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Any Expansion styles INCLUDED in Sx900?

Started by Dnj, Sep 07, 2019, 12:35 PM

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Any Expansion styles INCLUDED in Sx900? and previous ones should load with no problem I assume?


There appears to be four packs loaded which you can download  from the Yamaha site free so that they can be saved to the YEM.


Hi Eileen im in the process of exchangeing my S970 for the sx900 hopeing everything goes through o/k Lofty(Dave)


Hi Dnj,

there are 4 free Expansion Packs, especially for PSR-SX models (African, Europe, Latin America, Oriental (.CPF format) and some more Packs in .PPF format):
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Here is the Pack List with all contents (Voices, Styles, Multi Pads) of these 4 Packs:
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There is also a free Vietnam Pack for PSR-SX (.CPF format):
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Here is the Pack List of this Vietnam Pack:
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You can also use the Yamaha "Local Packs" for Genos or PSR-A3000 (.PPF format) with PSR-SX:

Genos Local Packs (7):
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A3000 Local Packs (more than 20):
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Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hello. I have 970 and many expansion packs.
Will it be possible to move all to the SX900? Well thank you.
Genos 1
Previously owned: PSR-S970, Tyros 4, Tyros 5-76, SX700


Hi @Dalo: Regardless of whether the packs actually work on the SX, the SX has 1 GB of expansion memory. It depends on how large the packs you want to put on it. In YEM you can see how large the packs are and whether they fit your Yammie model. You can also decide to make a selection of styles and / or voices from your packs and save them in a pack with your own name. How you can do that, pls. do a search in this forum or on the PSTutorial home e.g. 'making my own pack' .
My best regards,