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Genos 2/ Sx900 midi

Started by Foxy72, May 25, 2024, 04:08 AM

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Hi I wonder if someone can help me please. I have a G2 and an Sx900 and im trying to midi both together. I have coded voice packs on the Sx900 but when you midi both keyboards together the coded voice packs to not transmit to the G2. Can someone please give me advice.

Roger Brenizer

Hi Foxy72,

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I don't know what exactly you try to do with the midi connection.
But voices on the SX900 will never play on the Genos and vice versa.
You can send a MSB/LSB/PC from one keyboard to another to let that keyboard play the selected voice, in his list.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Can you explain what you want to accomplish?

Then we can possibly tell you what to do.

And WELCOME to the best Yamaha resource on the internet.


Quote from: Foxy72 on May 25, 2024, 04:08 AM
Hi I wonder if someone can help me please. I have a G2 and an Sx900 and im trying to midi both together. I have coded voice packs on the Sx900 but when you midi both keyboards together the coded voice packs to not transmit to the G2. Can someone please give me advice.

Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum, Foxy!

What exactly do you mean by "coded voice packs"?

Have you perhaps created your own expansion packs for the SX900 in the Expansion Manager (YEM) and would now like to use these packs on the Genos2?

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


You can connect the Midi out port of the SX900 to the MIDI in port of the Genos2 using a 5 pin DIN cable. However, MIDI ports only send midi data from one port to the other. Thus, you can use the SX900 as a second manual to trigger sound generation on the Genos2, but midi data does not carry actual sound information from one keyboard to another.

If you can create the same SX900 track on your computer, you can play back that track over a computer to Genos2 USB cable. A USB cable has much higher bandwidth than a MIDI cable and can transmit both midi data and sounds.



Hi Thank you for your welcome.
I have a wurlitzer sound which is on my sx900 which was purchased. The Wurlitzer sounds were put pnto a coded usb stick which was coded for only the sx900.
When I have connected my sx900 to my Genos 2 the coded voices eg The Wurltzer will not cpme through to the Genos 2. I know it can be done but it's finding out how


Quote from: Foxy72 on May 26, 2024, 06:33 AM
Hi Thank you for your welcome.
I have a wurlitzer sound which is on my sx900 which was purchased. The Wurlitzer sounds were put pnto a coded usb stick which was coded for only the sx900.
When I have connected my sx900 to my Genos 2 the coded voices eg The Wurltzer will not cpme through to the Genos 2. I know it can be done but it's finding out how

Hi Foxy,

Obviously, by "coded" pack you mean a protected pack (also called encrypted), i.e. a CPF file (.cpf). Such purchased packs from third-party manufacturers only work on the keyboard for which the manufacturer originally created the pack (based on the corresponding Instrument Info file), i.e. they cannot be used on any other keyboard.

As already mentioned, you can transfer performance data via a MIDI connection (e.g. Note On/Off, controllers such as volume and expression, bank select and program change, SysEx messages, etc.), and you can control the MIDI sound generation of a keyboard from an external one Control from keyboard or computer. But it is not possible to transfer an installed expansion pack to another keyboard via MIDI.

If a pack is available in non-protected PPF (.ppf) format, you can also install it on other keyboards. If my guess is correct (i.e. you have a third-party CPF pack), you will have no choice but to buy the pack for the Genos2 again. Some pack manufacturers give a generous discount for such "upgrades", but others require you to pay the full price again.

For the sake of completeness: Current Yamaha CPF packs can only be installed on a specific keyboard MODEL, e.g. only on Tyros5-61 or only on Tyros5-76 or only on Genos1. A Yamaha CPF pack cannot therefore be installed on models for which Yamaha does not offer a specific pack.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks Chris for your help As it looks it is highly likley I will have to purchase the pack again unless somone has the registration for a good Wurlitzer sound. I play a lot of care homes and if my clients cannot attend The mighty Wurlitzer then The Mighty Wurlitzer must come to them as it helps my clients to remember Blackpool. Many thanks Scott


Quote from: Foxy72 on May 27, 2024, 11:03 AM
Thanks Chris for your help As it looks it is highly likley I will have to purchase the pack again unless somone has the registration for a good Wurlitzer sound. I play a lot of care homes and if my clients cannot attend The mighty Wurlitzer then The Mighty Wurlitzer must come to them as it helps my clients to remember Blackpool. Many thanks Scott

Hi Scott,

Have you tried all Genos2 E-Piano Voices (e.g. the "70sVintageEP" and "80sVintageEP" voices in the E.Piano Panel Voice folder and the "VintageEP" voices in the "VintageE.Piano Legacy Voice folder)? Actually, there should be a usable "Wurli" sound among these voices.

You could also try the free expansion pack "Best of Wurlitzer 200A" (.ppf format). You can download it from the following link, import it into the Expansion Manager (YEM) V2.10.0 and install it on your Genos2 (of course it also works on the SX900).

The pack contains 6 different Wurlitzer 200A Voices. If you install all Voices, the pack will require approximately 123 MB of Expansion Wave Memory. For the contents please see the attached screenshot.
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Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hmmm, when Foxy refers to the "Mighty Wurlitzer", they have the Wurlitzer organ in mind.  :)

Foxy, do you take both keyboards to the care homes? You could play the Wurlitzer sound(s) on the SX900 and send the SX900 audio into the Genos auxiliary audio input. If the intention is to install the Wurlitzer organ pack on the Genos -- and it was encrypted/coded for the SX900 -- then you'll have to get a Genos-specific pack.

Hope these suggestions help -- pj

P.S. CMS Sound Design offer a few relatively inexpensive theatre organ packs:

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Edit: Link repaired by overover (".htm" > ".html")


Quote from: pjd on May 27, 2024, 01:13 PM
Hmmm, when Foxy refers to the "Mighty Wurlitzer", they have the Wurlitzer organ in mind.  :) ...

Thank you, pj!

Learned something new again... When I heard the word "Wurlitzer" I had only thought of the famous "200(A)" electric pianos and of course the jukeboxes from this manufacturer. ;)

I've never been interested in Theater Organs or their sounds on keyboards. Isn't there anything suitable among the many "Theater" organ voices in the Genos2's Panel and Legacy Organ voice folders) here?

I just found these videos (as far as I know, all Tyros5 Organ World voices are also in Genos/Genos2):

Tyros5: Organ World - Theatre Organ

The Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Organ Registrations played on a Yamaha Genos by Kris Nicholson

Theatre Organ on the Yamaha Genos 2 - Kevin Romang

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: overover on May 27, 2024, 01:38 PM
I've never been interested in Theater Organs or their sounds on keyboards. Isn't there anything suitable among the many "Theater" organ voices in the Genos2's Panel and Legacy Organ voice folders) here?

Theatre organ is definitely an acquired taste.  ;) I couldn't/wouldn't use most of those sounds in church [a-hem]. However, the "Tibia Acmp" voices are plain enough to give a good principal+flute impression. It's when these stops are combined into "chorus" that most classical/sacred music people run away in horror.  :)

I have a 1010music Tangerine nanobox on order and feel the urge to sample Genos pipe organ, again. Maybe the "Tibia Acmp" voices -- who knows!?

Take care -- pj



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