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Started by PSR_E473 (Salman), Mar 11, 2024, 09:59 PM

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PSR_E473 (Salman)

Can anyone from this board give me the factory styles from PSR-S670 as i need it for converting styles for PSR-E and DGX series (and if anyone is asking me if i used Google and searched up the factory styles from PSR-S670, I did but it didn't give me that what i wanted)
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There is a folder in my collection called PSR S670 Preset Styles.
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Maybe that's what you're looking for.

PSR_E473 (Salman)


PSR_E473 (Salman)

Sir, are these style files are converted to SFF1 or not? Or whats their format


The Simplified Style Player shows me SSF2.

PSR_E473 (Salman)

Thank you for your information. I was a little confuse but its okay. I will do something with them

George Wu

Why all of the style files from the psrs670 preset styles has a.sty Extension to it? Because normally when you copy a style from any PSR keyboard, it has the.prs.sst and .fps Extensions


Quote from: George Wu on Dec 25, 2024, 05:10 PMHi
Why all of the style files from the psrs670 preset styles has a.sty Extension to it? Because normally when you copy a style from any PSR keyboard, it has the.prs.sst and .fps Extensions

Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum, @George Wu!

What styles are you talking about exactly:

Do you own an S670 and have you copied its preset styles to a USB stick, or have you downloaded these S670 styles from the Internet?

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

George Wu

I have downloaded the zip file of the Yamaha PSRS670 styles on this form topic. I was wondering, why This particular zip folder every style file only has a .sty Extension at the end of each file? Because normally when I copy styles on any psr keyboard you have a .prs .sst and .fps Extension so you would know which style you wanted to play.


Quote from: George Wu on Dec 25, 2024, 08:23 PMHi
I have downloaded the zip file of the Yamaha PSRS670 styles on this form topic. I was wondering, why This particular zip folder every style file only has a .sty Extension at the end of each file? Because normally when I copy styles on any psr keyboard you have a .prs .sst and .fps Extension so you would know which style you wanted to play.

Hi @George Wu,

I suspect that these styles were not originally copied (with COPY & PASTE), but were SAVED (one by one) onto a USB stick. In the latter case, "User Styles" would have been saved, which always have the .sty extension. If the Styles have been saved without changes, they will sound exactly like the original Preset Styles because the extension does not affect the sound.

The only "disadvantage" is that you can no longer see (on the computer) which style type each style is (e.g. .sst = Session Style, .prs = Pro Style, .fps = FreePlay Style).

If I find the copied S670 Preset Styles (with the original extensions) somewhere, I will post them here.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

George Wu



Quote from: George Wu on Dec 25, 2024, 10:01 PMThanks for the info.

Thanks for your feedback, @George Wu!

Here you can download the PSR-S670 Preset Styles (with original file name extensions):
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Have fun!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

George Wu

Sorry if this is off topic a bit, but I was wondering is the Tyros 1 All the way up to Tyros5 Styles Are using copy and paste?


Quote from: George Wu on Dec 26, 2024, 11:20 AMSorry if this is off topic a bit, but I was wondering is the Tyros 1 All the way up to Tyros5 Styles Are using copy and paste?

Hi @George Wu,

I don't know exactly what you're asking about with this question. The Preset Styles that you can download from the corresponding PSR Tutorial pages (by clicking on the desired style category name such as "Ballroom") were all created using Copy & Paste. With PSR-S, SX, Tyros and Genos models, you can copy all the Preset Style category folders with the styles they contain at once if necessary.

Here is the Tyros5 style page as an example:

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

George Wu

thanks For posting the original style files for the s670 and all other keyboards.

George Wu

When I download any of the Tyros3 or Tyros4 style folders, why do I always get the psd.sdb file? I don't know what it is use for and I deleted it because it bothers me.
Will I damage the styles if I delete that file?


Quote from: George Wu on Dec 27, 2024, 09:13 PMWhen I download any of the Tyros3 or Tyros4 style folders, why do I always get the psd.sdb file? I don't know what it is use for and I deleted it because it bothers me.
Will I damage the styles if I delete that file?

These PSD.SDB files can be easily deleted. These files are created by the PC program "Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login", which you can use to manage your style collection. If you want to use the program yourself at some point, the program will recreate these files if necessary.


Edit: Link to download page of "PSR Style Database" added by overover

George Wu

My style files/ folders will not mess up if I delete the psd.sdb File?


Hi Salman question  can  you point me in the right direction I have a s970 that the keybed died so I have upgraded to sx920 There are a lot of sound and styles I'd like to bring over but some say +audio and  I get an error message  that you can copy a audio style.  I see you were able to copy from a s670 can you tell me how you did it  and they were save as a srtle  file  Thanks so much

PSR_E473 (Salman)

Hi there sorry for very late reply, I just recently got to know that all the data of the closed site "PSRforum" are pasted in this URL. Could you please elaborate on the question so that i could guide you

George Wu

When I downloaded all the Tyros 4 styles from PSR tutorial, why all of the four free play styles from Tyros 4 has the .sty extension?
Do you have a copy of the Tyros 4 styles that has the .fps extensions for the 4 free play styles? These are the original extension for free play.