
Started by Paula, Apr 27, 2024, 05:37 PM

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Hi all
I have a Bose L1 model II with the tone match I used it for several years and it sounded good  a very powerful set up.
a while back I purchased two S1 pro Bose I really like them I have a Genos 1 and the sound is so much better with stereo   I am going to play in a large  hall with a couple of hundred people and of course the S1 pro is too small for the job so I went back to the Bose L1 today and I do not like the sound   so then I connected the S1 Pros to  2 Roland KC 60es and I loved the sound so much better and I believe that would do the job  my question is , is this because the stereo makes that much difference when played with the Genos ?or is it because I just don't know how to set up the Tone Match there is a lot to it   the Stereo does sound great
thanks   Paula
You Tube
Genos 1,Tyros 4 and Bose S1 Pro, Bose L1 Mod 2 w/tonematch
PSR S970


How large is the hall and what are the acoustics of the room?

A cathedral with stone walls floors and ceilings only needs a small speaker to be heard. If the room has thick rugs on the floor, tapestries on the walls, and acoustic tiles on the ceiling and will be packed with hundreds of listeners, all soaking up the sound waves, you might need multiple large speakers.

Also, what type of music will you be playing?  If you are playing heavy metal with people screaming, you are going to need very large speakers. If you are playing a piano concerto or string quartet with silent listeners, then smaller speakers will suffice. If you are playing background music for a wedding reception, something in between is probably suitable.

If this is expected to be a one time occasion, you might want to rent PA speakers and stands from a local rental store. Remember that the loudness of speakers only increases by 3 dB for every doubling of speaker wattage. While 100 watt active powered PA speakers might be adequate, loud music in the large hall might require 800 watts or even higher. If your music content has deep bass, you might need a subwoofer or speakers with a 10" or larger woofer.



Hi Ray
just a very large birthday party for an old guy there should be a big crowed in our town where everyone knows everyone My Bose L1 model II would handle the crowed as its rated to cover several hundred people and I've used it many times since using two Bose S1Pros I really don't care now for the single mono sound and was wondering if the genos gets the best sound using stereo? thanks for your reply I much appreciated
You Tube
Genos 1,Tyros 4 and Bose S1 Pro, Bose L1 Mod 2 w/tonematch
PSR S970



It looks like your Bose L1 has 250 watts of power (500 max). Thus, it should be adequate for your situation. While the L1 is not a stereo system it does have a driver array that is designed to disperse the sound uniformly around the room.

A stereo system sounds best to those positioned midway between the two speakers. While a stereo system is the best way for you to listen to music in your home, for the type of situation you have described, the Bose should work quite well as onldy a few of the listeners would be properly positioned to listen to stereo speakers.




It looks like your Bose L1 has 250 watts of power (500 max). Thus, it should be adequate for your situation. While the L1 is not a stereo system it does have a driver array that is designed to disperse the sound uniformly around the room.

A stereo system sounds best to those positioned midway between the two speakers. While a stereo system is the best way for you to listen to music in your home, for the type of situation you have described, the Bose should work quite well as onldy a few of the listeners would be properly positioned to listen to stereo speakers.



Thanks Ray
yes, I have used the L1 for quite few jobs  I store it in the winter because my studio in another building is not heated cold here in Upper Michigan when I hook it up it just doesn't sound as good as the S1 pro guess I gotta reset  the tone match again I do use the two S1 pro for smaller venues and I really do like them, although I often am hired for the local county fairs and that requires the Bose L1 thanks again
You Tube
Genos 1,Tyros 4 and Bose S1 Pro, Bose L1 Mod 2 w/tonematch
PSR S970