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Faults Tyros 4

Started by Serafín, Apr 03, 2022, 03:56 AM

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I've only been on this forum for a short time and it's been very helpful.

I request help for a problem I have with my Tyros. I also apologize for the translation, as this text is automatically generated by google.

I have a Tyros 4 and when I press some of the buttons they do other functions that they should be programmed for. Sometimes it does get it right, but most of the time it's failing.

For example:
Pressing the "ORGAN" button, the "DIGITAL REC MENU" screen appears.
Pressing the "FLUTE/CLARINET" button randomly changes the VOICES RIGTH 1 - 2
Pressing the "RIGTH3" button randomly turns RIGTH 1 - 2 and LEFT on/off.
Pressing the "OTS 2" button Turns "FREEZE" on and the "REGISTRATION BANK" screen appears
And so up to 7 different buttons that don't do what they should.

I have a Yamaha MFC10 pedal connected, programmed to activate the buttons mentioned above, and it does so correctly.

I've reset the keyboard to no avail.

I think the problem could be with the board or with the programming. Could anyone help me please?



Have you tried disconnecting the MC10 and see if this still happens.


Elieen, I have disconnected MC10 and it keeps crashing.
Thanks for the suggestion


Hi Serafin,

Based on your description, I suspect that there is an internal hardware error, e.g. a loose contact or a short circuit at an internal ribbon cable/connector, a defect in the button diode matrix or the circuit that evaluates the button matrix. I don't think even a complete software reset would do anything here. I recommend checking the instrument at an authorized Yamaha Service Center.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


There is a procedure that may help solve, or diagnose your problem.

First, unplug all external items, foot switches, usb drives, etc.

1. power turned off
2. Press C2#, F2, G2# (all three together) and while holding them depressed:
3. Switch the power on
You will see the word test on the display

With the tempo =/- button you can go to the test you wish to perform. Start/stop will start the test. Wait for the test to complete before trying to begin another.

Hope this helps,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...



Thanks Chris, I guess I'll eventually have to take the instrument to an authorized Yamaha service, but I'd like to exhaust my options.

Gary, I have done what you propose and I get all these options to check:


Device Connection Check
[Int.HDD]: Device found
[Exp. Module]: Device found

001 Version
002 Memori Check1 All
003 ROM Check1
004 RAM Chcek1
005 Backup ROM Check1
006 Wave ROM Check1
007 Effect RAM Check1
008 TG 1 Check
009 TG 2 Check
010 SSP1 Check
011 Pitch Check
012 Output R Check
013 Output L Check
014 Output Sub-1 Check
015 Output Sub-2 Check
016 EQ Low Check
017 EQ Mid Check
018 EQ High Check
019 SP MUTE Check
020 MUTE Check
021 MIC Check
022 SIOF Check
023 SW,LED Check
024 All LED On Check
025 Red LED On Check
026 Blue/Green LED On Check
027 Other LED On Check
028 All LCD On Check
029 ALL LCD Off Check
030 LCD Pattern
031 Pitch Bend Whell Check
032 Modulation Wheel Check
033 SL ider Check
034 Pedal 1 Check
035 Pedal 2 Check
036 Pedal 3 Check
037 MIDI Check
038 Loop Send / Return Check
039 Sub Out Check
042 RGB Out Check
043 USB to Device/Host Check
044 USB storage Device Check
045 Internal HDD Check
046 LAN Check
047 Keyboard Type Check
048 Touch Check
049 Exp. Module Check
050 ROM Check2
051 RAM Check2
052 Backup TOM Check2
053 WAVE ROM Check2
054 Effect RAM Check2
055 Panel PCB Check (PNL)
056 Panel PCB Check (LCL)
057 Panel PCB Check (LCR)
058 Panel PCB Check (PNC)
059 Panel PCB Check (PNR)
060 Panel PCB Check (LCL/R/C)
061 Factory Set
062 ErP Check
063 Test Exit

The problem is that I don't know what I'm looking for either.

Could someone tell me which option to checking ?



un plug the KB and turn it back on .... did you bring it back to factory  could help
You Tube
Genos 1,Tyros 4 and Bose S1 Pro, Bose L1 Mod 2 w/tonematch
PSR S970


That list of tests pretty much will test all of the software and some of the hardware on the keyboard. Run each and every one of them and you may discover what is going wrong and what you can do to bring about a fix.

Good luck,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Thanks for the suggestions. If I manage to solve it, I will report it in this forum.


Hi Serafin,

If you want to use the internal test program (mentioned by Gary), you should definitely download the Tyros4 Service Manual here:

There you will find, among other things, a precise description of the test program and important information on the use of the individual test routines. However, if, as I suspect, there is a hardware defect, the problem will not be solved by using the test program alone or by a complete factory reset (which can be triggered directly in the test program).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)