How to see the Style icon in Windows - Python Project

Started by dsvroland, Jul 07, 2024, 06:41 PM

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Hello everyone.

I am currently developing a project in Python, as you can see in the video, it is possible to navigate through Windows folders and see the style files with the corresponding keyboard icon.

I am using Genos icons as a base, and I would like to know if anyone is interested in helping, the software is not hardcoded, the map and icon definition I made using a JSON file, there is still a lot to be added, for the icons I am converting to .ICO, this is not difficult.

It would also be good to hear from future beta testers when I have a usable version.


My Tools for Yamaha Keyboards
Previous Yamaha Keyboards: PSR-100, PSR-630, PSR-640, PSR-2100, DGX-505, DGX-650.
Current: SX600 & Genos
Previous Roland Keyboards: FP-20.
Current: FP-90X