Sx900 upgraded to Sx920 lost settings

Started by Nevertoolate, Mar 01, 2025, 07:06 AM

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Hi, after saving registration settings via usb on my sx900, I reloaded them into sx920 only to find changes occurred in my saved registrations (different voices, volume balance, extra sustain appears etc) Any advice or direction will be gratefully received. Thanks


Quote from: Nevertoolate on Mar 01, 2025, 07:06 AMHi, after saving registration settings via usb on my sx900, I reloaded them into sx920 only to find changes occurred in my saved registrations (different voices, volume balance, extra sustain appears etc) Any advice or direction will be gratefully received. Thanks

I did it too. ALMOST everything works...only some Styles don't match. However, it is good practice to check before playing live


Hello Nevertoolate

Well, it is never too late to do it right. Trust me your question and problem has come up many times in the past and no one has suggested what I am sharing with you here before.

Welcome to the Registrations big problem. They do not transfer from one model to the next, if you use your keyboard's PRESET STYLES. The problem occurs because of the styles LOCATION and not the styles.

MURRY BEST has created a program to assist you in moving from one keyboard model to another. However it has not been updated to help SX920 users at this time. I am pretty sure you will also need to tweak them even if you use his program.

However, the PROPER way to create and use Registrations with the expectation of using them when you upgrade to your NEXT Yamaha keyboard in a few years is as follows. The first thing you have to do is MOVE all your keyboard's PRESET styles to a USB stick. Then create your Registration using those styles from that USB location.

When you upgrade your keyboard to a NEWER model, you put the USB into that keyboard and ALL your registrations work just like they did in your OLD Yamaha keyboard.

I found this out because I only use custom styles that I create for doing all my songs. I piece the styles together using parts from any and all Yamaha preset styles.

I keep all these custom styles on a USB stick. When I upgraded from my old PSR-S950 keyboard to my PSR-SX920 keyboard all my style sounded just like they did on PSR-S950. They were all using the same voices in the style parts and the same drum kits. The OTS were all the same ones and all were still BALANCED perfect to the style.

I do not use a lot of Registrations as I set my styles up to do each song "as is" for the most part. However, I do run into songs which a Registration is necessary in order to perform it live.  I use 4 registrations in this manner and each of them also work perfect.

So to save yourself from running into this Registration issue in the future, rework them using styles from the USB location.
