utilisation registrations tyros genos sur cvp 709

Started by hammi, Jun 22, 2021, 12:20 AM

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bonjour ,
comment faite vous pour que le cvp 709 puise reconnaitre les registrations du tyros et du genos .
il me mais un message erreur  ;les données n'ont pas été charger correctement .
merci de votre aide.


Hi hammi,

Please post here (as already written earlier) only in English (not in French). This is an English forum. Please use a translation tool (e.g., Google Translator) and then copy the translated English text to your forum post. If you continue to post in French language, you will annoy the forum members, and you will probably get no answers.

Regarding your request:

You can use the "Yamaha Registration Manager" by Murray Best (version "YRMSpecial") to convert Registration Bank files (.rgt) from other models for use with the CVP-709. Since other models can have other Preset Voices, Styles and Effects, in many cases you will need to manually edit the Registrations after conversion.
>>> https://psrtutorial.com/util/best.html

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Good evening,
thank you for your answer, I tried the software but it is still quite complex, I will turn to my cvp 709 is created new registrations.
Thank you for your help .


Thanks for your feedback, hammi!

As with any new software, you must first become familiar with the operation. In the case of the YRM, however, it is basically very simple:

- Start the Yamaha Registration Manager.
- Set the CVP-709 as "Target Keyboard".

Converting a single Registration Bank file:
- Load the Registration Bank (upper left button).
- Check the green button "Save/Convert Registration Bank". Then click on this button and save the converted Bank file. Finished!

Batch Bank Conversion (all Bank files in a folder at once):
- Start Yamaha Registration Manager, but don't load a Bank file.
- Click on "Batch Bank Conversion" button.
- Set the Source directory (= the folder in which the .rgt files to be converted are saved).
- Set the Target directory (= the folder in which the converted files should be saved).
- Click on the button "Convert Banks". Finished!

It is certainly always best to create the Registrations from scratch on a new instrument. This is the best way to use all of the new Styles, Voices and Effects. Nevertheless, it cannot hurt to test the Registrations of the previous instrument on the new instrument (e.g. to have a basis for the new Registrations).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)