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John Beesley Packs

Started by georges, May 17, 2024, 04:44 AM

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Good morning
For those who have purchased John Beesley packs, I would like to know your opinion on the use and quality of the packs, more particularly the Classical packs.
I'm asking because I'm planning to buy some.
Thank you Kind regards Georges

Edit: Topic title modified and topic move to "Genos YEM & Expansion Packs" board by overover


I think you will find these packs contain Registration banks that are set up to play certain songs using the on board voices.


Ienjoyed using John's registration packs with my Tyros5
and highly recommend them.  They not only have very
good voice combinations but excellent use of effects.  I
now have a Genos2.
Right now I think the packs are adapted to Genos1 but
do not yet use the new Genos2 voices and effects, but
when they will  I hope to upgrade my packs.


Good morning.
I read on PS Tutorial that you bought packs with John Beesley.
I thank you for answering my question but I am missing an explanation on the packs
If it doesn't bother you, I would like to ask you for information before purchasing a pack.
For me this is the first time and I would like an explanation. . But my question is this. When I load a melody, do the left hand chords respond only to the melody in the pack,
If I want to play a different chord than the one in the score, or a different melody, to conclude, does the left hand act as one does with a keyboard style.
Thank you for your answer. in conclusion the left and right hand will only play the melodies of the packs


Please indicate spec8fically the name of the pack
since there are two types: general registrations and
key tab registrations.. The key tab registrations are designed
for specific sings  but with work you could adapt them


pack classical volume1 with AVE MARIA


It seems you are interested in this pack: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

These registrations are for the songs that are in the songbooks in the pack.  They will work with any song, but the particular registration changes are for different parts of the songs in the pack.  Of course, if a style is used, you will have to change the style in the registrations.


Good morning.
in fact it is this volume. Thank you for your response, this time I am going to buy this pack.
I chose this pack, because I play in church a few times, so I am looking for liturgical compositions
sincerely Georges City of Perpignan France