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How to install Expansion Pack

Started by Disposable, Jul 14, 2024, 03:56 AM

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Installed the expansion 1024meg module today, it was already formatted and the display now works!

The next step is to install the expansion pack, but this is where I am totally lost. Is there a walkthrough I can follow somewhere? I have downloaded the expansion pack shown on another PSR page (Thank you Chris), and I can format a USB stick to hold the pack, but I am not sure what should go onto the stick as there are many different types of files in each of the 10 folders?
I would appreciate a helping hand on how to install the pack please? :-\

Tyros 2, Tyros 4, Nektar Impact LX25+, Orion Platinum, Samplitude Music Studio, Various VST instruments, Reaper, Goldwave and good old XG Works

I play the music, but the Cat plays the strings.


Chris (the OverOver) guy gives plenty of instruction at the thread below

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I haven't got around to getting an expansion card yet so haven't attempted an install  but I have downloaded the pack ...essentially Chris say unzip each folder and copy to an USB and install each folder one at a time. Anyway that's how I read it!!

Good Luck

Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Hi William,

First please watch the YT video about installing Premium Packs on Tyros4 linked in this post:
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Each Tyros Premium Pack consists of a FOLDER with the extension ".YP2" in the folder name.

Copy these folders to a USB stick (directly into the root directory of the stick, not into a folder/subfolder on the stick) and then connect the stick to the Tyros4. To install, press "FUNCTION > Pack Installation".

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you Chris (overover),you always go the extra mile and your explanations are spot on. The pack installed without any problems.
Tyros 2, Tyros 4, Nektar Impact LX25+, Orion Platinum, Samplitude Music Studio, Various VST instruments, Reaper, Goldwave and good old XG Works

I play the music, but the Cat plays the strings.


Thanks for your kind feedback, William. I'm glad to could help you. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)