Can you please suggest where to buy new styles

Started by UbiUanKenobi, Feb 10, 2024, 05:13 AM

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Hello, everyone. As I mentioned in previous posts I am a lucky owner of the Genos 2 that I gave myself for my retirement. I am not a professional nor do I use the keyboard for gigging but just for myself having fun at home. I would need some advice. I found this site : " Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login ", where they sell a lot of styles for Genos 2. Have any of you ever purchased them? If yes, are they good and perform well? If not, can you recommend where to buy good ones? Thank you all and have a great Saturday


Rick D.

Here are a few sites for styles.

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I have purchased styles for all of these sites and they are very good.

Rick D.

Gunnar Jonny

If you havent searced throug PSR Tutorial ( )
here are some commersial sites to try out:

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And not to forget, we have Ron's CSS sites:
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Don't forget, Genos or other Yamaha styles also sounds surprisingly nice at Genos2.  :D
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)




I have styles from

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  • Yamaha
  • Styles & Music Gmbh
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Most of them are good.

The site you mentioned I don't know.
But I can see 'GIGA SONG STYLE PACK - 2500 Songstyles + 500 Bonus Song Styles' for only 39,99 €
Seen this price for the number of styles I think you might doubting the quality of these styles.


If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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You already have the very best styles for your Genos 2: the 800 preset styles in your Genos optimized for your Genos. More than enough for years to come. These styles are really excellent.

And it's much more satisfying to customize an excellent preset style yourself to your liking than to simply buy a style. Believe me.

How to tune a style to your liking is explained here:



As Rick said, my styles are at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login - all are craft and manually created direct on the keyboards. There are demos for Genos, sx900, and sx700 - listen to them. Also work pretty well on the new Genos. I'll send the music sheet after purchase to help you playing better.

Any questions, I'm here to help.

Pedro Eleutério
Pedro Eleutério
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Styles4K are incredible! I've never seen styles so well constructed at any site.
The quality is top top level. Pedro even provides a YouTube video of every style to show exactly how he visualized the workflow.

He can even make custom styles by request. Highly recommended. He doesn't have the number of styles that others have, but if he's got the title, it will be the best available version. Reasonable prices as well.




Now The Real question is which of these company's do realy program for G2




I think that the quality of a style is not defined by particular keyboard for which it is made. That is, some style can be bad, even it is made for Genos2. And opposite: if carefully created, a style made for PSR-S770 will sound great on Genos2 too.
Of course, one can make better styles on Genos2 than on SX600.. but it all depends on creator of the style.

Just my2c,
PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube

Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: SoundFix on Feb 11, 2024, 12:01 PM
Now The Real question is which of these company's do realy program for G2

The answer to your question is to visit the sites pointed to in posts above and take a look.
Several are now announsing G2 versions, and the amount will continue grow if they still will do business.
SoundWonderland updated their products and offer customers that bougt G1 free upgrade to G2 versions!

That said, most styles aimed at former Yamha models will play fine at G2. As example, I have some T4 styles bought from Yamaha shop years ago that I think sounds surprisingly good (or even better than ever) without any tweaking at all.  8)
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


It might be worth pointing out that many of the style sites listed here sell song styles. I personally prefer styles that are more universal (categorized in specific genres like the Yamaha presets) that can be played with a variety of songs rather than meant for just one song. Because  sometimes if you don't play the song style exactly as the style creator intended, things don't sound right. Even though many Yamaha presets are inspired by well known songs, they are flexible enough to work with many songs.

SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+


Quote from: p$manK32 on Feb 11, 2024, 04:58 PM
It might be worth pointing out..
...sometimes if you don't play the song style exactly as the style creator intended, things don't sound right.
Yes, that's very important to keep in mind when buying song specific style! Having a good song style doesn't guarantee that we will be able to play it -even it might look simple when watching author's video presentation.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


I got the GigaStyleCollection for my Tyros 5. OK, you get thousands of styles, but these are my comments on what I got:-

* The styles don't have intuitive names - they are just a series of letters and numbers. It is possible to cross reference them to a genre category but it's not very convenient, and you could spend ages trying to find the kind of style you want.

* I found many styles that are duplicates of others. My guess is this collection of styles has been collated together from a load of old styles available from a number of other sources and some of them are duplicated.

* You can find some interesting styles in there if you are patient enough. The styles are very variable in quality, and I found that most of the styles I tried are not particularly good.

So my summary of this is: more is less - you can get better elsewhere, including the styles collections freely available on PSRTutorial.


Tyros 5-76; Roland FA08; Yammex V3; Behringer Q502USB; Arturia BeatStep; Alesis Elevate 3 MkIII;  Yamaha YST-FSW050; Sony MDR 7510; MultiTrackStudio Pro + AAMS.



hi Roy,
Thank you for confirming what Etienne (vlbrgt) above said -its a valuable info for those looking for styles.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


I suggest you look at Genos Club on Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login. New styles, registrations and tutorials all the time.


Quote from: SoundFix on Feb 11, 2024, 12:01 PM

Now The Real question is which of these company's do realy program for G2

Hello. I didn't have the genos 2 yet, so all my styles are programmed directly in genos 1, sx900, and sx700 - I don't use computer programs.

So, the G1 styles work well on G2 and may sound even better.

I plan to buy a genos 2 this year - I'm in Brazil, here genos 2 is not available yet - and I'll work on all styles to upgrade them all to use all possible Genos2 updates, voices, and features.

All costumers who already bought my styles know they receive all compatible versions - so they will receive the genos 2 update styles for free too, when they become available (no prevision dates yet).

Any questions, please let me know.
Best wishes from Brazil.

Pedro Eleutério
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Quote from: on Feb 12, 2024, 06:14 AM
I suggest you look at Genos Club on Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login. New styles, registrations and tutorials all the time.

Turns out to be a paid club, membership is at least $12 per month (!), premium membership is even $33 per month...   :o
Genos 2 (upgrade from Genos 1), several condenser mics (Audio-technica, DPA, Shure), RME Fireface UC, Studio One Pro 6, Behringer QX1832


Thank you all. You are really kind. I have started to check everything you have suggested. Thanks again to everyone

Toril S

My styles are from pSR Tutorial. Hi prefer generic styles because I mske my own songs.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page