Style search for a specific song

Started by Pityus, Mar 14, 2024, 04:49 AM

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As an amateur music lover, I like to play old evergreen hits at home.
It would be a great help if you could give advice on which style would be the best for a particular song,
as it often takes hours to search.
If I couldn't find it, I bought it several times from different places.
Now I'm looking for a style for the song Bonnie Tyler: It's a heartache, can you give me some advice?
If it is not forbidden, I am attaching a song that I play with a purchased style.



Very nice. I enjoyed that. I also like your setup.

Try this for style suggestions

You'll find a few suggested styles for Bonnie's song.


Edit: Roger Brenizer removed link to a Charter Files board topic


Unfortunately, it says this in the suggested place:
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.


I've looked at this site before, but I couldn't find any styles for specific songs.


The style is "80sPop" and not on your SX900. It is on the PSR-950 keyboard and you will need to go to this page Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
to download the Pop&Rock (45) style pack.

Listen to the MAIN B part and turn the Chd2 and Phr2 parts off. Revoice if you think you need to but this is your base for the song. I would then "copy and paste" (using the Style Creator in your keyboard) the RHY2 and Bass parts that are in MAIN B to Mains A, C and D. The whole style should work for you then.

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I would like your help again with the style of this song:
The Police - Every Breath You Take

Graham UK

For Song Styles have look in these GIG DISKS.

My Graham UK download I did some years ago but worth downloading to see they any fit with other music you want to play.



The "80sGtrPop" style found on the Tyros 4, PSR-S950 and Tyros 5 keyboard.

This style is one of just a few Yamaha styles that is a dead ringer to a song.

The style will be in this download
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DrakeM - Thank you for your helpful advice and saving me a lot of time instead of searching.



          See if this one works for you.

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J. Cortese
