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i would welcome your help

Started by Lofty(dave), Sep 22, 2018, 03:56 PM

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Being an almost 81yr old keyboard player whos brain is rather full could some nice person tell how and what I need so I can have an artist singing on my S970 as seen in demos to play along with as I just fancy having a go .much oblidged and roughly how much expence it will incure to do so Lofty ( DAVE)


Dave, I'm only a few years younger, and use an S-950. Though I recently retired due to health issues, the best advice I have is to first purchase a high quality mic, one that will make your vocalist sound very, very professional. This is a very important ingredient. I suggest a Samson Q8, which is very easy to work with and responds well to both male and female voices.

Then, go into the mic settings and set the effects parameters to where that person sounds best, which pretty much eliminates the default echo effect. Just add a hint of reverb, set the EQ according to his or her voice, and save the information into a setup registration.

The next step would be to utilize either the Music Finder Directory (MFD) or registrations to set up a song list and all the settings association with each of those songs. There are lessons on the forum that will greatly assist you in this step of the process.

The final step involves practice, practice, practice, which is the most important. Do this with your vocalist and go through each and every song until it becomes second nature and that you both can communicate during each performance to eliminate dead time between songs.

That's the best advice I can offer from more than 55 years on stage,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Thanks for that Gary have taken it on board but I don't think that's what im actualy after .what im trying to find out is I think its apps a song taken from either mobile phone or tablet and played into the S970 I have watched a couple of videos and I think its worked through the multipads that's what im trying to find out how to do it Lofty ( Dave)

Graham UK

Gary. Dave means playing to an an audio file with vocals like some yamaha demonstrators use. They mute everything just leaving the vocals you play back to.


If you do a google search for vocal only you will most likely find what you are looking for. Then you have to transfer to an Audio Multi Pad.


Hi Lofty,

In addition to Eileen's suggestion, you might like to include the terms 'isolated vocals' and 'acapella' in your search.

There are some of these in YouTube, so you might like to search within it as well as a more general Google search.

Note that many of the ones that you will find are not actually original tracks containing only the vocals.  Many are in fact made by attempting to filter out the backing track from a full stereo mix, and these may still have some traces of the backing remaining which can be heard in some cases.  However your own backing as you play along should hide these in some cases.





Hi Lofty
Although I haven't done this myself, I did read about this only recently.   Apparently it can be done by loading an MP3 file into Audacity and then separating the vocals from the backing.   I suggest that you google "How Can I extract the vocals from an MP3 file?" and I think that would lead you to the type of procedure that I have suggested.   Good luck.


Toril S

I was not able to extract a vocal from an audio file using Audacity.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Ed B

If you have an Ipad you can also use the Notestar app from Yamaha. (NoteStar is Yamaha's application for the iPad that features hands-free, smooth-flowing, easy to read digital sheet music matched with real audio backing tracks, complete with lead vocals.)
In this app you can turn off the accompaniment and just have the vocals with the sheet music. There is a charge for each sheet of music.
Also Toril: to extract the vocals from an existing MP3 the vocals need to located in the center of the stereo mix. Many are not so it is frequently impossible.
Ed B
Keep on learning

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page