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T5 Registration Limit

Started by adrianed, Jan 24, 2025, 12:26 AM

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Hi Folks,
I have never seen or heard about how many registrations the T5 will hold, I have over 700 on mine
I now think it is losing some of the registrations and I have to set some up again that I am pretty sure I had working on other days
Does anyone know of the limit or perhaps do I have a different problem


Hi Adrian,

By "Registrations" you probably mean Registration Bank files (.rgt). In principle, you can have an unlimited number of registration files on the Tyros5's hard drive or on a USB stick and use them from there. You could also save a lot of registration files in the internal User drive. (The size of the User drive on the Tyros5 is only about 6.7 MB (megabytes), but a registration bank file is only a few KB (kilobytes) in size.)

However, one important point should be noted: The maximum possible number of files per folder on Tyros5 is 500.

If there are subfolders in a folder, each subfolder also counts as 1 file, i.e. the maximum possible number of files in this folder is reduced accordingly.

My recommendation is to only work with a maximum of around 100 - 200 files per folder/subfolder. On the one hand, you will never have problems by exceeding the 500 file limit, and on the other hand, you can access all files with fewer clicks because you don't have as many pages (P1, P2, P3, ...) in the file selection displays.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks over over
My registrations are all in a folder named My registrations
Inside that are folders in alphabetical order
I have just realised that I have a my registrations folder with its other folders in both the user drive and the Harddrive one so I am not sure which drive might come into play when I press the two registration together as I often do to to get the registrations on screen
I have had a quick check and it looks like it might choose user drive sometimes and another time the HD one
More work to be done here, I might have watch more carefully, perhaps remove the registrations from the user drive,to stop that happening
I realise now that the question about limits was a bit silly being that all storage drives have limited space for storage so no matter how capable the other parts of the keyboard are there will still be a limit on storage
Now I shall connect the keyboard to the computer to see which drive has the most complete set of registrations or which has the best set it could be either
I am never happy when I have to connect the keyboard and computer together in case something goes wrong and I am zapted into the dark ages and have to set everything again
Thanks again

Fred Smith

Quote from: adrianed on Jan 24, 2025, 03:46 PMI am never happy when I have to connect the keyboard and computer together in case something goes wrong and I am zapted into the dark ages and have to set everything again

I connect my keyboard to my computer regularly and never had a problem. It's a great way to manage files on the User or hard drive.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: Fred Smith on Jan 25, 2025, 05:19 PM
Quote from: adrianed on Jan 24, 2025, 03:46 PMI am never happy when I have to connect the keyboard and computer together in case something goes wrong and I am zapted into the dark ages and have to set everything again

I connect my keyboard to my computer regularly and never had a problem. It's a great way to manage files on the User or hard drive.


And the *only* way if you exceed the maximum number of folders/file allowed!


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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: adrianed on Jan 24, 2025, 03:46 PM... Now I shall connect the keyboard to the computer to see which drive has the most complete set of registrations or which has the best set it could be either ...

Hi Adrian,

Please note that when the Tyros5 is in USB Storage Mode (called up by holding down the Music Finder button when switching on), the computer can only access the internal hard drive (HD1), NOT the internal USER drive. (The latter only works on Genos models.)

To access the Tyros5 USER drive from the computer, you would need to use the Yamaha "MusicSoft Downloader" program.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks Chris, I will remember that


Hi Fred,
I have done it a few times but it seems like open heart surgery, I am not even a doctor


Thanks Mark