Genos 2 Data List - In the "Voice" menu I can't find instrument/directory

Started by UbiUanKenobi, Feb 16, 2024, 12:35 PM

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Good evening, everyone. I am editing my midi files by inserting sounds that I like. However, I noticed that on the excel file "GENOS 2 Data list" that I downloaded from the Yamaha site, there are no instruments that should be in the Preset/GM&GX/instrument_name directory.
Specifically, for example, FretlessBass1, FretlessBass2, FretlessBass3, FretlessBass4 etc.
Also, on the keyboard if I play the track in the keyboard mixer the instrument name and directory appears, but if I search for it manually in the "Voice" menu I find neither the instrument nor the directory and I don't know where to find it. I don't know if I have been clear, but can you help me understand it? Thank you all



Indeed, Yamaha does not include the GM/XG voices in their datalists anymore. There are a number of ways to find them however. They are for instance present in the datalist of older keyboards such as the S670 (link below). I don't think you can find them via the search function of the keyboard: you have to select them manually. These voices are mainly added by Yamaha for compatibility reasons; they often have a counterpart that sounds better in the preset voices. Anyway, I also like some of these voices, especially when used in styles so I do very well understand your request.

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SX900 and Casio CT-S500
Former keyboards: E433, E463, S670, SX700


First of all, thank you for answering me, you are very kind. About finding the voices I confirm you that in the keyboard they are there, I see them in the mixer when I start the midi file, I see the directry which is as follows: Preset:/GM&XG/Bass/ (for example) but if I go out of the voice menu and try to find the directory again it is impossible... why do you think? Yet there are directories and sounds.... is very strange


This problem has already been discussed a while back... maybe you find some answers Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube




No problem at all -I remember because I started the thread at that time  :)

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Here is the solution: Go to the Channel view for Style or Song. Select one of the voices to be changed and go to the GM&XG folder, which is in the root of folder (P2).
Keep your finger on a voice for a couple of seconds until you see a yellow mark appear to the left in the icon. Now the voice is added to favorites.

One last wish, do you think it is possible to have the link where to make the download of Eileen's zipper file about the GM&XG and the GM folders.

Many many thx you're very kind
