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970 User storage

Started by Bertie59, Jul 29, 2018, 05:47 AM

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Can anyone tell me if there is an easy way to find out how much 'user' storage space there is left on the s970 please ?
I've got some expansion packs loaded and I store a lot of voices, styles and multipads there also.
I like to record my songs on the song recorder first too and that uses the 'user 'storage area as well.
I realise that the capacity is 512 mb's but how do I know how many mb's of storage I have got free ?
Sue  :)


Go to the YEM and select 970 If you have the boxes ticked on the ones you load in then look at the green line at the top of the page and it will tell you how much you have used and what is left.
Internal memory is 13 Mb which is not that large so always best to save all you can to USB.


Hi Eileen
Thanks for your quick reply - really appreciate it.
I do actually save most of my registrations, styles etc on USB's but I like to have some in the USER area as well especially as I like to add audio multipads to my recordings - for which I need to record using the audio recorder - just makes it easier for me.
I have an idea of the size of the expansion packs from looking at YEM as you suggest but that's only the expansion packs.
What I'd like to know is:  can I interrogate the keyboard in any way so that I can see what internal memory is already used up and what's free ?
I'm a bit confused by your comment that the memory is on 13 mb's ? I thought it was 512 mb's ?
Is it that the USER area is only 13 mb's and the 512 mb refers to the WHOLE of the keyboards internal memory - all the pre-set styles, voices etc ??
In which case , it seems like knowing it has 512mbs is a bit of useless information to me - if I can't utilise it in any way then knowing it isn't very helpful ...... unless I'm missing something of course which is very likely !
Maybe I can use it ? Maybe if I get rid of say ....the music finder database (which I don't use) ?
Any further thoughts would be much appreciated.

Sue  :)

Joe H


There are 3 distinct memory blocks in the keyboard.

Expansion Voices = 512MB
Expansion audio styles = 128MB
User memory (styles) = 13MB

When you look in YEM, you must select which memory your interested in.  But to answer your question specifically... no; there is no way to check the memory being used by the keyboard itself.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi Joe,
Thank you so much for your message - I understand it much better now.
Really appreciate your help
Sue  :)