Thank You for All the Support Regarding Dealing with the Pain of Playing a Genos

Started by GrannyRocks, Nov 29, 2023, 02:09 PM

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I just want to thank everyone who wrote me with suggestions for how to play the Genos with less pain. Some of the suggestions are working for me. Some can't work for whatever reason. But all of your thoughts were useful. I actually had to look at all the ways the pain occurrs -- not just the keybed. So I've been using registrations and banks, a foot pedal and using the touch screen instead of buttons, wherever practical. (For instance, I'm using the Registration information screen to move among the registrations, and that allows me to go to whatever instrument I want without using a button.) And I'm watching my touch, to make sure I'm not working too hard. I also realize that the stretching causes strain, so I'm incorporating a pedal too. I have to work with the body I have and the kind of music I play. I also accept quite a lot of pain -- and I see many of you do, too -- to have the experience of playing music. But I also have to acknowledge I can't push it too far, too much.

I really feel the support and caring. Many of you struggle too and you have been able to share what has been working for you, and I can, in turn, care about you.

Though I haven't been on the forum long, I feel part of the group. You have been so warm and welcoming, and I wish each of you the best in your efforts to find healing and self-expression in music, in whatever way you do.

Hugs all around.
Shigeru Kawai concert grand -- my prize possession -- not rich, just crazy
Casio Privia privia ps-x6000

Michael Trigoboff

And hugs back to you, along with fingers crossed (carefully, so that it doesn't cause pain :D) that you will be able to play your Genos2 the way you want to.
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22


Thank you. You are such a support. I think I will. I'm getting the hang of how to minimize pain on this darned keyboard, and it's just too good to give up. Smile and hugs. And you keep on keeping on with your music too. Hugs, Beth
Shigeru Kawai concert grand -- my prize possession -- not rich, just crazy
Casio Privia privia ps-x6000