Installing Expansion Packs on PSR-SX720

Started by thomas750, Nov 28, 2024, 04:37 AM

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Hi all,
I try to install 2 Packs on my SX720. It wont show up my usb stick when I insert on my keyboard i try different usb sticks. Some help please.

All the packs come from yamaha also extra bonus playlist when you register your keyboard on the site also it wont show up on my keyboard.


Edit by overover: Merged your second, almost identical post in the PSR-SX920/SX720 board with this post. Deleted the other topic.
I Play The yamaha prs sx 720


Did you format the usb stick on your keyboard? And also be sure to save the file in YEM as PPI or CPI (not incremental).

SX900 and Casio CT-S500
Former keyboards: E433, E463, S670, SX700


yes i did but nothing show up

I Play The yamaha prs sx 720