volume of the channel
5.Press escape
6.You are back to song creator now to the REC MODE
7.Go to the 2nd tab called Channel
8.Navigate down to the 5th line called Setup
9.Under setup is an execute order, press it
10.To the right you see save button,press it
11. Save the midi with a new name.

On transpose function never transpose channel 10 is the drums.

A midi file is based on pre-recorded notes and orders so it's not always that easy to alter things with just one "click" for each function of the midi file.
If I understand correctly when you are saying "on the fly" you mean when you are playing live in from on an audience?
The only way I can think of to change the octave of the voice for a part while the midi is playing ,
is by choosing a voice that you have in the user area and will be in a different octave  but i don't know how convinient that will be if you are playing live at that time.

Have in mind that a midi song can play in any machine that has a program to read midi files and will use the voices that the machine has.
So the same midi will use different voices on a Tyros 1,Genos,Dgx 200,Synthesia,Windows media player,Cubase,Korg PA4x,Korg 600,Casio etc.  and that is the reason that it will sound differently in each one of them.
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Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: panos on May 06, 2018, 08:36 AM

The only way I can think of to change the octave of the voice for a part while the midi is playing ,
is by choosing a voice that you have in the user area and will be in a different octave  but i don't know how conveinient that will be if you are playing live at that time
. It would be very convenient

Thanks Panos
that is exactly what I thought I could do. You can save in your user voices for  instance the same baritone sax in 3 different octaves.    Comes in handy when using a split keyboard like I mostly do.  Then in case you want a baritone sax in the uppermost  octave of the split keyboard you just chose the one you previously saved in a low octave.  But when using that baritone in your mid file on Tyros 5 it converts back to its "normal" octave. To change octave  you had to go to the song create page, which of course you cannot do"on the fly"   One of the reason I considered the Genos was I was told that was no more so. The midi file would reproduce the chosen instrument in whatever octave you saved it.  Unfortunately at least on mine it is the same old story, it works with playing by hand, it does not when playing a midi file.  But I do not consider that to be a bug, as it was never promised in any manual, it is just a pity. You can on the fly in the mixer change the instrument on any of the 16 channels but you will have to content yourself with instruments in their "normal" octave, which means you cannot change a flute  in the midi file to a baritone sax. And even more a pity, all these things you can do in the mixer are volatile and making them permanent is a pain in .......... which it was not on Tyros.





Well,I tested on my psr Kaarlo and doesn't work either this way. :(
When the midi gives the order to the voice to play a C4 note,it will play a C4 note no matter what,which is correct ofcourse.
When we save a voice in a different octave,the keyboard doesn't really change the pitch of the notes by 12 semitones,
but is just playing another note than the one we hit.
(We hit C3 and it just plays C4).
So the voice sample must be by default one octave up or down like it is the octavepiano2 voice which by default is one octave down compare to the octavepiano1 voice.

I don't know if you can do this with the YEM program and make a new voice there without a lot of trouble or if you could use the mixmaster to change the midi file.

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