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One touch and registration difference?

Started by Beemer, Jan 14, 2021, 07:45 AM

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I confused about the difference and also the reason for using one touch than a registration?


One Touch saves information for voices only.
Registration saves other information like Styles.

One touch settings ( OTS ) are saved in styles. ( A part of it )
Advantages of using OTS you don't have to fill up the Registration.

Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


Hi Ian,

the first difference between OTS and Registrations is that OTS are stored with the Style data. So you always have to save the Style again (as a User Style). Registrations are stored as separate files (Registration Bank files).

the BIG difference is that you cannot specify which parameters should be memorized to an OTS button:

When you press [Memory] and then one of the four OTS buttons, there are always ALL parameters memorized that are supported by OTS.

When you want to memorize some of the current panel settings to a Registration button, after pressing [Memory] you can specify the desired parameter groop(s) to be memorized to that Registration button.

In addition, significantly more parameters can be stored in Registrations than in OTS. The exact parameters that can be memorized to Registrations or to OTS can be found in the Tyros5 Data List, which you can download here if required:
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Please compare the two columns "OTS" and "Regist" of the section "Parameter Chart", pages 69 - 79. A "circle" symbol means that the parameter in question is memorized (OTS) or can be memorized (Registrations). The column "Freeze Groop" shows which checkmark must be set in order to memorize the relevant parameter to a Registration or to lock the parameter using the "Freeze" function.

Just a few examples: The Style volume, Style Part volumes, Split Points, Fingering, Pedal settings cannot be memorized to OTS (but to Registrations of course). :)

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


You asked for the reason for using OTS.

It's simply a quick way to get some voices which will sound good with the selected style. Well-programmed styles come with good voice selections.


OTS (One Touch Setting) isn't an appropriate name for this function, which is confusing. It should be called 'Good voices with the style'


I quite agree with you, herb.
I think OTS naming has historic reasons, when OTS setting could actually be saved as separate file -as mentioned before, now OTS settings are saved into style.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


It is named that simply because one touch calls up the style and a suggested voice rather than multiple touches to select them separately.
You can do everything and more in a registration that OTS does, but the simplicity and the fact that presets already come with it already set up suits many people, especially those new to keyboards. But others prefer to select their own voices and never use it.
I personally always switch it off because when you change style variations it also changes the voice very abruptly, and that is not always desirable, -and the voice can be a 'surprise'.
Its fairly normal on these keyboards - like computers - that there is often more than one way to achieve similar ends.


In addition to all its other extensive capabilities,
registrations allow you to easily change all the style parts
voices, volumes, and effects without editing the style.
This also includes muting style parts. OTS are easier
but it is well worth using registrations. Even if you initially
just reproduce the OTS voices, you can later return to
the registration and modify many other features, as
you learn how.


And you can achieve seamless sound transitions with registrations. 8)