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Style Creation Confusion

Started by JDSY, Dec 20, 2024, 12:49 AM

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Hello All!

I've been using my new SX720 for a few days now. Learning a bunch, still a lot to learn.

Today I'm trying to get used to making my own styles. But I've had a few hickups along the way.

The problems are kind of confusing. I've made 3 styles. I made adjustments- made the MAIN A section 8 measures long. I've managed to record some basic parts. stop. then overdub another drum sound.

Sometimes I can't play the style DRUM 2 part. my keyboard plays the right hand voice instead of the drum kit. I think what I need to do is arm the DRUM 2 button for recording, practice with a metronome and then record for the loop.

I have had an issue with trying to record a MAIN B. It uses a different drum kit than what I chose for MAIN A.

I am basically just trying to replicate a systematic way of using it so I know what I'm doing. I'm not going to bother with bass, and melodic stuff just yet. I just want to be fluent in making drum beat/loops accompaniment first.

So the two problems. MAIN A and MAIN B do not share the same drum kit. And sometimes I want to preview the drum kit but the keyboard plays the right hand voice instead of the drum kit I want to record.

any help is appreciated!


Also, another thing that was happening that confused me was there was some kind of recording of automation, the reverb coming back in and out as the 8 measure long loop played.


still chipping away at making my own styles. I made a beat, bassline, off-beat chord, and a lead phraze. It's less confusing. Just for me, to know: If you have a channel of the style RED for record, it captures mixing editing too. Making the channel red means you can set the voice for that channel by tapping the icon.



I also have a PSR SX720. Before creating a style, I've studied a few things:

For the Style Creation feature, you typically need to create:

3 Intro sections
4 Main Variations
4 Fill-In Bars
1 Break
3 Endings
Each part of the style should be set up to record your playing style.

In Yamaha Style Creation, there's an Ensemble feature that makes it easy to copy and paste parts. For example, you can copy Main A from Bass, Chord 1, Chord 2, etc., to Main B, and then change the melody part in detail using Step Edit.

Make sure you understand SFF Edit. In SFF Edit, pay attention to:

- Play Root/Chord: If you record a minor melody note as the basis, set it to Cm. If you play in F minor, set it to Fm in the Play Root/Chord configuration. For Main A and Main B variations, it's ideal to play in Chord CM7.

- NTR/NTT: Pay attention to the NTR and NTT settings. For drums, set NTR to Root Fixed and NTT to Bypass. If NTT changes during the main chord, the instrument will change drastically. NTT Bass means if you play in the Bass part, the chord will be on C but the bass will be on G when you play Chord C/G.

- High Key/Note Limit: This controls the maximum and minimum notes that can be played. For example, if you set the Bass in F#, when you play in G, the Bass Melody will be in the lowest position. This can vary depending on the NTR configuration.
I also studied that for making Intros with 2 variants in C Major and C Minor with different melodies, you can check Style Organ Rhumba and Organ Bossa. These can't be edited directly from the keyboard and require a third-party application like Style Works or Style Magics, which can be complex.

In my opinion, the problem you're experiencing could be due to a configuration error in SFF, or you might need to adjust the instrument settings. Or you can try pressing the Mixer/EQ button, then from the Mixer tab, select the Styles Tab and set the volume levels so that the bass, drum, and chord are balanced and not too loud, allowing your R1, R2, and R3 playing to stand out. I suggest setting the Drum Volume to 30-70 and adjusting the Bass and Chord accordingly for a balanced sound.

Hope it can helpful 🙏🏻

Best Regards,
Yamaha PSR SX720
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Yes, JDSY. These are the start-up style creation things, we all here already know.
You experience the recording of the Reverb or Chorus effects, because you have the channel armed for recording and you hear the style (playing). While having a channel armed as recording, all events will be recorded, including every change of an effect, volume, Pan, expression. You can remove these "wrong" values in Channel edit, searching for the parameter you want to reset the value. Look at this video on Youtube!

I suggest to look at some Yamaha style creation videos on youtube.
Also, take a look to our friend Casper here on forum, which made a lot of useful videos on Youtube, as well.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Thanks you guys!

I figured out a few things today working on one of my styles. I'm much less confused.

I can't think if I have any questions.

I did have to play with the settings, the NNT or whatever those are. Can't remember.

but I have a fully composed melody that can transpose as a style does with the left hand.


man. Been slogging away here- trying to get this new Style I'm making to work correctly.

The style plays correctly in the style creator, but when I save it and try to use it the chords are all different keys and such.

I set the source root / key thing, The style is being made in C m . I set the bass, chord one, chord two as C m. I can't even remember the names of the SFF FFT Ect.

Well I achieved a transposable style with a bass (horns), Chord 1 (trem strings) and Chord 2 (pizzicato).

I need to keep using this so i remember how i got it behaving correctly.



well i've shut the keyboard off!

Too much struggle!! J/k

Yeah, I got a drum part (doesn't transpose, with 'bypass') a bass part, and two chord parts. they're both set to C m (minor). The chord 2 sounds good in style creator. I try to not touch anything, save it, then move back to STYLE play mode but the Chord2 is like, in the wrong key (no longer in C m). So yes.

I am going to absorb what I've learned and approach it again.

really appreciate the tips. I do better asking questions and learning from others- not video.





Check out my 12 part Style Creation Course beginning at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

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Thanks everybody for the suggestions and VIDEO!

I just went through the process of recording another style.

DRUM, Bass, Chord, phraze.

and it works correctly

One thing I have to figure out is if I can set it to play the actual octave I'm playing in, for example, the BASS. Immediately after recording say, a C on the second octave, it converts it to middle C.

I can get with that, it's OK. still sounds good. But I do like my low low bass sometimes!

Thanks again.

Oh about the videos. I am a reader / writer and learn on my own. So I don't like sifting through long options of video. I appreciate it tho!
