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Balancing Registration Volumes

Started by Doghouse Riley, Nov 06, 2018, 08:52 AM

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Doghouse Riley

When playing a tune and changng say from the frst to the fourth or any other of the eight registrations, despite havng the same settings, I get a burst of volumme for a split second, before it reduces to the set level.
Is there  an automatic volume  control feature that I can't find?

Any help would be  appreciated.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners! I don't like 'em myself, they're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings." (Philip Marlowe)


Most likely cause is that there's a different DSP assignment on the voice that the new registration selects. Yamaha arrangers don't handle this well. The workaround is to either release the keys before switching the registration, or if you're only using a single voice have say slot 1 use voice R1, slot 2 use voice R2, slot 3 use voice R3.