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T4 Hard Drive-Where Located?

Started by Disposable, Jul 06, 2024, 03:23 PM

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I just bought a second hand T4 in perfect working order that has never been Gigged.
I was wondering how to find out where actual size of the hard drive (if installed) could be found? 
Anyone able to guide me to the solution please? :-\

Tyros 2, Tyros 4, Nektar Impact LX25+, Orion Platinum, Samplitude Music Studio, Various VST instruments, Reaper, Goldwave and good old XG Works

I play the music, but the Cat plays the strings.


Here they came standard with a 320GB HDD; I'd suspect the same is true through most, if not all of the world. The T5's came with 500GB, the T3's came with 80GB (I think?), and the T2's had an option to install a laptop one, but that ended up being a nightmare because Yamaha wasn't aware of the varying current draws (so half the HDD's didn't work because they drew too much current!)

All of them were accessible from an unscrewable plate underneath, but not having had one in front of me for a while, I can't really describe *where* underneath anymore, but I remember it being roughly in the middle left to right.

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Mark Wilburn


You probably downloaded the Owner's, Reference Manual and Data List?

There is a way to check the remaining free memory on the "Media" which I assume to mean "hard disk." Tyros4 Reference Manual, page 135.  Go to the UTILITY screen and select the MEDIA tab. Select the hard disk, e.g., HD1 in the Device List and push button F, PROPERTY. At least you'll know how much free space is left and might be able to infer the capacity.

The T4 specs aren't that helpful, claiming "250GBytes or more".

Hope this helps -- pj


If you must take a look at the hard drive itself, here is a link to the Tyros 4 Service Manual:

Check out page 23.

-- pj


My thanks to all of you!  I will follow your advice. :)
Tyros 2, Tyros 4, Nektar Impact LX25+, Orion Platinum, Samplitude Music Studio, Various VST instruments, Reaper, Goldwave and good old XG Works

I play the music, but the Cat plays the strings.


I don't know why, but I did nothing to cause this double post - That I know of? :-\
Tyros 2, Tyros 4, Nektar Impact LX25+, Orion Platinum, Samplitude Music Studio, Various VST instruments, Reaper, Goldwave and good old XG Works

I play the music, but the Cat plays the strings.


The Hard disk turned out to be unused, and AMWilburn was right - It is 320gig. That you all again! :)
Tyros 2, Tyros 4, Nektar Impact LX25+, Orion Platinum, Samplitude Music Studio, Various VST instruments, Reaper, Goldwave and good old XG Works

I play the music, but the Cat plays the strings.