Some SFF1 styles can't load on PSR 740

Started by lookasso, Mar 04, 2025, 08:44 AM

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Hello Everybody.
I' new member of this forum.

I,ve got a problem with some styles converted from SFF2 file.

1) I've used Style Remixer ( stays only Intro A, Main A,B,C,D, Fill in AA,BB,CC,DD,BA and Ending A
2) I've converted it with Style Format 2 Converter.

Files are smaller than 50kb.

While loading there's a message Disk Error ( other styles work fine ).

What shuld I do to fix style files?

I have tried to make a midi with Cubase, and later i've wrote manually CASM section ( in CASMEdit software ).

Nothing works.
Please help.




hi Lookasso,
If you get "disk error" message, then that means that data on media can actually be corrupted -maybe you should try another USB stick.
There's also possibility that Style Remixer doesn't create proper SFF1 style in certain circumstances. Maybe should try different SFF2toSFF1 converter; for example Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


The 50k limit is for E-series keyboard, but I am not sure it also applies to the 740. It could be that the limitation is rather on the total RAM used, so I suggest to delete all loaded styles first and then load a very basic version of the style you want to load (keep part A only for instance). I would also chose a very simple filename for the style (such as test.sty).
SX900 and Casio CT-S500
Former keyboards: E433, E463, S670, SX700


Hello Guys,

PSR 740 has 3 slots for users style.

Strange, but it was a problem with internal memory.

I had to remove 1 user style and it helped!

So i think there are a litle memory(128kB) for this 3 user styles.
Thank You All.!




A very long time ago a had a PSR 740.
As far as I remember the memeory for the 3 user styles was app. 80 kB.

The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999


thanks for Your software i can exchange Genos styles to PSR740!!!!.

There's a big difference between 740 styles and Genos, but You got me practically full tools to convert (except of DAW :) ). To make Casm section i use CasmEdit.

Big thanks.
