Problem saving CPI

Started by elad770, Jul 19, 2020, 01:11 AM

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Please help!

I'm trying to do a simple task and i'm encountering difficulties

All i'm doing is trying to save few of the new and free premium pack to my Genos. I click on Save pack - Cpi and and gives me the following message (see picture)
I have no issues with spaace or anything else and have no clue what in the world is the problem

[attachment deleted by admin]


What is the size of the packinstall ?
Cannot be more than ca.4096MB.
Did you re-import the "n27" ID-file out of the Genos in YEM
after upgrading Genos to v2.0 (2.02) ?
Is YEM version 2.6.0 ?
Best Regards
Eddy Vanzee