help with additional audio styles

Started by Gaston Manuel, Mar 20, 2023, 11:59 PM

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Gaston Manuel

friends of psr tutorial it would be of great help to have additional audio rhythms from tyros 5 or 975 that are not downloadable on the genos page, whoever would like to share a ppf would appreciate it God bless you


Hi Gaston

Open the STYLES page at the top of the PSR home screen. (Press STYLES and then YAMAHA) you can download all the Styles (rhythms) from a large number of other Yamaha and other makes of keyboard.
Simply choose a keyboard, then scroll down to the Style sections, and click on the blue headings.
So for say Ballroom, click on the word Ballroom

These will download as Zip files. Once you have opened them, you can use them on your own keyboard.

Hope that helps
No Yamaha keyboards at present.
Korg Pa5X /61 Arranger /Workstation
Korg PAAS Mk2 Keyboard Speaker Amp system
Technics SX-PR900 Digital Ensemble Piano
Lenovo M10 Android tablet with Lekato page turner
Roland RH-5 Monitor Headphones


Quote from: Gaston Manuel on Mar 20, 2023, 11:59 PM
friends of psr tutorial it would be of great help to have additional audio rhythms from tyros 5 or 975 that are not downloadable on the genos page, whoever would like to share a ppf would appreciate it God bless you

Hi Gaston

The AUDIO Styles for the GENOS were the ones that were on the T5, I can't speak for the S975 as I never had one.

There were several additional Audio Style pasts available for purchase from Yamaha MusicSoft site but I never purchased any of these.  They may be still available for you.





Quote from: Gaston Manuel on Mar 20, 2023, 11:59 PM
friends of psr tutorial it would be of great help to have additional audio rhythms from tyros 5 or 975 that are not downloadable on the genos page, whoever would like to share a ppf would appreciate it God bless you

All the audio styles from T5 are available on the Yamaha Genos page - is there something in particular you are looking for?

Gaston Manuel

thanks for answering my friends musicians, those styles no longer appear in music soft, and there are some styles like those of the s950 or 975 that I would have liked to have to install one on my s970, the question is how could I get them or if anyone has one ready and could you help me with some I would appreciate it, and of course in ppf God bless you

Toril S

The audiostyles of the S970 and S975 are identical. You already have those f you have an S970?.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Gaston Manuel

What happens is that I aspire to change the s970 that I have for one of the sx series that replaces the current one eg (the one that replaces the sx700) and I know that the audio rhythms of my keyboard cannot be extracted so it would be great It helps to have the ppf of the ballad and pop rhythms, for example, why those of tyros 5, if they can be achieved, thanks for answering. God bless you.


You can download all the Tyros 5 Audio styles from the Genos download site and then load into the YEM.