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New Genos converted

Started by emmaco, May 21, 2018, 12:56 PM

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Hi everybody,

Glad to see you -finally- after 6 months to read all your post about the... Genos...

First of all, sorry for my english, but we, french people, are usually not very good. We'll have to carry that weight a long time... ;D

I was searching in mid september a substitute for my Motif XS7 ans it's tatty keyboard. Then, on a french forum, I heard about the Genos... What's that ? :o
"It's presented as the new TOTL Yamaha", they said, and since that time, my mind is set on Genos... I thought it was the Graal... Motif XS + Montage + Tyros...

After the disappointment, came the astonishment. What sound !... :o

I read the manual dozens of time, saw everything on the Net about it, and I didn't know what to buy... Montage ? Kronos ? Wait for the next Montage, the Genos ?

Well, I bought it last week (the Genos ;)) and I must say waouh !... :o it's been a long time since I was so impressed by a keyboard...even it's the first time of my life I play an arrangeur...
This keyboard is a real union breaker !... ;D I got up at 5am this morning to play...

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your help trough this forum.
Or maybe I should damn you because you put indirectly this machine in my house !... ;D

And my life has changed in oh so many ways... (Thanks to St John who learned me english better than school.. ;)

It's incredible, but i think I'im in love with my keyboard... 8)
With the help of my Presonus Eris 8, the sounds are FABULOUS !...Never heard this quality before :o .

It will take me a long long time to tame this keyboard, but the possibilities seem endless.
the sounds has taken a giant step since my XS Motif. Unbelievable.

One thing I regret, is that you can't include fingering mode's choice in your registrations. But maybe I'm wrong, I have the Genos for only 8 days.
Bad thing Genos can't accept AIFF format for MultiPads (I'm a Mac user).

Have a good day... unless it's night at home for you ;)



PS : as regards size, once Genos in my micro studio, there is 4cm between the wall and the left side of Genos and 3cm between the wall and the right side... ;D

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Wellcome to the forum my friend  :)
It takes time to learn every single feature of a new keyboard to all of us I think.
Have fun with it!
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Roger Brenizer

Hi Emmanuel,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  I'm sure you'll learn a great deal about your Genos keyboard here on the forum and will experience many pleasurable hours playing it.

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"Music Is My Life"
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Hello Emmanual
I had a nice giggle reading your post, it had all that this website is about, frankness and an expression of an open hearted person. I am just a ordinary member but with your sencerity you will have as much reward as we all have from this forum.
Kest, my acronym


Hi emmaco,


Welcome to the forums. You will find all the help you need here. We are a friendly lot and share our knowledge and experience.

I must congratulate you on your English. You make yourself understood very well. Your English is much better than my French.

Enjoy your new Genos.

Yamaha AR100 organ:  Genos
Previous: Hammond C3 with PR40 tone cabinet, Yamaha E30, Technics SX-EX60, Yamaha EL70, Technics KN7000, Tyros 5 - 61 and others.