Task Lighting for the 970 Panel?

Started by Jamist, Mar 17, 2018, 06:50 AM

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Hi all,

I've got my 970 sitting on the bottom teir of on Onstage two teir keyboard stand.  It's sitting under my Akai Advance61.  With the keyboard being so dark to begin with, and the shadow from the overhanging AKAI, the panel buttons are almost invisible.

Can anybody recommend a good light to use to light up the darkness?  :}. I'd like something small, with low light levels.and a soft color.  If I need to, I will even consider sticking a light source to the bottom of the upper keyboard.



Have a look at IKEA stores, they have some nice led lights.
I use the one with the clothespin and it is very handy. I have also the one with the usb and this is less bright than the clothespin version, but it is nice too.

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And here it has integrated lights
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I had the same problem and solved it by buying a strip of led lights and sticking them under my AXIOM upper keyboard.  They are powered by a 9v battery but I suppose they could be powered by a suitable mains adapter. They are not expensive and an easy answer to this problem.


I bought these with the remote so that I can set them on warm white and dim them. Can be powered direct from USB on the S970 or a separate USB wall socket ;)

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